"Britain should atone for the Balfour Declaration" Hamas

Ancient lion

Thank your creator
Nov 22, 2010
“The Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) condemns Britain's intention to participate with its army in the genocidal war against our Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.

Britain should have corrected its historical position that was offensive to our people, and atone for the Balfour Declaration, which is the sin of the century, instead of committing another sin, and reminding the world of its shameful colonial past, and in doing so, the British government would place itself at enmity with our people and all the free people of the world who reject the Zionist aggression against Gaza."

Hamas officially condemned UK for its endless support to IOF terrorists declaring UK to be "a partner" in crimes against Palestinians.
The US destroyed the Buffalo herds.. Israel destroys 10s of thousands of olive trees. That's a factor in genocide.
Genocide pertains to people, not trees or herds of buffalo.

Genocide is the reduction of a population with the intent to make them extinct.

Sounds a great deal like Hama because it is their stated goal. You see, the Arabs that call themselves Palestinians have not been reduced in numbers at all but have increased in population.
Hamas officially condemned UK for its endless support to IOF terrorists declaring UK to be "a partner" in crimes against Palestinians.

The Brits were the terrorists' biggest fans; they even provided Generals to the Arab mobs who invaded hoping to murder all the Jews and loot the place in 1947. Arabs are as stupid and ignorant as Barbie dolls, which is why sheep and goats always outsmart them to the point they now just hire out murder contracts from Iranians and Islamo-Nazi syndicates and rely on Europeans to feed and clothe them.

"Britain should atone for the Balfour Declaration"​

Of course we are at the bottom of matters .
We always are -- masters of diplomacy , cunning and deceit .

Balfour etc was most clever to protect and exploit the natural resources potential of the ME .
Now , how are the US and UK going to prevent the new boys in town taking over ?

They probably are not but you need to think in Deep State terms not in terms of the nominal Governments .
That's like saying they're a partner in crimes against Oz or Narnia.
Fanciful .
But Israel and the City of London are one big enormously wealthy and powerful family .
To that extent Palestine is taking on a Giant , but why should they be robbed of their Oil and Gas just waiting to be exploited by the UK and US ?

And as I have mentioned several times , Israel could barely wait a week after Oct7 before they handed out a dozen exploration contracts to half a dozen assorted cronies / companies .
All part of the False Flag consequences.
Fanciful .
But Israel and the City of London are one big enormously wealthy and powerful family .
To that extent Palestine is taking on a Giant , but why should they be robbed of their Oil and Gas just waiting to be exploited by the UK and US ?

And as I have mentioned several times , Israel could barely wait a week after Oct7 before they handed out a dozen exploration contracts to half a dozen assorted cronies / companies .
All part of the False Flag consequences.

but why should they be robbed of their Oil and Gas just waiting to be exploited by the UK and US ?

They should move to Iran and share Iran's oil and gas.
but why should they be robbed of their Oil and Gas just waiting to be exploited by the UK and US ?

They should move to Iran and share Iran's oil and gas.
Try and come up with sensible responses when talking to me .
I am happy to share my immense knowledge and wisdom to you lesser beings . But I insist on some sort of a return otherwise I shall go play with Lord Benny my super cat .

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