Breaking Update! Trump May Keep Steve Bannon

This is great news. Never underestimate Trump playing chess.

Bannon: “I am going to go medieval on enemies of Trump now”



No worries, Bannon will be welcomed back into the White Supremacist fold with open arms. He'll still scurry under the refrigerator when you turn on a light, if someone in his group ever turns on a light.

White supremacist arms? How stupid fucking are you ? You fucking liberal wanker moron can't accept the fact that Andrew Breitbart was a Jew and Bannon was his right hand man?

White Supremacist who loved and adored Israel so much he started Breitbart Jerusalem? You fucking crazy lunatic?

Bannon personally hired the editor of Breitbart London years ago? A fucking black Muslim?

Are you seriously deranged? What part of fucking left wing stupid retarded moron are you?

Oh and he backed Milo as well. You know.

But you son of a bitch have the nerve to call this man a white supremacist?

Magnificent meltdown. Save some of your energy. Ending this national nightmare is going to be exhausting but over much much quicker than I thought
Remember Steve McDouchebag has started countless breaking news threads about HILLARY... of course none of them ever came true.
All linked to the Gateway Pundit
Oh I broke many of countless threads that Hillary would lose to Trump. Guess what? They all came true. Here's the evidence to prove it, Play-Doh boy!

Isn't this map beautiful?
Such a wide spread of ignorance. It's sad to see all that beautiful country populated by deplorables.

You on the coast that doesnt understand the heart land.

We on the coasts at least know how to use who instead of that when referring to people and not objects
Remember Steve McDouchebag has started countless breaking news threads about HILLARY... of course none of them ever came true.
All linked to the Gateway Pundit
Oh I broke many of countless threads that Hillary would lose to Trump. Guess what? They all came true. Here's the evidence to prove it, Play-Doh boy!

Isn't this map beautiful?
Such a wide spread of ignorance. It's sad to see all that beautiful country populated by deplorables.

Awwww....ya poor baby.
Does the truth hurt?

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