Brian Williams Slapped with Unwelcome Afghanistan Truth Bomb By Army Vet


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Feb 16, 2016

Brian Williams Slapped with Unwelcome Afghanistan Truth Bomb By Army Vet​

17 Aug 2021 ~~ By P.J. Gladnick
It was probably the most intense encounter Brian Williams has had since his helicopter in Iraq was NOT hit by an RPG. Following Joe Biden's speech on Monday about the disastrous exit from Afghanistan, Williams, as expected, rushed to praise Biden. However, when he turned to his guest, former CIA analyst and Afghanistan war vet Matt Zeller, he must have been shocked that far from concurring with Williams' narrative, he strongly denounced Biden's poorly planned exit from Afghanistan.
First Brian led off with "I am curious to hear your reaction of this consequential speech by the American president. Didn't run from it, he owned it. He owned his decision. He owned the fact that, as he put it, the buck stops with him."
And that led to the reaction from Zeller that Williams probably didn't expect, especially at a network such as MSNBC; complete disagreement. Zeller led off by taking on Williams' reference to how Biden "owned it" with this sharp retort, "I hope he gets to own their deaths too."
And from there it got even more brutal for Williams.


Exit Question: Will Brian Williams put in for a Purple Heart from being severely wounded during that interview?

Anyone who is of the opinion that Biden botched the departure from Afghanistan would not be proud that they voted for him. They may have voted for him but they would be ashamed of it now
I have to at least give MSNBC credit for not cutting off Matt Zeller and then claiming a spurious technical problem as the reason why.


Brian Williams Slapped with Unwelcome Afghanistan Truth Bomb By Army Vet​

17 Aug 2021 ~~ By P.J. Gladnick
It was probably the most intense encounter Brian Williams has had since his helicopter in Iraq was NOT hit by an RPG. Following Joe Biden's speech on Monday about the disastrous exit from Afghanistan, Williams, as expected, rushed to praise Biden. However, when he turned to his guest, former CIA analyst and Afghanistan war vet Matt Zeller, he must have been shocked that far from concurring with Williams' narrative, he strongly denounced Biden's poorly planned exit from Afghanistan.
First Brian led off with "I am curious to hear your reaction of this consequential speech by the American president. Didn't run from it, he owned it. He owned his decision. He owned the fact that, as he put it, the buck stops with him."
And that led to the reaction from Zeller that Williams probably didn't expect, especially at a network such as MSNBC; complete disagreement. Zeller led off by taking on Williams' reference to how Biden "owned it" with this sharp retort, "I hope he gets to own their deaths too."
And from there it got even more brutal for Williams.


Exit Question: Will Brian Williams put in for a Purple Heart from being severely wounded during that interview?

Anyone who is of the opinion that Biden botched the departure from Afghanistan would not be proud that they voted for him. They may have voted for him but they would be ashamed of it now
I have to at least give MSNBC credit for not cutting off Matt Zeller and then claiming a spurious technical problem as the reason why.


The Afghan Security Forces haven't done very well.

Matt Zeller is the Co-Founder of No One Left Behind, a Truman National Security Fellow, and an adjunct fellow at the American Security Project. He is also the author of Watches Without Time (Just World Books, 2012), which chronicles his experience serving as an embedded combat adviser with the Afghan security forces in Ghazni, Afghanistan, in 2008.
Now that was a takedown!
That was an epic takedown of this administration, not just Williams.

He is correct. The whole world just learned that they can no longer trust the United States to stand by its words or by the Democrats.
That was an epic takedown of this administration, not just Williams.

He is correct. The whole world just learned that they can no longer trust the United States to stand by its words or by the Democrats.

Trump proved that in his rush to destroy every agreement Obama made.
Matt Zeller is a crook and so are everyone who murdered people in Afghanistan.
While Kabul may not have liked the Taliban, the majority of Afghans did, and they were always the only legal government in Afghanistan.
The current situation proves it.
Trump proved that in his rush to destroy every agreement Obama made.

Yeah, giving Iran the Bomb was a stupid idea. Fortunately Trump stopped that lunacy.

Oh, wait. You ARE a Iranian scum. You want the Bomb. You know you idiots will use it.

Brian Williams Slapped with Unwelcome Afghanistan Truth Bomb By Army Vet​

17 Aug 2021 ~~ By P.J. Gladnick
It was probably the most intense encounter Brian Williams has had since his helicopter in Iraq was NOT hit by an RPG. Following Joe Biden's speech on Monday about the disastrous exit from Afghanistan, Williams, as expected, rushed to praise Biden. However, when he turned to his guest, former CIA analyst and Afghanistan war vet Matt Zeller, he must have been shocked that far from concurring with Williams' narrative, he strongly denounced Biden's poorly planned exit from Afghanistan.
First Brian led off with "I am curious to hear your reaction of this consequential speech by the American president. Didn't run from it, he owned it. He owned his decision. He owned the fact that, as he put it, the buck stops with him."
And that led to the reaction from Zeller that Williams probably didn't expect, especially at a network such as MSNBC; complete disagreement. Zeller led off by taking on Williams' reference to how Biden "owned it" with this sharp retort, "I hope he gets to own their deaths too."
And from there it got even more brutal for Williams.


Exit Question: Will Brian Williams put in for a Purple Heart from being severely wounded during that interview?

Anyone who is of the opinion that Biden botched the departure from Afghanistan would not be proud that they voted for him. They may have voted for him but they would be ashamed of it now
I have to at least give MSNBC credit for not cutting off Matt Zeller and then claiming a spurious technical problem as the reason why.


With libs like williams reality lasts for the blink of an eye

tomorrow he wont even remember this
Yeah, giving Iran the Bomb was a stupid idea. Fortunately Trump stopped that lunacy.

Oh, wait. You ARE a Iranian scum. You want the Bomb. You know you idiots will use it.

First of all, Iran has never done any bad things.
We have done many bad things, including paying the Shah's military to destroy the democracy in Iran, in 1953.
Second is that it is NOT illegal for Iran to get the bomb, but it is illegal for the US to prevent them from getting it.
Nor is there a single indication Iran could ever use the bomb in any aggressive way.
For example, Israel is 2/3s Molsem Arabs, so they can't use it on Israel.
First of all, Iran has never done any bad things.
We have done many bad things, including paying the Shah's military to destroy the democracy in Iran, in 1953.
Second is that it is NOT illegal for Iran to get the bomb, but it is illegal for the US to prevent them from getting it.
Nor is there a single indication Iran could ever use the bomb in any aggressive way.
For example, Israel is 2/3s Molsem Arabs, so they can't use it on Israel.

You are provably an idiot.
When the US destroys the popular governments of countries like Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Panama, Vietnam, Grenada, Syria, Egypt, etc., how can anyone support that?
It is criminal, unethical, and always going to fail eventually.
Clearly the Taliban are the only legal and popular government of Afghanistan, and always were.
Almost everything you posted about iran has already been proven false. You should try and keep up.

No, Iran has committed no crimes, but the US has.
The US bribed the Iranian military into an evil and murderous coup.
There is no excuse for that.
Iran is also right about Israel being illegal and murdering Palestinians in order to steal homes.

I don't particularly like Islam or the government of Iran, but they are WAY better, more moral, less corrupt, and less evil than the US, by far.

Brian Williams Slapped with Unwelcome Afghanistan Truth Bomb By Army Vet​

17 Aug 2021 ~~ By P.J. Gladnick
It was probably the most intense encounter Brian Williams has had since his helicopter in Iraq was NOT hit by an RPG. Following Joe Biden's speech on Monday about the disastrous exit from Afghanistan, Williams, as expected, rushed to praise Biden. However, when he turned to his guest, former CIA analyst and Afghanistan war vet Matt Zeller, he must have been shocked that far from concurring with Williams' narrative, he strongly denounced Biden's poorly planned exit from Afghanistan.
First Brian led off with "I am curious to hear your reaction of this consequential speech by the American president. Didn't run from it, he owned it. He owned his decision. He owned the fact that, as he put it, the buck stops with him."
And that led to the reaction from Zeller that Williams probably didn't expect, especially at a network such as MSNBC; complete disagreement. Zeller led off by taking on Williams' reference to how Biden "owned it" with this sharp retort, "I hope he gets to own their deaths too."
And from there it got even more brutal for Williams.


Exit Question: Will Brian Williams put in for a Purple Heart from being severely wounded during that interview?

Anyone who is of the opinion that Biden botched the departure from Afghanistan would not be proud that they voted for him. They may have voted for him but they would be ashamed of it now
I have to at least give MSNBC credit for not cutting off Matt Zeller and then claiming a spurious technical problem as the reason why.


Quote from OP’s source and Zeller: “We had all the people and equipment in place to be able to save these people months ago and we did nothing.”

Whoa. There is an investigation centerpiece if I ever saw one.
Quote from OP’s source and Zeller: “We had all the people and equipment in place to be able to save these people months ago and we did nothing.”

Whoa. There is an investigation centerpiece if I ever saw one.

Anyone who went to Afghanistan was likely a crook, as we should never have been there, we knew we were not wanted, that the Taliban were the most popular, and that it was illegal for us to even be there.
No, Iran has committed no crimes, but the US has.
The US bribed the Iranian military into an evil and murderous coup.
There is no excuse for that.
Iran is also right about Israel being illegal and murdering Palestinians in order to steal homes.

I don't particularly like Islam or the government of Iran, but they are WAY better, more moral, less corrupt, and less evil than the US, by far.
I lack your positive sentiments about the Taliban, particularly with your viewpoint that they are somehow the “Afghan favorites”.

I’m familiar with the ethnic factions of Afghanistan, primarily from watching LINK TV many years ago watching many documentaries about the Taliban. In the 90s, they continued on with their public beheadings of those who were found to oppose their rule considered infidels, and stoning to death women accused of adultery and blasphemy, no witness needed. Younger women were (are) often sold off instead of being stoned to death. Ugly women- typically stoned to death, by children, who are instructed by the elders to not hit their heads to ensure a slow and painful death (at least stated on one video I watched and those were the interpreted instructions).

Your claim that because they don’t openly rape women, as if not raping them personally makes it okay to force them to be raped by paying geezers following these bogus trials, is inaccurate. They are absolutely allowing these women to be raped via forced plural marriages. Thousands of women (I’ll check my estimate) are sold off to elderly geezers who have the money to pay the elders. They are carted off in the back of their broken down wagons, forced to be another new wife for the old geezer who has four other ones at home, and all the other women ostracize the young women immediately. One video depicted a woman going to live this way was a worst fate worse than death. The other wives have no conversations with these newer, young wives and make them sleep in a separate barn. Yes, I can see how the people would consider the Taliban to be the most popular leaders ever, and a great thing for their nation including women! Not! I haven’t even touched on how they treat the minority groups. Your statement implying they are fair but harsh leaders, is false.
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I lack your positive sentiments about the Taliban, particularly with your viewpoint that they are somehow the “Afghan favorites”.

I’m familiar with the ethnic factions of Afghanistan, primarily from watching LINK TV many years ago watching many documentaries about the Taliban. In the 90s, they continued on with their public beheadings of those who were found to oppose their rule considered infidels, and stoning to death women accused of adultery and blasphemy, no witness needed. Younger women were (are) often sold off instead of being stoned to death. Ugly women- typically stoned to death, by children, who are instructed by the elders to not hit their heads to ensure a slow and painful death (at least stated on one video I watched and those were the interpreted instructions).

Your claim that because they don’t openly rape women, as if not raping them personally makes it okay to force them to be raped by paying geezers following these bogus trials, is inaccurate. They are absolutely allowing these women to be raped via forced plural marriages. Thousands of women (I’ll check my estimate) are sold off to elderly geezers who have the money to pay the elders. They are carted off in the back of their broken down wagons, forced to be another new wife for the old geezer who has four other ones at home, and all the other women ostracize the young women immediately. One video depicted a woman going to live this way was a worst fate worse than death. The other wives have no conversations with these newer, young wives and make them sleep in a separate barn. Yes, I can see how the people would consider the Taliban to be the most popular leaders ever, and a great thing for their nation including women! Not! I haven’t even touched on how they treat the minority groups. Your statement implying they are fair but harsh leaders, is false.

There is absolutely no reason to believe any of that false propaganda about the Taliban.
The whole point of Islam was to improve the rights of women from what fate they had previously, under the Old Testament.
You can tell the claims of rape and slavery are not true because they do not even allow prostitution, and are extremely puritanical about sex in general.
They are not forcing plural marriages.
There is no reason for you to believe these false propaganda videos.
Afghanistan has a lot of backward rural areas where conditions are bad, but that is because the warlords, not the Taliban.

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