Brilliant: D'Souza Skewers Hillary / Liberals With Factual Historical Account / Film


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
D'Souza: Hillary Film Could Earn Me ‘Life in Prison’

“The Democrats want us to believe they're the party of equal rights and human rights and civil rights. The truth is the Democrats are the party of slavery, and Indian removal, of broken treaties and the Trail of Tears, they're the party of segregation and Jim Crow and lynching and the Ku Klux Klan, they're the party of Japanese internment, and opposition to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and the Fair Housing Bill of 1968,” he said. “This is their actual history so what they do is they try to cover it up.”

D’Souza said Democratic politicians attempt to hide their party’s past connections to segregation by “blaming America” as a whole.

“The reality is America didn’t do it, the Democrats did. Now, another story from the Democrats is they changed, that somehow recently they became enlightened and they became the good guys and the bad guys all became the Republicans. This is the story of the so-called switch,” he said. “But the truth of it is there never was a switch. The Democrats now are the same as they always were.”

...meanwhile, unable to defeat the opposition's message, Liberals are attempting to shut down / silence the opposition's message and inciting violence against opposing candidates that have resulted in a failed attempt to physical attack an opposing candidate....while declaring they are all for 1st Amendment Rights / Freedom of Speech....while engaging in theft, vandalism, and terrorism against supporters of the opposing party.
D'Sousa still doesn't understand the differences between north and south in our racial policies?

D'Sousa still doesn't understand the differences between north and south in our racial policies?
More from the Party of Lincoln, who hates Lincoln...
An ex-con makes a movie about how he's a victim and the real crooks running the country are free.

How many times have I said these whiners remind me of the 70s liberals? They keep proving it over and over.

"D’Souza said he was locked up for 8 months in a “federal confinement center” for a “relatively minor campaign finance infraction” following the release of his film, 2016, about President Obama."

Minor? Making multiple illegal $10,000 contributions? Yeah, not minor. Aren't ethics what he dislikes about Clinton?
today---Lincoln would have been a democrat

Conservatives heads explode trying to reconcile their hatred of Lincoln with their desire to feed off his greatness.

As they wave their Confederate flags about, they try to connect dots that aren't there between the old time right wing extremist Christian Kluxxers with the modern Democratic party. :lol:
Really? It's the modern day Democrats who fought to keep the Confederate flag in a place of honor? Prove it or shut up.
Thank you Saul Alynski Jr for trying to spin and divert attention from the profound truth by injecting some minute argumentative diversion.
today---Lincoln would have been a democrat

Conservatives heads explode trying to reconcile their hatred of Lincoln with their desire to feed off his greatness.

As they wave their Confederate flags about, they try to connect dots that aren't there between the old time right wing extremist Christian Kluxxers with the modern Democratic party. :lol:

Lincoln invoked the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution to justify preserving the Union, i.e., the most hated clause in the Constitution when it comes to conservatives.
D'ouche has regurgitated the story about the Christian, far right extremists of the KKK used to be Democrats while failing to mention the Christian, far right part.
Really? It's the modern day Democrats who fought to keep the Confederate flag in a place of honor? Prove it or shut up.
Thank you Saul Alynski Jr for trying to spin and divert attention from the profound truth by injecting some minute argumentative diversion.

Was that a yes or no?

Which party is the party of states rights today? Want to dodge that question too?

Let me help you, it's the Republican Party. It's Conservatism. Someone claiming the modern Democratic Party is no different than the Southern Democrats of decades ago is profoundly retarded.

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