Bridge-gate is just one in the long list of Chris Christie scandals


Democrat Party - the REAL Fascist Party
Dec 31, 2011
Bay State
I am truly enjoying seeing the political career of Chris Christie go right down the toilet. Any time a progressive establishment RINO Republican's career is destroyed is a beautiful thing to see. Good riddance, Christie. If Christie had been honest and run as a Democrat, he wouldn't have to worry about these scandals, because the Democrat run media would be circling their wagons around him, not attacking him.

Well, if you think this scandal is the only one on Christie, think again. Here is a link with a long list of Christie scandals:

Perdido Street School: Chris Christie: So Many Scandals, It's Hard To Keep Track

Great to see Christie going down, especially after his giving the middle finger to Rand Paul, while at the same time putting his knee pads on for Barack Obama.

I will conclude this by saying this, if Jeb Bush enters the GOP race for 2016, you will know who is behind pushing this scandal forth to the media. Jeb would not have chance at beating Christie in the primary, so what better way to make the path towards GOP nominee than slam the big name GOP potential candidate with a scandal. People have no idea of how truly evil the Bush family truly is. If Jeb runs for president, just remember, you read this from me first.
Because you want someone that will cut, gut and fuck America!!!

Can't be having science, r@D, infrastructure or education that benefits Americans.

What is it with Republicans? They live here too. It's a population educated in science and education that make American strong. Look at Muslim countries. They are church run theocracies. Why do Republicans want that here? I don't get it.
What's that saying about how you don't need to write a bio ... just run for office and the other side will publish your every sin.

Best that the fat man stays under the porch cuz ain't no way he can play with the big guys.

Good riddance.

Christie's getting a taste of the republican "blow a scandal out of proportion" strategy :laugh:


That's not out of proportion. Many tens of thousands were put into danger. Some had to wait hours. What if there had been a Boston Bombing?

Then there is the "little people" Republicans simply don't care about. I read about a woman whose husband had been out of work for a year and had just started a new job and suddenly he shows up very late. Thank God the scandal was uncovered. This could have threatened his job. We call this "unintended consequences". Republicans call it, "Oh shut the fuck up. Who gives a shit".
I'm no fan of christie but sure am glad we got hillary on deck to look out for the little people. She really starts busting out with that beautiful selma dialect at the 37 second mark. To knock it out of the park, it's off to the bible, galatians.

[ame=]Hilary's negro dialect - YouTube[/ame]
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Christie's getting a taste of the republican "blow a scandal out of proportion" strategy :laugh:


That's not out of proportion. Many tens of thousands were put into danger. Some had to wait hours. What if there had been a Boston Bombing?

Then there is the "little people" Republicans simply don't care about. I read about a woman whose husband had been out of work for a year and had just started a new job and suddenly he shows up very late. Thank God the scandal was uncovered. This could have threatened his job. We call this "unintended consequences". Republicans call it, "Oh shut the fuck up. Who gives a shit".

I want him nailed to the wall for this bullshit. What the hell are you talking about you idiot?

I think this is criminal.
Because you want someone that will cut, gut and fuck America!!!

Can't be having science, r@D, infrastructure or education that benefits Americans.

My husband really wants to come at you Matthew. He's a grad of University of Toronto. You sure you really want to keep flapping off. He's home tonight. :lol:

But I can't have both of us on at the same time. From the same ISP. But trust me. He'd love to debate you. :lmao:

He majored in biology and chemistry. University of Toronto.

You fucking idiot pretending to be some science grad. You are a joke.
Because you want someone that will cut, gut and fuck America!!!

Can't be having science, r@D, infrastructure or education that benefits Americans.

What is it with Republicans? They live here too. It's a population educated in science and education that make American strong. Look at Muslim countries. They are church run theocracies. Why do Republicans want that here? I don't get it.

Maybe if you didn't believe your propaganda, you would realize that it doesn't make sense because it's pure nonsense.
Christie's getting a taste of the republican "blow a scandal out of proportion" strategy :laugh:


That's not out of proportion. Many tens of thousands were put into danger. Some had to wait hours. What if there had been a Boston Bombing?

Then there is the "little people" Republicans simply don't care about. I read about a woman whose husband had been out of work for a year and had just started a new job and suddenly he shows up very late. Thank God the scandal was uncovered. This could have threatened his job. We call this "unintended consequences". Republicans call it, "Oh shut the fuck up. Who gives a shit".

You mean like the little people who were organizing to exercise their free speech and got targetted by the IRS? Or the ones that want to be safe, but have to deal with Mexican drug cartels being armed by idiot politicians and bureaucrats? Or the little people who have to work until April in order to pay a tax burden that is being used to pay off campaign contributers in the name of "job creation" that doesn't actually create any jobs?

Is Christie a corrupt politician? Yeah, but don't you dare talk about caring about the little people while you support one of the most corrupt administrations in history of this nation and pretend to be upset over traffic delays.
Yet you people want to CUT, slice and gut science and r@d.

How can you be against it if you're pro science?

Because science doesn't come from the government. Nor does it need to be funded by the government. We didn't become the most scientifically advanced society in recorded history because we had the government fund science. We did so because we let people be free and pursue their own interests and we traditionally had a government that would not burden the people so they could work together and learn and profit from their labors.

The Constitution does not authorize the Federal Government to get involved in such matters. We should not corrupt our nation and spend money we don't have when there are plenty of individuals, groups, universities, etc in the private sector who do much more anyway.
As for the original post, I am not happy that Christie is a corrupt politician. I'd much rather he had been an honest one and served the people of New Jersey honorably.

But since he is very corrupt he should be removed from power or atleast denied further power.

You mean like the little people who were organizing to exercise their free speech and got targetted by the IRS?

You mean that they weren't allowed to hide the fact they were being sponsored by the Koch Brothers? Seriously. No one was keeping these TEABAGGERS from spouting off their crazy shit.


Or the ones that want to be safe, but have to deal with Mexican drug cartels being armed by idiot politicians and bureaucrats?

Actually, the people arming the Drug Cartels are the stupid morons who treat an addiction problem like a criminal one. Also the ones who insist that ANYONE can walk into a gun store and buy a gun.

"You didn't stop drug cartels from getting guns that we are mass producing and making easily accessable to the Public because the Founding fathers said so..."

Um, really?

Or the little people who have to work until April in order to pay a tax burden that is being used to pay off campaign contributers in the name of "job creation" that doesn't actually create any jobs?

The vast majority of taxes go to Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and Defense. And people had to work until April for your boy Dubya Bush....

Is Christie a corrupt politician? Yeah, but don't you dare talk about caring about the little people while you support one of the most corrupt administrations in history of this nation and pretend to be upset over traffic delays.

Is Obama paying rent on all that space he occupies in your head?
Remember folks, the Romneybot saw the research on him...and chose Paul Ryan.

Because you want someone that will cut, gut and fuck America!!!

Can't be having science, r@D, infrastructure or education that benefits Americans.

eh, we already have Obama and the democrats to do that.

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