Breaking: Trump Will Skip Fox Debate, Do Town Hall Instead, Give The Money To Wounded Warriors

Might want to rethink .

Big story in national news how wounded warriors is a terrible charity . 60% goes to help people vs 90% from other like charities .
Good for him. A candidate who refuses to dance to the media's tune...outstanding! This is going to piss off every media out there, as Trump sends them all a message:

'I don't need YOU - You need ME. You don't control me!'

Trump is far more popular with the people than the media. Trump looks like his own man, strong, independent.... this could pay off for him. I'm betting Fox will cave before Trump will...
Fox, in the pocket of the corporate establishment.

But Trump still has to be careful...or they'll Howard Dean him.

Democrat, Republican...the establishment will do anything to maintain control.

What we saw in the media:

What really happened:

The media will happily dance to the establishment tune to keep interlopers out and the elites in control. Establishment Democrats, establishment Republican...two sides of the same coin...a coin the main stream media is all too happy to polish.
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I just saw the idiot trump on the tube and he said with regards to him sitting out the debate, "wait til you see the ratings!".

Hilarious. This is nothing more than a reality tv show to this bozo, and he is playing the nutters like a piano. Pathetic.
Trump will definitely NOT participate in the Republican debate. Can't link source because it is Washington Post, and the say I have used up my free articles. LOL

Anyway, whatever money they give to Fox for the debate, he is giving to Wounded Warriors. Good call.
I probably won't watch the debate. That is like getting "half of the story." I would guess the ratings will fall.
Trump will definitely NOT participate in the Republican debate. Can't link source because it is Washington Post, and the say I have used up my free articles. LOL

Anyway, whatever money they give to Fox for the debate, he is giving to Wounded Warriors. Good call.

Trump himself said "I may not..."

Waffle, waffle.

Rumor has it he told FOX to fire Megyn Kelly, they said "no," so now he's pouting.

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