Breaking News: Russia Suspends Deconfliction Agreement

It won't.

In the last 48 hours, the US admin has decided that Assad will have no future in the governance of Syria.

That is direct contradiction to Russia's intentions.

And yet our 12-year old prophet(ess?) continues to cling bitterly to his/her/its belief that PRESIDENT Trump is Putin's asshole buddy.

Now THAT is faith!

The whole thing is theatre designed to impress Trump's Chinese guest this weekend. No Syrian planes or runways were damaged. No Syrian military killed. Last week, Trump threatened to take of the North Koreans himself. This is his way of showing the Chinese that he's just that stupid.
Lefty Warhawks crying for action, now using the action they cried for as simply another reason to Troll.

This is going to occur no matter what the administration does. Welcome to the new world of Professional Trolling, and Pyschological Cyber Warfare, where Lies are just currency and the down payment is in human lives.

And we increase the chance of accidental conflict with Russia...

What a great day. If you are a warmonger who doesn't like technological civilization.
Are you saying one incident between Russian and US planes and the world will go up in a nuclear conflagration?

I'm saying that conflict with Russia, which far too many people want, would be terrible and potentially catastrophic.
I'm not sure what that means. Are you talking about nuclear war? Large scale war between Russia and NATO with conventional weapons? Turkey shot down a Russian plane and after some nasty rhetoric they just held joint military exercises. After three generations of being nuclear armed adversaries Russia and the US have shown there is almost nothing that could lead them into direct military conflict.

We have not been so aggressive in the past as we are now.
What about Korea, Vietnam, Cuba? That was pretty aggressive.
Oh, we have a thousand times more aggressive in the past than now.

B-52s over Haiphong and Hanoi killed thousands of babies and little children.
MOSCOW — Russia on Friday condemned a U.S. missile strike against Syrian government forces as an attack on its ally and said it was suspending an agreement to minimize the risk of in-flight incidents between U.S. and Russian aircraft operating over Syria.

Even as Russian officials expressed hope that the strike against Syrian President Bashad al-Assad’s forces would not lead to an irreversible breakdown in U.S. relations with Moscow, the Kremlin’s decision to suspend the 2015 memorandum of understanding on the air operations immediately raised tensions in the skies over Syria.

[Assad condemns U.S. missile strike as ‘arrogant aggression’ ]
Russia condemns U.S. missile strike on Syria, suspends key air agreement

The Orange One has moved the first pawn in this deadly game of brinksmanship. Will the Ego in Chief measure up to the challenge in the end?
We're flying military sorties over your Syria?
MOSCOW — Russia on Friday condemned a U.S. missile strike against Syrian government forces as an attack on its ally and said it was suspending an agreement to minimize the risk of in-flight incidents between U.S. and Russian aircraft operating over Syria.

Even as Russian officials expressed hope that the strike against Syrian President Bashad al-Assad’s forces would not lead to an irreversible breakdown in U.S. relations with Moscow, the Kremlin’s decision to suspend the 2015 memorandum of understanding on the air operations immediately raised tensions in the skies over Syria.

[Assad condemns U.S. missile strike as ‘arrogant aggression’ ]
Russia condemns U.S. missile strike on Syria, suspends key air agreement

The Orange One has moved the first pawn in this deadly game of brinksmanship. Will the Ego in Chief measure up to the challenge in the end?
We're flying military sorties over your Syria?
We're bombing ISIS.
MOSCOW — Russia on Friday condemned a U.S. missile strike against Syrian government forces as an attack on its ally and said it was suspending an agreement to minimize the risk of in-flight incidents between U.S. and Russian aircraft operating over Syria.

Even as Russian officials expressed hope that the strike against Syrian President Bashad al-Assad’s forces would not lead to an irreversible breakdown in U.S. relations with Moscow, the Kremlin’s decision to suspend the 2015 memorandum of understanding on the air operations immediately raised tensions in the skies over Syria.

[Assad condemns U.S. missile strike as ‘arrogant aggression’ ]
Russia condemns U.S. missile strike on Syria, suspends key air agreement

The Orange One has moved the first pawn in this deadly game of brinksmanship. Will the Ego in Chief measure up to the challenge in the end?
We're flying military sorties over your Syria?
We're bombing ISIS.
Russia isn't fighting in the province where ISIS is
MOSCOW — Russia on Friday condemned a U.S. missile strike against Syrian government forces as an attack on its ally and said it was suspending an agreement to minimize the risk of in-flight incidents between U.S. and Russian aircraft operating over Syria.

Even as Russian officials expressed hope that the strike against Syrian President Bashad al-Assad’s forces would not lead to an irreversible breakdown in U.S. relations with Moscow, the Kremlin’s decision to suspend the 2015 memorandum of understanding on the air operations immediately raised tensions in the skies over Syria.

[Assad condemns U.S. missile strike as ‘arrogant aggression’ ]
Russia condemns U.S. missile strike on Syria, suspends key air agreement

The Orange One has moved the first pawn in this deadly game of brinksmanship. Will the Ego in Chief measure up to the challenge in the end?
We're flying military sorties over your Syria?
We're bombing ISIS.
Russia isn't fighting in the province where ISIS is
I believe Russia is also bombing ISIS, and in addition we are providing security for other rebel forces who are fighting ISIS. I'm sure that both the US and Russia are careful to avoid each other, but there is always a chance of accidents. That said, I don't believe either the US or Russia would use such an accident as a pretext to start a war.
And we increase the chance of accidental conflict with Russia...

What a great day. If you are a warmonger who doesn't like technological civilization.
Are you saying one incident between Russian and US planes and the world will go up in a nuclear conflagration?

I'm saying that conflict with Russia, which far too many people want, would be terrible and potentially catastrophic.
I'm not sure what that means. Are you talking about nuclear war? Large scale war between Russia and NATO with conventional weapons? Turkey shot down a Russian plane and after some nasty rhetoric they just held joint military exercises. After three generations of being nuclear armed adversaries Russia and the US have shown there is almost nothing that could lead them into direct military conflict.

We have not been so aggressive in the past as we are now.
What about Korea, Vietnam, Cuba? That was pretty aggressive.

All of those were defensive actions taken to attempt to maintain the status quo.

And NOTHING compared to screwing around with nations with large Russian populations, ie Core Russian Interests.
Are you saying one incident between Russian and US planes and the world will go up in a nuclear conflagration?

I'm saying that conflict with Russia, which far too many people want, would be terrible and potentially catastrophic.
I'm not sure what that means. Are you talking about nuclear war? Large scale war between Russia and NATO with conventional weapons? Turkey shot down a Russian plane and after some nasty rhetoric they just held joint military exercises. After three generations of being nuclear armed adversaries Russia and the US have shown there is almost nothing that could lead them into direct military conflict.

We have not been so aggressive in the past as we are now.
What about Korea, Vietnam, Cuba? That was pretty aggressive.

All of those were defensive actions taken to attempt to maintain the status quo.

And NOTHING compared to screwing around with nations with large Russian populations, ie Core Russian Interests.
Apparently you don't know much about Korea and Vietnam.
I'm saying that conflict with Russia, which far too many people want, would be terrible and potentially catastrophic.
I'm not sure what that means. Are you talking about nuclear war? Large scale war between Russia and NATO with conventional weapons? Turkey shot down a Russian plane and after some nasty rhetoric they just held joint military exercises. After three generations of being nuclear armed adversaries Russia and the US have shown there is almost nothing that could lead them into direct military conflict.

We have not been so aggressive in the past as we are now.
What about Korea, Vietnam, Cuba? That was pretty aggressive.

All of those were defensive actions taken to attempt to maintain the status quo.

And NOTHING compared to screwing around with nations with large Russian populations, ie Core Russian Interests.
Apparently you don't know much about Korea and Vietnam.

MOSCOW — Russia on Friday condemned a U.S. missile strike against Syrian government forces as an attack on its ally and said it was suspending an agreement to minimize the risk of in-flight incidents between U.S. and Russian aircraft operating over Syria.

Even as Russian officials expressed hope that the strike against Syrian President Bashad al-Assad’s forces would not lead to an irreversible breakdown in U.S. relations with Moscow, the Kremlin’s decision to suspend the 2015 memorandum of understanding on the air operations immediately raised tensions in the skies over Syria.

[Assad condemns U.S. missile strike as ‘arrogant aggression’ ]
Russia condemns U.S. missile strike on Syria, suspends key air agreement

The Orange One has moved the first pawn in this deadly game of brinksmanship. Will the Ego in Chief measure up to the challenge in the end?
We're flying military sorties over your Syria?

Yes, we have been for awhile and also the Russian's fighting ISIS.
I'm saying that conflict with Russia, which far too many people want, would be terrible and potentially catastrophic.
I'm not sure what that means. Are you talking about nuclear war? Large scale war between Russia and NATO with conventional weapons? Turkey shot down a Russian plane and after some nasty rhetoric they just held joint military exercises. After three generations of being nuclear armed adversaries Russia and the US have shown there is almost nothing that could lead them into direct military conflict.

We have not been so aggressive in the past as we are now.
What about Korea, Vietnam, Cuba? That was pretty aggressive.

All of those were defensive actions taken to attempt to maintain the status quo.

And NOTHING compared to screwing around with nations with large Russian populations, ie Core Russian Interests.
Apparently you don't know much about Korea and Vietnam.

Nope they don't.

Although it was a tragedy in Syria, no one has cared up until now that children have been killed in war? Give me a break we were just in bad in Vietnam and Korea.
I'm not sure what that means. Are you talking about nuclear war? Large scale war between Russia and NATO with conventional weapons? Turkey shot down a Russian plane and after some nasty rhetoric they just held joint military exercises. After three generations of being nuclear armed adversaries Russia and the US have shown there is almost nothing that could lead them into direct military conflict.

We have not been so aggressive in the past as we are now.
What about Korea, Vietnam, Cuba? That was pretty aggressive.

All of those were defensive actions taken to attempt to maintain the status quo.

And NOTHING compared to screwing around with nations with large Russian populations, ie Core Russian Interests.
Apparently you don't know much about Korea and Vietnam.

Nope they don't.

Although it was a tragedy in Syria, no one has cared up until now that children have been killed in war? Give me a break we were just in bad in Vietnam and Korea.
Hey you forgot to mention nuking Japan. However, we do shit for freedom, don't overlook that.
We have not been so aggressive in the past as we are now.
What about Korea, Vietnam, Cuba? That was pretty aggressive.

All of those were defensive actions taken to attempt to maintain the status quo.

And NOTHING compared to screwing around with nations with large Russian populations, ie Core Russian Interests.
Apparently you don't know much about Korea and Vietnam.

Nope they don't.

Although it was a tragedy in Syria, no one has cared up until now that children have been killed in war? Give me a break we were just in bad in Vietnam and Korea.
Hey you forgot to mention nuking Japan. However, we do shit for freedom, don't overlook that.

Oh yea, I am really worried I am going to walk out my door today and get killed by a Syrian. Some of you people must stay bundled up at home and on the computer all day worrying about our freedom from Syrian's. If you are in the U.S. you know you have much more of a chance getting attack by bees than terrorist's or foreign national's, but you live in your fear.
Just like Vietnam we killed many kids to protect our freedoms here on U.S. soil, so far we're good.
I'm not sure what that means. Are you talking about nuclear war? Large scale war between Russia and NATO with conventional weapons? Turkey shot down a Russian plane and after some nasty rhetoric they just held joint military exercises. After three generations of being nuclear armed adversaries Russia and the US have shown there is almost nothing that could lead them into direct military conflict.

We have not been so aggressive in the past as we are now.
What about Korea, Vietnam, Cuba? That was pretty aggressive.

All of those were defensive actions taken to attempt to maintain the status quo.

And NOTHING compared to screwing around with nations with large Russian populations, ie Core Russian Interests.
Apparently you don't know much about Korea and Vietnam.

At the end of WWII, it was the US that drew up the plans to divide Korea as we entered the Cold War and we ended up fighting Chinese troops when we tried to cross the 38th parallel line into what is now North Korea. In other words, we created the status quo we were defending. and even tried to change it before China got in the war. It was the USSR that was supplying both the North Koreans and Chinese with weapons to fight us.

In Vietnam, the USSR was supplying the weapons the North Vietnamese used against us and there were so many Russian advisers, technicians and engineers in the North, we must have killed a fair number of Russians during that war. We even bombed Haiphong Harbor while Russian ships were unloading cargo. Just as we didn't target the Russians in Syria, we didn't target the Russians in Vietnam, but we also didn't avoid targets because of them. The Russians complained but never took any action against us.

The closest we ever came to war with Russia was in 1967 when the USSR was humiliated by the rapid Israeli victory over Russian weapons and tactic in Egypt and Syria and threatened to send in Russian troops to defend its Arab client states. Although it was likely Israel could have fought off the Russian troops if they had landed in Israel as they threatened when the USSR sent in their Black Sea Fleet to launch the attack, LBJ sent in the US Sixth Fleet to let the Russians know if they invaded Israel, they would also be fighting Americans troops. The Russians called off the invasion.
What about Korea, Vietnam, Cuba? That was pretty aggressive.

All of those were defensive actions taken to attempt to maintain the status quo.

And NOTHING compared to screwing around with nations with large Russian populations, ie Core Russian Interests.
Apparently you don't know much about Korea and Vietnam.

Nope they don't.

Although it was a tragedy in Syria, no one has cared up until now that children have been killed in war? Give me a break we were just in bad in Vietnam and Korea.
Hey you forgot to mention nuking Japan. However, we do shit for freedom, don't overlook that.

Oh yea, I am really worried I am going to walk out my door today and get killed by a Syrian. Some of you people must stay bundled up at home and on the computer all day worrying about our freedom from Syrian's. If you are in the U.S. you know you have much more of a chance getting attack by bees than terrorist's or foreign national's, but you live in your fear.
Just like Vietnam we killed many kids to protect our freedoms here on U.S. soil, so far we're good.
ISIS is on the loose, the more there are the worse it gets. Europe is filled with examples. Libs live with their heads up their asses and I'd rather not let them make the calls.
All of those were defensive actions taken to attempt to maintain the status quo.

And NOTHING compared to screwing around with nations with large Russian populations, ie Core Russian Interests.
Apparently you don't know much about Korea and Vietnam.

Nope they don't.

Although it was a tragedy in Syria, no one has cared up until now that children have been killed in war? Give me a break we were just in bad in Vietnam and Korea.
Hey you forgot to mention nuking Japan. However, we do shit for freedom, don't overlook that.

Oh yea, I am really worried I am going to walk out my door today and get killed by a Syrian. Some of you people must stay bundled up at home and on the computer all day worrying about our freedom from Syrian's. If you are in the U.S. you know you have much more of a chance getting attack by bees than terrorist's or foreign national's, but you live in your fear.
Just like Vietnam we killed many kids to protect our freedoms here on U.S. soil, so far we're good.
ISIS is on the loose, the more there are the worse it gets. Europe is filled with examples. Libs live with their heads up their asses and I'd rather not let them make the calls.

Yep and I can't get to my bomb shelter fast enough.
Apparently you don't know much about Korea and Vietnam.

Nope they don't.

Although it was a tragedy in Syria, no one has cared up until now that children have been killed in war? Give me a break we were just in bad in Vietnam and Korea.
Hey you forgot to mention nuking Japan. However, we do shit for freedom, don't overlook that.

Oh yea, I am really worried I am going to walk out my door today and get killed by a Syrian. Some of you people must stay bundled up at home and on the computer all day worrying about our freedom from Syrian's. If you are in the U.S. you know you have much more of a chance getting attack by bees than terrorist's or foreign national's, but you live in your fear.
Just like Vietnam we killed many kids to protect our freedoms here on U.S. soil, so far we're good.
ISIS is on the loose, the more there are the worse it gets. Europe is filled with examples. Libs live with their heads up their asses and I'd rather not let them make the calls.

Yep and I can't get to my bomb shelter fast enough.
I heard the best defense it to urinate yourself. That way the attackers will want to avoid you.
We have not been so aggressive in the past as we are now.
What about Korea, Vietnam, Cuba? That was pretty aggressive.

All of those were defensive actions taken to attempt to maintain the status quo.

And NOTHING compared to screwing around with nations with large Russian populations, ie Core Russian Interests.
Apparently you don't know much about Korea and Vietnam.

At the end of WWII, it was the US that drew up the plans to divide Korea as we entered the Cold War and we ended up fighting Chinese troops when we tried to cross the 38th parallel line into what is now North Korea. In other words, we created the status quo we were defending. and even tried to change it before China got in the war. It was the USSR that was supplying both the North Koreans and Chinese with weapons to fight us.

The status quo created by our defeating the genocidal mass murderer of chinese Japanese?

Yes, we were defending that status quo. We did not start that war trying to conquer North Korea.

In Vietnam, the USSR was supplying the weapons the North Vietnamese used against us and there were so many Russian advisers, technicians and engineers in the North, we must have killed a fair number of Russians during that war. We even bombed Haiphong Harbor while Russian ships were unloading cargo. Just as we didn't target the Russians in Syria, we didn't target the Russians in Vietnam, but we also didn't avoid targets because of them. The Russians complained but never took any action against us.

The North was trying, and eventually conquered the South. We were defending the South from attack.
Nope they don't.

Although it was a tragedy in Syria, no one has cared up until now that children have been killed in war? Give me a break we were just in bad in Vietnam and Korea.
Hey you forgot to mention nuking Japan. However, we do shit for freedom, don't overlook that.

Oh yea, I am really worried I am going to walk out my door today and get killed by a Syrian. Some of you people must stay bundled up at home and on the computer all day worrying about our freedom from Syrian's. If you are in the U.S. you know you have much more of a chance getting attack by bees than terrorist's or foreign national's, but you live in your fear.
Just like Vietnam we killed many kids to protect our freedoms here on U.S. soil, so far we're good.
ISIS is on the loose, the more there are the worse it gets. Europe is filled with examples. Libs live with their heads up their asses and I'd rather not let them make the calls.

Yep and I can't get to my bomb shelter fast enough.
I heard the best defense it to urinate yourself. That way the attackers will want to avoid you.

It also might help to shit yourself at the same time and really stink the place up. Garlic works for Vampires, human waste might help keeping terrorists away.

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