BREAKING Now! North Korea Just Launched Another Missile Over Japan...Time To Take Action!

All of the hysteria on both sides is just a long kabuki-dance to meetings and a negotiated settlement.

And about time, too! If you take the trouble to investigate the matter, the USA has betrayed their agreements with North Korea just as much as the North Koreans have reneged on their agreements. In fact, the Americans have been much more untrustworthy than the Koreans.
Have anything to back up your rant?
Didn't bother to read my link eh?

If we stop acting belligerent, there is every reason to believe they will do the same.

What the Media isn’t Telling You About North Korea’s Missile Tests

From an independent media analyst, I was informed the only report from CFR or Tri-Laterial media that even came close to telling the truth came from one fringe report on a CBS intel. agent on a CBS server.

Analysis: Pyongyang's view of the North Korea-U.S. crisis
What an ignorant leftard. Just let them have the Rheinland dumbfuck. Clinton kissed their ass and gave them all kinds of economic assistance. Their response? Build nukes and threaten everyone with them.

Bully's only understand one thing. An ass kicking.
Time to tell China to take fat boy out or America trade with China is on hold.
Can't do that either. We owe China shit tons of money. And most americans would set fire to themselves without their Made In China goods.

We can live without China, it's China that can't live without the US. They won't give up all that wealth to side with the North Korean idiot they can't control anymore.
I think we are sorta stuck between a rock and hard place, let Fatboy wave his pudgy fists and wait for him to fuck up on his acme rocket that lands on us or an ally. THEN Russia and China will back us up. And only then. Fatty has to make the first fucked up move.

China and Russia have already backed us, they signed the latest UN resolution condemning NK.
At THIS time, the biggest loser would be South Korea which would take the brunt of any NK offensive. Millions of South Koreans would probably die.
And at THIS time, there's a reasonably good chance that any nuclear launched NK offensive could be stopped shortly after or before launch.


At a later date, as NK acquires better anti aircraft defenses the biggest loser could be Japan or even the US as by that time NK will have perfected delivery of long range ICBMs.

If America were ever going to subdue North Korea, that time has probably passed. Now the best we can hope for is deterrence to keep the peace.
The problem with deterring a dictator who has millions of people constantly agreeing with him and assuring his superiority is that he might believe it and foolishly light off nuclear holocaust.

How well Kim Jung whatever is aware of American military power will probably decide his actions.

It seems to me the smartest move America could make at this point is to shoot down any missile launched by NK. That would give them something to think about without making a direct attack on their homeland which would necessitate a response by NK. Especially missiles headed towards Japan. We could even justify those intercepts as defensive.

But doing nothing IMO is simply kicking the war can down the road where it will be a much more serious conflict with many more American casualties. It also sends a clear message of weakness to Iran, another upcoming nuclear headache for the West.

It's difficult to see any significant changes coming to NK without removal of the dictator. And even if he were removed, the resulting probable Communist government would probably be an even bigger threat eventually.

We Be screwed.
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All of the hysteria on both sides is just a long kabuki-dance to meetings and a negotiated settlement.

And about time, too! If you take the trouble to investigate the matter, the USA has betrayed their agreements with North Korea just as much as the North Koreans have reneged on their agreements. In fact, the Americans have been much more untrustworthy than the Koreans.
Have anything to back up your rant?

Why America’s 1994 deal with North Korea failed – and what Trump can learn from it

In 1998, both the US and the international atomic energy agency were satisfied that there had been 'no fundamental violation of any aspect of the framework agreement' by North Korea. But on its own pledges, Washington failed to follow through.

A sensible article in a main-stream British newspaper, recounting basic facts which you will never see in the lock-step, totalitarian American "free-press".

Don't forget, the genocidal US government killed 15-20% of the North Korean civilian population in North Korea during the Korean War --- dropping twice the tonnage of bombs on that tiny country as were used in all theaters of war in the Second World War. As might be imagined, the Koreans remember that very well. It is amazing that they dropped their guard sufficiently as to make the 1994 Agreement.

After being betrayed by the duplicitous US government in the '90s and '00s, it will be hard to inveigle the North Koreans into another agreement unless they receive some pretty iron-clad guarantees.
Health care.....we can work it out.
Climate change.....long term issue.
Immigration.....not insurmountable.

For all of these issues, having ignorant fools pressing retarded leaders to ignore facts is not an imminent threat to the world's population.

But this NK bullshit is a different story. For fuck's sake, assholes. Kim does NOT want to use nukes. He simply wants to have them. He's a puke and a nasty shit to his people, but he's got a grasp on the geopolitical realities of his situation.

Stop overreacting. Your idiot leader isn't as savvy and might do.something stupid just to shut you up.
All of the hysteria on both sides is just a long kabuki-dance to meetings and a negotiated settlement.

And about time, too! If you take the trouble to investigate the matter, the USA has betrayed their agreements with North Korea just as much as the North Koreans have reneged on their agreements. In fact, the Americans have been much more untrustworthy than the Koreans.
Have anything to back up your rant?

Why America’s 1994 deal with North Korea failed – and what Trump can learn from it

In 1998, both the US and the international atomic energy agency were satisfied that there had been 'no fundamental violation of any aspect of the framework agreement' by North Korea. But on its own pledges, Washington failed to follow through.

A sensible article in a main-stream British newspaper, recounting basic facts which you will never see in the lock-step, totalitarian American "free-press".

Don't forget, the genocidal US government killed 15-20% of the North Korean civilian population in North Korea during the Korean War --- dropping twice the tonnage of bombs on that tiny country as were used in all theaters of war in the Second World War. As might be imagined, the Koreans remember that very well. It is amazing that they dropped their guard sufficiently as to make the 1994 Agreement.

After being betrayed by the duplicitous US government in the '90s and '00s, it will be hard to inveigle the North Koreans into another agreement unless they receive some pretty iron-clad guarantees.
What university did you go to to learn to be that stupidly ignorant?
Health care.....we can work it out.
Climate change.....long term issue.
Immigration.....not insurmountable.

For all of these issues, having ignorant fools pressing retarded leaders to ignore facts is not an imminent threat to the world's population.

But this NK bullshit is a different story. For fuck's sake, assholes. Kim does NOT want to use nukes. He simply wants to have them. He's a puke and a nasty shit to his people, but he's got a grasp on the geopolitical realities of his situation.

Stop overreacting. Your idiot leader isn't as savvy and might do.something stupid just to shut you up.

The fat fuck wants nukes to hold us and other countries hostage don't you understand? Sooner than later he is going to hit Japan or Guam
If South Korean President Moon would allow us to redeploy nuclear weapons into his country perhaps that would light a candle beneath China's and Russia's butts to put the North Korean punk under control.

Published: October 20, 1991

WASHINGTON, Oct. 19— The United States plans to withdraw all nuclear bombs from South Korea, Administration officials said today. Coming on top of cuts in nuclear missiles and artillery shells announced by President Bush last month, the new move would mean no nuclear weapons would remain in that country.

The officials said the step would be taken in part to persuade North Korea to permit international inspection of its nuclear plants and in part because the American military believes the bombs are no longer necessary to defend South Korea.

The decision, which an official said was made in consultation with the South Korean Government, was first reported today by The Washington Post.
U.S. to Pull A-Bombs From South Korea
Health care.....we can work it out.
Climate change.....long term issue.
Immigration.....not insurmountable.

For all of these issues, having ignorant fools pressing retarded leaders to ignore facts is not an imminent threat to the world's population.

But this NK bullshit is a different story. For fuck's sake, assholes. Kim does NOT want to use nukes. He simply wants to have them. He's a puke and a nasty shit to his people, but he's got a grasp on the geopolitical realities of his situation.

Stop overreacting. Your idiot leader isn't as savvy and might do.something stupid just to shut you up.

The fat fuck wants nukes to hold us and other countries hostage don't you understand? Sooner than later he is going to hit Japan or Guam

We have nukes. Are we holding anyone hostage?
Time for the Trumpenfuhrer to take action. The sacrifice of millions of South Koreans is beneficial to take out Kim Jong-un and his military regime. Of course, the cowardly Japs didn't try to intercept it.

North Korea Launched Missile Over Japan Into Pacific Ocean

Let's have a little context.

North Korea has launched two missiles over Japan so they deserve to be invaded and their leadership taken out and killed.

The US launched missiles and killed people in Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia etc, and the US deserves what?

North Korea hasn't really done much. Yes, it's a little inappropriate to launch missiles over other countries, what if there's a problem etc? But compared to the actions of the US it is insignificant.

The ONLY reason you care is because the media tells you to care. The media cares because their rich owners care. The rich owners care because they're all in this together and they want to go war mongering because it sells newspapers and advertising space, and their friends work in the defense industry, or in politics which directly benefits from the defense industry making huge profits.

If South Korean President Moon would allow us to redeploy nuclear weapons into his country perhaps that would light a candle beneath China's and Russia's butts to put the North Korean punk under control...

I'd be more worried about getting the orange punk under control

Nutty Kim might have a bad dieet and haircut but he really isn't going to commit suicide by nuking the US

If South Korean President Moon would allow us to redeploy nuclear weapons into his country perhaps that would light a candle beneath China's and Russia's butts to put the North Korean punk under control...

I'd be more worried about getting the orange punk under control

Nutty Kim might have a bad dieet and haircut but he really isn't going to commit suicide by nuking the US


I authorize Kim Jong Un to vaporize UC Berkeley.

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