Brexit Day

Now if the U.S. could just get it's ass out of NATO and the UN. :71:
Trump can just do it now, why doesn't he??
This is about NATO paying its fair share for defense and the United States having a reduced role for it. The UN needs to be defanged or at least we reduce any following of their dictums. The swamp is a mutha phuka. Those Progs and Swamp Repubs will never do it. And remember....For decades the Progs biatched about our money being used in foreign agreements.
:yes_text12: :2up:


Now if the U.S. could just get it's ass out of NATO and the UN. :71:

At least the UN... what a pathetic garbage group. Can anyone anywhere, give me one thing, just one thing that the UN has done without wide spread corruption and evil?

How have we been paying for this group for so long?


Since the wall has come down, I would say the same thing about NATO. I can't think of a single thing that NATO has done without wide spread corruption and evil. In fact, it has contributed to making Russia feel unsafe, encircling them when we told them we wouldn't? WTH is the point?

It's not like they are Communist anymore. . . we won already. So why? :dunno:

Frankly, I think the five eyes spying agreement and perpetual war, is more of a threat to Americans' liberty than Russia is.

Fuck NATO.

Screw the UN.

I've had it with us being buddy buddy with the common wealth and Israel too. Screw the Queen and Vatican as well.

It is time to bring it all home.

It's time we take care of our own.
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Prediction alert..!

with Britain out of the EU; look for us to have to go back into Europe, and smack down fascism again. A WW3 if you will. Though not in the sense we usually speak it in. With Germany being the swinging dick of the EU, and their animosity toward Russia, and now likely Britain; it won’t be long before we’re back over there quelling another fevered attempt at the conquering of Europe. Bet me...
I posted this elsewhere, but it belongs here too.

Congrats to UK for finally finishing with EU.

I watched the last speech that Farage gave to EU assembly, and he was spot on with every word he said. I posted the speech earlier, here is once again... it starts on 52 minute mark. Farage's speech had that dry with his kind was once famous for. Well fucking done.

What struck me most was the reaction of some other MEPs. How can Europeans see the absolute hatred and disdain the EU has for their flags, proxies of their histories and cultures, and not jump ship immediately? This blows my mind. I always associated Euros with pride, but is it that they are this simpering and spineless that they’ll bow down to a transnational committee that openly despises them? Where is the pride? Every time I watch the EU in action I become more confused by the human cattle auction.

Good for the UK. I think that economically they’ll be worse off for it next couple of years until they negotiate their own trade deals, but that’s a fair trade for freedom from the EU’s mantle of aristocratic and antinational tyranny.
Bye bye little Great Britain. :bye1:

The last 47 years with you were nice and interesting. And the British parliament is really great. I enjoyed your debates there. Hope John Bercow is still well. Do you sell T-shirts with his portrait?

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I posted this elsewhere, but it belongs here too.

Congrats to UK for finally finishing with EU.

I watched the last speech that Farage gave to EU assembly, and he was spot on with every word he said. I posted the speech earlier, here is once again... it starts on 52 minute mark. Farage's speech had that dry with his kind was once famous for. Well fucking done.

What struck me most was the reaction of some other MEPs. How can Europeans see the absolute hatred and disdain the EU has for their flags, proxies of their histories and cultures, and not jump ship immediately? This blows my mind. I always associated Euros with pride, but is it that they are this simpering and spineless that they’ll bow down to a transnational committee that openly despises them? Where is the pride? Every time I watch the EU in action I become more confused by the human cattle auction.

Good for the UK. I think that economically they’ll be worse off for it next couple of years until they negotiate their own trade deals, but that’s a fair trade for freedom from the EU’s mantle of aristocratic and antinational tyranny.

Less pathetic I would say the old Brits forced the young Brits to go old ways with young legs. But still no one knows what kind of way this will be. The current transitional arrangement will end in the end of the year ... So the question still is: "Quo vadis Britannia?"

Oh by the way : Trumps slogan "USA first" is a slogan from the Brits of the year 1740.

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How long before France follows suit?
Ha I would love to! but I think it's only the English-speaking countries that are not sheep ...
I hear from business associates that many in France are fed up with the Islamic influence. Is that not true?
Yes, but here the media are leftists and people listen and follow what they say ... it's been like that for at least 30 years and I don't think it will change.
the Islamic influence is present and we cannot do anything because we cannot express ourselves without being told that it is racist, it is a different mentalities it is very soft

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