Breaking: North Charleston cop about to go free!!!

A fleeing felon is a danger to police officers and "others" as the court has held.
Get into a fight with a cop and you have committed a felony and are subject to getting your head blown off.
Really very simple.
A fleeing felon is a danger to police officers and "others" as the court has held.
Get into a fight with a cop and you have committed a felony and are subject to getting your head blown off.
Really very simple.
The rule is not absolute. The officer will have his day in court. That video is a tough challenge to overcome.
Defense court documents: Walter Scott had drugs in system before pointing Taser at police officer

Take this how you may. The North Charleston ex cop is about to get bonded out.

After a 3 month investigation by SC attorney Andy Savage...renowned as one of the best in the entire South....he has new evidence that SLED intestigators missed or ignored in a rush to file charges.

He had an expert video analyst breakdown the tape...AND retrieve footage which wasn't shown publicly. Got DNA testing done. CBS NEWS interviewed Savage. He said the following will be made public after the bond and for trial...and that he has unquestioned proof:

The new facts-

Walter Scott had cocaine and alcohol in his system...driving in the morning hours.
Scott was on top of Slager at some point in the fight
The fight lasted much longer than portrayed
Scott's DNA was on the taser.
Scott wrestled the taser away from Slager, stood and pointed it at him
Facing his own taser...Slager drew his firearm as trained and initiated stopping the threat
Scott turned to flee and slung the taser away
Slager...looking through his pistol sights...never saw the taser be thrown and thought he was aiming at an armed Scott

That doesn't match Slager's police report. And the taser had none of Scott's fingerprints. Which would be damn near impossible in Slager's account.
Defense court documents: Walter Scott had drugs in system before pointing Taser at police officer

Take this how you may. The North Charleston ex cop is about to get bonded out.

After a 3 month investigation by SC attorney Andy Savage...renowned as one of the best in the entire South....he has new evidence that SLED intestigators missed or ignored in a rush to file charges.

He had an expert video analyst breakdown the tape...AND retrieve footage which wasn't shown publicly. Got DNA testing done. CBS NEWS interviewed Savage. He said the following will be made public after the bond and for trial...and that he has unquestioned proof:

The new facts-

Walter Scott had cocaine and alcohol in his system...driving in the morning hours.
Scott was on top of Slager at some point in the fight
The fight lasted much longer than portrayed
Scott's DNA was on the taser.
Scott wrestled the taser away from Slager, stood and pointed it at him
Facing his own taser...Slager drew his firearm as trained and initiated stopping the threat
Scott turned to flee and slung the taser away
Slager...looking through his pistol sights...never saw the taser be thrown and thought he was aiming at an armed Scott

That doesn't match Slager's police report. And the taser had none of Scott's fingerprints. Which would be damn near impossible in Slager's account.
Not quite correct.
The Taser did have finger prints on it but they were indeterminate visa vi Scott's prints.
Nice try though.
Defense court documents: Walter Scott had drugs in system before pointing Taser at police officer

Take this how you may. The North Charleston ex cop is about to get bonded out.

After a 3 month investigation by SC attorney Andy Savage...renowned as one of the best in the entire South....he has new evidence that SLED intestigators missed or ignored in a rush to file charges.

He had an expert video analyst breakdown the tape...AND retrieve footage which wasn't shown publicly. Got DNA testing done. CBS NEWS interviewed Savage. He said the following will be made public after the bond and for trial...and that he has unquestioned proof:

The new facts-

Walter Scott had cocaine and alcohol in his system...driving in the morning hours.
Scott was on top of Slager at some point in the fight
The fight lasted much longer than portrayed
Scott's DNA was on the taser.
Scott wrestled the taser away from Slager, stood and pointed it at him
Facing his own taser...Slager drew his firearm as trained and initiated stopping the threat
Scott turned to flee and slung the taser away
Slager...looking through his pistol sights...never saw the taser be thrown and thought he was aiming at an armed Scott

That doesn't match Slager's police report. And the taser had none of Scott's fingerprints. Which would be damn near impossible in Slager's account.
Not quite correct.
The Taser did have finger prints on it but they were indeterminate visa vi Scott's prints.
Nice try though.
Thus it does not support the defendant's excuses. They are not Scott's finger prints.
Slager's defense team believes his Taser was fired six times and that both the officer and Scott were each hit twice, suggesting there was more of a struggle than prosecutors have revealed. Michael Slager's attorneys to offer new evidence of Walter Scott shooting
I must first admit I know absolutely nothing about TASER weapons. But based on what I've seen on tv demonstrations my impression is they are single-shot devices, i.e., when a barbed capsule is fired it must be replaced before a second shot is possible.

Is that right?
Defense court documents: Walter Scott had drugs in system before pointing Taser at police officer

Take this how you may. The North Charleston ex cop is about to get bonded out.

After a 3 month investigation by SC attorney Andy Savage...renowned as one of the best in the entire South....he has new evidence that SLED intestigators missed or ignored in a rush to file charges.

He had an expert video analyst breakdown the tape...AND retrieve footage which wasn't shown publicly. Got DNA testing done. CBS NEWS interviewed Savage. He said the following will be made public after the bond and for trial...and that he has unquestioned proof:

The new facts-

Walter Scott had cocaine and alcohol in his system...driving in the morning hours.
Scott was on top of Slager at some point in the fight
The fight lasted much longer than portrayed
Scott's DNA was on the taser.
Scott wrestled the taser away from Slager, stood and pointed it at him
Facing his own taser...Slager drew his firearm as trained and initiated stopping the threat
Scott turned to flee and slung the taser away
Slager...looking through his pistol sights...never saw the taser be thrown and thought he was aiming at an armed Scott

That doesn't match Slager's police report. And the taser had none of Scott's fingerprints. Which would be damn near impossible in Slager's account.
Not quite correct.
The Taser did have finger prints on it but they were indeterminate visa vi Scott's prints.
Nice try though.
Thus it does not support the defendant's excuses. They are not Scott's finger prints.

His fingerprints would never be lifted off a taser. For one...if you grip it right your palm...not finger tips...are on it. Two...friction moves the skin grease around. Ruins prints. So does sweat. Three....arent rough surface eliminates prints. Like gun and taser grips. And finally....Slager picked the taser up remember? So any Scott print that MIGHT have been on it...we're likely covered by Slagers fresh print.

Scott's DNA was all over it though.
Slager's defense team believes his Taser was fired six times and that both the officer and Scott were each hit twice, suggesting there was more of a struggle than prosecutors have revealed. Michael Slager's attorneys to offer new evidence of Walter Scott shooting
I must first admit I know absolutely nothing about TASER weapons. But based on what I've seen on tv demonstrations my impression is they are single-shot devices, i.e., when a barbed capsule is fired it must be replaced before a second shot is possible.

Is that right?

Some are. Some have multi shots. I think NCPD has 3 shot ones. And even after its can be used as a "drive stun" weapon up close.
The officer thought the suspect was armed with the taser the suspect just used on the officer.
If you are a juror who has watched the video of Scott being repeatedly shot in the back while fleeing, would you accept the cop's self-defense justification? If so, what would you base your decision on?

Graham v. Connor SCOTUS ruling.

If a suspect attempts to use a weapon against a cop...the cop can legally use any force...up to deadly make the arrest.

A fleeing Scott...who Slager thought has a taser...was that. Could Slager have run him down and tackled him? Yes...and face that taser again.

Could Slager have sprayed him? NO! OC spray is flammable and all police are trained that if a taser is in play...spray is no longer an option.

Could Slager have used a baton? Yes...but again...up close vs a taser.

His attorney will argue that the ONLY way to secure the arrest...WITHOUT getting close again to allow the taser to be used against him....was using a firearm from distance.

He'll argue that while it looks horrible on video...and it's very tragic...SUPREME COURT LAW allows it. It's legal. And the trial isn't about what feels good or bad....but what's LEGAL.

He's gonna win.
From the article:

"You need to go back to the incident scene and you need to see where the original stop was and you need to see where the final events took place," Slager's attorney, Andy Savage, said.

Savage suggested he may not have been completely unarmed the entire time. "Maybe he was found without any weapon on him at the time that he died," Savage said.

Slager's defense team believes his Taser was fired six times and that both the officer and Scott were each hit twice, suggesting there was more of a struggle than prosecutors have revealed.

So basically nothing. The paid lawyer THINKS this and BELIEVES that but cant prove anything. This is just an attempt to throw something against the wall until it sticks.
That's what it's gonna come down to. He used a weapon against a cop....and fled.

The cop....thinking he still possessed the taser...felt the only way he could make the arrest without possibly having that taser used against him again....was use of the firearm.

THIS IS ALLOWED under SCOTUS ruling Graham v. Connor.

His attorney is gonna show that while it's sad and ugly and heartbreaking.....THE LAW allows it.
From the article:

"You need to go back to the incident scene and you need to see where the original stop was and you need to see where the final events took place," Slager's attorney, Andy Savage, said.

Savage suggested he may not have been completely unarmed the entire time. "Maybe he was found without any weapon on him at the time that he died," Savage said.

Slager's defense team believes his Taser was fired six times and that both the officer and Scott were each hit twice, suggesting there was more of a struggle than prosecutors have revealed.

So basically nothing. The paid lawyer THINKS this and BELIEVES that but cant prove anything. This is just an attempt to throw something against the wall until it sticks.

EXCEPT....tasers have a downloadable chip that can be checked to see how many times it's been fired since the last downlaod. Our local dept downloads all tasers at the end of shift to ensure no undocumented use and to show that if anyone was tazed that no extra officers jumped in.

He'll have that info at court.

The video says it all. Scott was running away before Slager drew and fired . . . eight times. He is going to prison. Graham vs. Connor is not an absolute blanket of immunity to kill an unarmed man running away with his back to the officer.

Dropping the tazer net to the lifeless body is clearly a suspcious movement by the officer, as if he has something to hide. He is making it appear that Scott was running with the Tazer. He knew Scott did not have the Tazer.

I understand bad cops convicted of bad crimes in South Carolina go into the general population at prison.
The video says it all. Scott was running away before Slager drew and fired . . . eight times. He is going to prison. Graham vs. Connor is not an absolute blanket of immunity to kill an unarmed man running away with his back to the officer.

Dropping the tazer net to the lifeless body is clearly a suspcious movement by the officer, as if he has something to hide. He is making it appear that Scott was running with the Tazer. He knew Scott did not have the Tazer.

I understand bad cops convicted of bad crimes in South Carolina go into the general population at prison.

From the article:

"You need to go back to the incident scene and you need to see where the original stop was and you need to see where the final events took place," Slager's attorney, Andy Savage, said.

Savage suggested he may not have been completely unarmed the entire time. "Maybe he was found without any weapon on him at the time that he died," Savage said.

Slager's defense team believes his Taser was fired six times and that both the officer and Scott were each hit twice, suggesting there was more of a struggle than prosecutors have revealed.

So basically nothing. The paid lawyer THINKS this and BELIEVES that but cant prove anything. This is just an attempt to throw something against the wall until it sticks.

EXCEPT....tasers have a downloadable chip that can be checked to see how many times it's been fired since the last downlaod. Our local dept downloads all tasers at the end of shift to ensure no undocumented use and to show that if anyone was tazed that no extra officers jumped in.

He'll have that info at court.


If that info exists but right now all he has is beliefs and innuendo

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