Brexit Betting Patterns Indicate a Trump Victory

Yes, you are a quitter. LOL Going to Canada? A nation somewhat more socialistic than the US. LOL So you have been here since WW2. Interesting, so have I. I was born during WW2. And my dad and most of my uncles were serving in that war. My Great Grandfather served in the 11th Illinois all the way from Fort Donaldson, Shiloh, and clear down to New Orleans. And had people serving in the Revolutionary War.

Why yes, we liberals do try to change things that we don't like. Seems like a good tradition going back to Jefferson, Adams, and Madison.

I haven't decided where I'm going yet actually.

You don't think they are turning in their grave that you are turning their freedom into a communist nation? Socialism is one step from it you know. That's when the government controls your money because you're too stupid to do it yourself - aka they know better.

Sure, enjoy America liberals for as long as you can keep it fiscally running anyway.

I'll be wherever I end up with all my cash and I'll be happy too.

Win-win right? So why are you bitching at me for it?

You call me a quitter for not liking the direction the country is going, yet you yourself say that you are changing the country. Exactly what is the difference? I say, alright have at you and leave. vs You say, fuck the rest of you, change. I think mine is far more polite.
hmm I haven't decided where I'm going to ultimately end up quite yet. I've got a place in France with all my wealthy buddies, but that's essentially a temporary bomb shelter retreat. :p I've got to do some research on property taxes and such.

I wouldnt go to Europe for obvious reasons. I would try for an island off the coast of British Columbia if I was as wealthy as you.

You're pulling out of the market Jim? You think she's going to fuck that up too, or just as a means of survival cash? I've got a mill and a half or so in strong global companies (IBM, Intel, BP, etc.) my analysis said I should leave in. Even if the market swings to foreign currency it'll carry.

I am going to pull my TSP out of the markets, again, and put it all into bonds. When I retire I am going to take all of it out, if they havent nationalized all retirement accounts and put it into precious metals and local rural real estate.

God willing, of course. Hell I might not be alive this time tomorrow.
"I would try for an island off the coast of British Columbia if I was as wealthy as you."
Are you psychic?
That's where our second home is!
There's a few 'expats' there already. Always room for only one of two more though! LOL
FYI the number of American LIBs compared to REPs there are about equal.
No, I'm not psychic.

But you probably shouldnt keep your cell phone on so much.

I've never owned a cell phone pal. That's right ever.
If I need to use one occasionally there's always someone around who has one.
I schedule my life as best I can so as not to have to use a cell phone.
I value my time more than to spend it on the phone.
If I need to talk to someone about something important I usually have an employee convey the message.
Only about a couple of dozen people know my home phone number. They are family, friends and few close long term employees.
Anyone who needs to talk to me goes through one of these people first.
My habit is to rise early, go on the computer for a couple of hours to PM people. Pickup emails. Drop into a couple of 'forums' like this one. Then shut down the computer for the day.

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