Brexit Betting Patterns Indicate a Trump Victory

Their more than $3m in donations to theTrump campaign, the Republican National Committee and political action committees backing it stand out in an election in which Republican groups have raised far less than their Democratic rivals.

Since the Supreme Court’s Citizens United ruling in 2010, the Mercers have put millions of dollars behind Republican and Libertarian candidates and causes.

Their contributions show dissatisfaction with incumbents and an aim to disrupt or check those in power. “She is feared by the Republican establishment,” one friend said.

Alexandra Preate, another friend, added that Ms Mercer objects to the lack of accountability for “elected representatives who promise one thing to the people and turn around and drink the Kool-Aid and become part of the corrupt government establishment the minute they step foot in DC. The donor class never screams foul over this continuous deceit. And the American people and our country suffer the consequences.”
Where are you going to get more bloated uneducated pasty faces to win.
Oh hell yeah. So lets lay out what the sigs will be. Agreed?

If I win I want you to praise my wisdom and admit you were woefully stupid for backing a con artist. Same with me.

CC wont keep his part of the bargain, trust me.

He thinks he wont have to.
We'll see in a few weeks when a house drops on his witch.
There is one problem...the British have been dealing with a world governed by obama/hilary policies for years now....our dimwit American voters have no idea who and what obama and hilary are and what they plan to do to the American people.....

Yeah, the American vote is not exactly the same as the UK vote.

But the point of this post/thread is how the same pattern of betting by pros in the game are numerically going for Trump by 65% while it is only the total bets that the media are discussing which reflects the Megarich Elite going entirely for Clinton the same way they did for staying in the EU.

So far more betters think that Trump is going to win, and these guys generally get it right as that is what they do.

I hope, desperately, that they are right.......people just don't understand the threat she is to this country and to the world....
Well, dont just hope.

Keep spreading the word like you have been doing and provoke your conservative friends to vote for Trump also. Right?

I have given money, and I spread the word through social media.......I also engage people whenever I get the chance......

The absolute, most important thing......Trump supporters have to go out and vote no matter what the democrats are saying through hollywood, the press and every where else they control.....

Go out and vote.....
99% of Trump supporters are going to actually turn out and vote for Trump.
Hillary will be lucky if she gets 50% of negroes who voted for Obama to actually show up and vote.
As election day gets closer more and more Independants are paying attention to the LIB email disasters.
They are moving towards Trump.
Young women are seeing Hillary for what she is. An enabler/'fixer' for a serial sexual predator.
Trump will win. The Senate and Congress will stay REP.
99% of Trump supporters are going to actually turn out and vote for Trump.
Hillary will be lucky if she gets 50% of negroes who voted for Obama to actually show up and vote.
As election day gets closer more and more Independants are paying attention to the LIB email disasters.
They are moving towards Trump.
Young women are seeing Hillary for what she is. An enabler/'fixer' for a serial sexual predator.
Trump will win. The Senate and Congress will stay REP.

Damn, well thought out and well written.

Back off my Ignore List.
hmm I haven't decided where I'm going to ultimately end up quite yet. I've got a place in France with all my wealthy buddies, but that's essentially a temporary bomb shelter retreat. :p I've got to do some research on property taxes and such.

You're pulling out of the market Jim? You think she's going to fuck that up too, or just as a means of survival cash? I've got a mill and a half or so in strong global companies (IBM, Intel, BP, etc.) my analysis said I should leave in. Even if the market swings to foreign currency it'll carry.
Seriously. I advise you to convert half of that 'paper' into gold wafers. Take a 'road trip' into Canada and bury various amounts of the wafers where you and your family can access them quickly, easily and safely.
That's what I did with instructions in my will for my family on where the caches are located.
If I drop dead today or if Hillary is elected my family is well taken care of into the future.
All my kids are planning on moving to Canada if Hillary is elected. They are all highly educated professionals and can move anywhere they want to.
We have a second home in Canada and spend most of our time there already.
hmm I haven't decided where I'm going to ultimately end up quite yet. I've got a place in France with all my wealthy buddies, but that's essentially a temporary bomb shelter retreat. :p I've got to do some research on property taxes and such.

I wouldnt go to Europe for obvious reasons. I would try for an island off the coast of British Columbia if I was as wealthy as you.

You're pulling out of the market Jim? You think she's going to fuck that up too, or just as a means of survival cash? I've got a mill and a half or so in strong global companies (IBM, Intel, BP, etc.) my analysis said I should leave in. Even if the market swings to foreign currency it'll carry.

I am going to pull my TSP out of the markets, again, and put it all into bonds. When I retire I am going to take all of it out, if they havent nationalized all retirement accounts and put it into precious metals and local rural real estate.

God willing, of course. Hell I might not be alive this time tomorrow.
"I would try for an island off the coast of British Columbia if I was as wealthy as you."
Are you psychic?
That's where our second home is!
There's a few 'expats' there already. Always room for only one of two more though! LOL
FYI the number of American LIBs compared to REPs there are about equal.
hmm I haven't decided where I'm going to ultimately end up quite yet. I've got a place in France with all my wealthy buddies, but that's essentially a temporary bomb shelter retreat. :p I've got to do some research on property taxes and such.

I wouldnt go to Europe for obvious reasons. I would try for an island off the coast of British Columbia if I was as wealthy as you.

You're pulling out of the market Jim? You think she's going to fuck that up too, or just as a means of survival cash? I've got a mill and a half or so in strong global companies (IBM, Intel, BP, etc.) my analysis said I should leave in. Even if the market swings to foreign currency it'll carry.

I am going to pull my TSP out of the markets, again, and put it all into bonds. When I retire I am going to take all of it out, if they havent nationalized all retirement accounts and put it into precious metals and local rural real estate.

God willing, of course. Hell I might not be alive this time tomorrow.
"I would try for an island off the coast of British Columbia if I was as wealthy as you."
Are you psychic?
That's where our second home is!
There's a few 'expats' there already. Always room for only one of two more though! LOL
FYI the number of American LIBs compared to REPs there are about equal.
No, I'm not psychic.

But you probably shouldnt keep your cell phone on so much.

I'm betting my US citizenship on it frankly. If Hillary gets elected I'm gone, not out of spite so much, but because it shows me without a shadow of a doubt that this country no longer represents my values and that it is sliding toward socialism, and possibly even communism. I'll pay taxes elsewhere, thanks.

Then there's this whole Russian Reset, WWIII thing. I currently live in on the front lines in Alaska. I survived the Cold War and I'm not going through that concern for my life again. I literally live right next to a military artillery range, right next to JBER, and just down the mountain from a missile site. Hilary as president is quite literately a threat to my children's lives, as well as mine and my husbands. It's pretty shitty for me because we've (The Pacific Units) have hosted the Russians in so many war games up here as friends and allies, and now; over the fucking ME and overthrowing the elected Assad, we're going to go to war with allies. I've actually made friends with some of their boys, its a damn shame considering the US will get /shit/ out of that war. As much as D's whine about global warming I am absolutely baffled that they are completely willing to risk a global ecological disaster like a nuclear war over what amounts to... dick size. Unbelievable.
Well now, why don't you just get your fat ass out now.There are plenty of Americans that love our nation and don't just consider it a piggy bank. We don't need you, will be better off without you.

Shit, you are a rich civilian that happens to live near some military installations, and thinks that your skuzzy ass is so much more valuable than that of the young men and women manning those installations. Yep, a real Trump voter.

I bet you said the same derisive things to all those Hollywood shit stains who vowed to leave if G W Bush or Romney won.
Well now, Canada is a very wonderful place. Been as far north there as Yellowknife. But the USA is my home. My people have lived here and fought for this nation since the 1600's. And having a President that I might not prefer is just one of those things in a democracy. All this wailing and gnashing of teeth because it is pretty obvious that Mr. Trump is on a downhill slide is hardly what I would expect of a patriotic American. But, if you cannot stand the USA, please, do go somewhere else, and don't come back. Quitters are such a drag.
Quitters? I'm not sure that's the correct term. Ya'll Libs didn't like America the way it was so you sought to change it. If us more conservative bent folks don't like what ya'll have done, then why should we pay for your socialism? It's not quitting, perhaps ceding, though I think of it more as a... peaceful hand over. Not all of us are violent and willing to have a civil war if we don't get what we want, that's a Dem thing. Reps are more likely to try to talk it out despite all the BS claims to the opposite. R's are just looking to live in peace, that is all. We don't have the drive for "chaos" and constantly changing shit, and especially not toward the lawlessness that D's and Libs want. R's tend to respect law and order, we like stability. The D's have taken over this country. As you bring in more and more welfare D voters and progressive D voters you've taken over the country that's all there is too it. R's have nothing to offer to combat "free shit" because we believe hard work is good for a person. Why should we "stay" and pay for your eventual failure in socialism? Why would a person have loyalty to a country that doesn't hold dear their values and beliefs - isn't that the whole take a knee during the anthem debate? Ya'll say he's free to bitch, then complain when R's bitch because this country is being taken over by hypocrites. Not interested in the duplicity.

My family has been in the military since we came over here around WWII - fleeing Nazi Germany. Everything /you/ have now is partially due to my family so don't even talk about military sacrifice with me. Thing is, this isn't the same country as it was back then. This is fast becoming a socialist country, a nation rife with envy and greed, and violence; these are the very things that my ancestors fought /against/ - so just like in the ME right now, the USA has decided to fight for the wrong side. Just as many good German's fled the Nazi's, many good American's flee the socialists. There is nothing wrong with it so stuff your "higher than thou" attitude.
Yes, you are a quitter. LOL Going to Canada? A nation somewhat more socialistic than the US. LOL So you have been here since WW2. Interesting, so have I. I was born during WW2. And my dad and most of my uncles were serving in that war. My Great Grandfather served in the 11th Illinois all the way from Fort Donaldson, Shiloh, and clear down to New Orleans. And had people serving in the Revolutionary War.

Why yes, we liberals do try to change things that we don't like. Seems like a good tradition going back to Jefferson, Adams, and Madison.
There is one problem...the British have been dealing with a world governed by obama/hilary policies for years now....our dimwit American voters have no idea who and what obama and hilary are and what they plan to do to the American people.....

And this has to be my favorite part of the election process; when conservatives fail utterly to convince the electorate to vote for them, they start throwing tantrums.....insisting that the problem must be the electorate.

Its the political equivalent of insisting that the woman who wouldn't give you the time of day at the bar must be a lesbian.
There is one problem...the British have been dealing with a world governed by obama/hilary policies for years now....our dimwit American voters have no idea who and what obama and hilary are and what they plan to do to the American people.....

Yeah, the American vote is not exactly the same as the UK vote.

But the point of this post/thread is how the same pattern of betting by pros in the game are numerically going for Trump by 65% while it is only the total bets that the media are discussing which reflects the Megarich Elite going entirely for Clinton the same way they did for staying in the EU.

So far more betters think that Trump is going to win, and these guys generally get it right as that is what they do.

I hope, desperately, that they are right.......people just don't understand the threat she is to this country and to the world....
Well, dont just hope.

Keep spreading the word like you have been doing and provoke your conservative friends to vote for Trump also. Right?

I have given money, and I spread the word through social media.......I also engage people whenever I get the chance......

The absolute, most important thing......Trump supporters have to go out and vote no matter what the democrats are saying through hollywood, the press and every where else they control.....

Go out and vote.....

We'll be there with bells on, as the Brits say.

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