BREAKING: The Taliban asks Iran for passage across country to assist Hamas in annihilation of Israel


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Well, they have all the stuff that the US Army and Marines gifted them.

To perform ethnically cleansing of Israel

The most dangerous thing would be if Muslims start to riot in all western countries which gives all their weapons away to Ukraine
We have mostly Turks in Germany. They are not big fans of Israel, but I doubt they will make Hamas´ cause their own.
We have mostly Turks in Germany. They are not big fans of Israel, but I doubt they will make Hamas´ cause their own.

Since 2015 Germany alone embraced more as 5m almost illiterate 'refugees' from African and Arabic shitholes, they have nothing to lose. By the way can you show a pictures where Turks installed a German flag in front of their homes?Why almost all of them vote for Erdogan? The sad truth ( and you know it well ) German Turks will be not on the side of Germans in the future
Since 2015 Germany alone embraced more as 5m almost illiterate 'refugees' from African and Arabic shitholes, they have nothing to lose. By the way can you show a pictures where Turks installed a German flag in front of their homes?Why almost all of them vote for Erdogan? The sad truth ( and you know it well ) German Turks will be not on the side of Germans in the future
We don´t know and I just pointed out that Israel is not the Turks´ issue. Some do have German flags, but why should they? Do Germans do German flags?

Palestinians and their supporters celebrated the attack on Israel, threatened journalists and forced them to delete the recorded stuff in Berlin, anti-Semitic incidents are to be expected:
We have mostly Turks in Germany. They are not big fans of Israel, but I doubt they will make Hamas´ cause their own.

They may not join with Hamas, but have no doubt they are united in their hatred of the west. When the muslim bodies start piling up from Israel's counterattack you can be assured they will take a side.
BREAKING..... Hamas asked Iran if they would like to get the shit bombed out of them by Israel..

Cause - that is pretty much what the request means.
That can probably explain why China Joe let Taliban weaponry for $$$$

[Well, imagine Iran, Iraq AND Jordan allowing the Taliban to go through their territories.
Israel's response? The same as when Iran brought all the planes, soldiers and weapons into Syria and Lebanon. Beware of what you ask for.]

The Taliban has reportedly asked Iran, Iraq and Jordan to grant them passage to Israel so that they can "conquer Jerusalem".

Belarusian news agency NEXTA tweeted: "Russia's allies, the Taliban terrorist organization supported Hamas: 'If the Muslim countries neighboring Israel grant us the right of passage, we will conquer Jerusalem.'"

The Taliban government is currently not recognised by any country after the terrorist group seized Afghanistan following 20 years of insurgency.

The announcement also comes just days after Ahmed Massoud, the leader of the National Resistance Front in Afghanistan - the primary group fighting the Taliban in the country - said that he would be willing to work with Israel as part of a peace initiative.

Yeah, they are willing to work on a peace initiative BUT prefer to actually go and do the dirty work for Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas?

That is a laugh. !!!!

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