Brexit dicidend - UK to have first parliament in modern history with fall in living standards, says thinktank

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
And, once again, you start yet another thread, just the latest out of many dozens, for no other purpose than to declare that your country is such an ungovernable shithole that it needs to be ruled over by a foreign power.

If you are to be believed, you Brits cannot govern your own country, yet you feel qualified to tell us Americans, repeatedly, how to govern ours.
UK to have first parliament in modern history with fall in living standards, says thinktank

Another first for this rotten tory govt. Living standards are falling across the UK as a result of tory policy and people are worse off.

The lying toerags shout about covid and Ukraine but fail to mention brexit which cut billions from our economy.

Nothing works and the spectre of conservatism stalks the land. Election Now !!
Your nations' "Debt to GDP" is mostly to blame, check your slot on the following;
One can only charge on the national credit card so much.
Wasn't it Thatcher who said something like "Socialism is great until you run out of other people's money." ???

What is "dicidend" ?
Your nations' "Debt to GDP" is mostly to blame, check your slot on the following;
One can only charge on the national credit card so much.
Wasn't it Thatcher who said something like "Socialism is great until you run out of other people's money." ???

What is "dicidend" ?
Our GDP has declined because of brexit. A conservative fantasy that has ruined the country. We are in recession.
Our GDP has declined because of brexit. A conservative fantasy that has ruined the country. We are in recession.
Your GDP has declined because your non-producing Takers and Fakers are consuming more than your Makers can produce.
Basic economics.
We have the same problem here in the USA.
Difference is that in UK the condition was started earlier and has achieved a greater ratio.
Your GDP has declined because your non-producing Takers and Fakers are consuming more than your Makers can produce.
Basic economics.
We have the same problem here in the USA.
Difference is that in UK the condition was started earlier and has achieved a greater ratio.
Its a conservative recession. Brexit knocked 4% off our GDP
Our Guardian regurgitator of of all things labelled Communist - in this case the Resolution Think Tank -- is giving out the usual misdirection and cheap Deep State propaganda .

Any fool like the OP can write out a list of what we should be doing in an "ideal" world . Particularly if everything is founded on centralisation -- another name for, Communism for Baby Minds.

And by forgetting costs and their consequences it makes sense to idiots .

Yet , on this very day , they agree among their dangerous selves with increasing Defence spending to 2.5% to counter an imagined and unreal invasion threat which simply robs people of improved income .

It typifies lack of general understanding and a real grasp of priorities and how to begin to achieve them .

Don't foreget that this Think Tank is just a group of self appointed people , like the Guardian , who are there just to advance their own opinions .
They are not reporting Facts . Just airing biased guesses about the future .
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UK to have first parliament in modern history with fall in living standards, says thinktank

Another first for this rotten tory govt. Living standards are falling across the UK as a result of tory policy and people are worse off.

The lying toerags shout about covid and Ukraine but fail to mention brexit which cut billions from our economy.

Nothing works and the spectre of conservatism stalks the land. Election Now !!

can you understand that i feel ssome schadenfreude.?
i have lived in the uk in 1972/73 when you joined the EEC.

and have followed that evil boris johnson campaign that led to brexit. ,… with all those evil lies …. when the EU. was pictured as a dictatotship abd we. europeans as evil aliens,
UK to have first parliament in modern history with fall in living standards, says thinktank

Another first for this rotten tory govt. Living standards are falling across the UK as a result of tory policy and people are worse off.

The lying toerags shout about covid and Ukraine but fail to mention brexit which cut billions from our economy.

Nothing works and the spectre of conservatism stalks the land. Election Now !!
And they want another 5 years so they can carry on their work
And they want another 5 years so they can carry on their work
Which of the US and Western nations have escaped the effects of the Covid scam and living on imaginary money known as Debt?
I hear that America is going under for the third time right now .

Is that just bad luck or part of a pandemic Brexit disease which Turdy will next announce ?
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Im expecting a wave of nest feathering after the local election debacle in May. Labour seem incapable of opposing their theft.

Labour are generally not very good at playing the game, and roll over and allow the Tories to cheat over and over and over again.

It's why PR would be so much better. But Labour seem to think it'd be bad for them. It'd be good for the left.
UK to have first parliament in modern history with fall in living standards, says thinktank

Another first for this rotten tory govt. Living standards are falling across the UK as a result of tory policy and people are worse off.

The lying toerags shout about covid and Ukraine but fail to mention brexit which cut billions from our economy.

Nothing works and the spectre of conservatism stalks the land. Election Now !!
Conservatives are incapable of responsible governance.
Labour are generally not very good at playing the game, and roll over and allow the Tories to cheat over and over and over again.

It's why PR would be so much better. But Labour seem to think it'd be bad for them. It'd be good for the left.
I think so. They are lucky that the tories are iredemably rotten..
I think so. They are lucky that the tories are iredemably rotten..

Which means they only ever get in well after the Tories have destroyed the country. So they try and fix things, and half way through the process the Tories are like "this costs too much money" and the people vote for their emotional stuff and back you go to having the country destroyed.

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