Britain warns Putin: You're playing a Dangerous Game

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
Britain's Defense Secretary warns Putin he is playing a dangerous game allowing bombers to fly over UK waters. When will our president speak up about Putin doing the same thing over our own waters?

Michael Fallon warns Vladimir Putin of dangerous game allowing bombers to fly over UK Daily Mail Online
Russia's aggressive incursions into UK airspace could lead to a passenger jet being brought down by accident, the Defence Secretary warned yesterday.

Michael Fallon warned that Vladimir Putin was playing a ‘provocative and dangerous’ game by ordering Russian Bear bombers to fly over British waters.

Mr Fallon said Mr Putin’s new aggression could even spark a war with Nato forces. In a blunt message, he said Britain should ‘prepare for the worst’ as the Russian President flexes his muscles.

Scroll down for video - view video on link above.

Meh...scramble a few fighter jets and see what happens.
Putin is a leader the world should admire not condemn. ..... :thup:
As long as he focuses on killing killer muslims...meh, let him be. It is a European problem...let them lead the charge if a charge needs to be led.
yea the kings of russia won't give up with out a fight. let's do this already. no? anybody got any pop corn? this reality show good start getting good or really bad.
Britain's Defense Secretary warns Putin he is playing a dangerous game allowing bombers to fly over UK waters. When will our president speak up about Putin doing the same thing over our own waters?

Michael Fallon warns Vladimir Putin of dangerous game allowing bombers to fly over UK Daily Mail Online
Russia's aggressive incursions into UK airspace could lead to a passenger jet being brought down by accident, the Defence Secretary warned yesterday.

Michael Fallon warned that Vladimir Putin was playing a ‘provocative and dangerous’ game by ordering Russian Bear bombers to fly over British waters.

Mr Fallon said Mr Putin’s new aggression could even spark a war with Nato forces. In a blunt message, he said Britain should ‘prepare for the worst’ as the Russian President flexes his muscles.

Scroll down for video - view video on link above.

War wouldn't surprise me. We have way too many mentally deranged and psycho leaders and rogue groups to expect peace for very long. Someone is going to push the button, then all hell is going to break loose. It's been about 70 years since WWII, and it's time to think about history and periods of peace and periods of war. What worries me, is the fact that as a whole, the world is getting very unstable economically. That alone may cause some to take a chance on war rather than swallow pride and fight through socioeconomic pains. Take a look at the nations that have been building up their military strength over the past couple of decades, some even longer. Why? What do all of them expect? Do they know something we don't? What is going on behind the scenes that you and I don't know?

Don't be too surprised if the news headlines are filled with war events not too far down the road. And, do not be surprised if war hits American soil soon. We've made a lot of enemies, lost the respect of some of our allies, and "The Global Economy" is the only link and binding thread holding everything together right now. If it weren't for co-dependency, one nation to another, I believe that war would already be in full swing. I have no crystal ball, but my guess is that there's a lot going on behind the scenes than we're being told about global unrest, and the extent of it.
yea, i wish I could start ww3 too. What a historical hero I would be. I could be the second coming of Jesus Christ sent to condemn all us sinners to a lake of fire. let me know when you wanna play sunni man. After i take over the world I'll let you push the button. ok?
On his twitter page Putin seems more concerned with getting the Elgin marbles from the British museum.
On his twitter page Putin seems more concerned with getting the Elgin marbles from the British museum.
Greece and Russia are now the best of buddies. The Elgin Marbles should be returned to Greece, I agree. But now I have doubts that the current Greek government would be capable of protecting them.
Meh...scramble a few fighter jets and see what happens.

Our fighter jets escorted the bombers out of our air space. As far as I can see Putin is a megalomaniac who may start a nuclear war.

Economic war usually precedes a hot war. Putin didn't start the economic one.......

Please pass that information on to the people here who don't believe Russia can invade the USA. In their world, America is invincible - impossible and it could only happen in the movies. Truly amazing.
Meh...scramble a few fighter jets and see what happens.

Our fighter jets escorted the bombers out of our air space. As far as I can see Putin is a megalomaniac who may start a nuclear war.

Economic war usually precedes a hot war. Putin didn't start the economic one.......
So he gets to start the other? Is that why Stratford is in the background here cheering you on? Team Russia?
Meh...scramble a few fighter jets and see what happens.

Our fighter jets escorted the bombers out of our air space. As far as I can see Putin is a megalomaniac who may start a nuclear war.

Economic war usually precedes a hot war. Putin didn't start the economic one.......

Please pass that information on to the people here who don't believe Russia can invade the USA. In their world, America is invincible - impossible and it could only happen in the movies. Truly amazing.
Russian does not have the capability to wage a land war on the US. They would be hard pressed to even engage in an effective air war. You are just a paranoid little pseudo-Christian. That is a need deliverance...seriously. Get rid of that hate and fear.
It does seem that Putin's mindset is that if a war is begun the war must be won.

Remember when America was that way?

(legal infants are excused from reply)

Did you see this? He's trying to collect up everything Russian that he fears would be destroyed once the war gets started. The Chinese are doing the same thing. They are buying up everything in sight that is of value to their history - to get it out of America and Europe. The sales have been astronomical for Chinese buying up any valuable Chinese art, antiques, jade, etc.

Putin appears to have struck a deal to get this on loan and bring it to Russia. Doubt they'll ever see it again once it is over in Russia:
Britain Has Lost Its Marbles Elgin Loan Will Appease Putin - The Daily Beast

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