Breaking News: Kushner asked Kislyak for 'secret' communications channel with Kremlin

Trump must owe the Russian government a ton of money or will benefit financially from the Russians in unprecedented ways. There is no other semi-rational explanation for all of this.

You must be an escapee from an insane asylum. There is no other rational explanation for your post.

Sure there is, goober. It's called the Washington Post. Read something other than Breitbart News once in awhile, you unsophisticated dolt.
Come back when you have a story to tell.

Already told it, goober. You just ain't got the intellectual guns to deal with the harsh truth that your precious Trump works for Russia.

Yeah, the Russians have a long history of employing Jews as their spies!


Yes, this religious affiliation is sooo important to the Russians. Not the fact that Kushner works in the White House. You got me, lightweight.

Over 6,000 unremarkable, stupid ass posts and counting, I see.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and close adviser, Jared Kushner, had at least three previously undisclosed contacts with the Russian ambassador to the United States during and after the 2016 presidential campaign, seven current and former U.S. officials told Reuters.

More: Report: Jared Kushner Had Undisclosed Contacts With Russian Envoy

Confirmed by seven current and former U.S. officials. Kushner has much to answer for.

With all this information coming out it's probably time to reconsider that Dossier file that was handed over to John McCain. Some video of Trump when he was in Moscow at a hotel that the Russians have. Jerad Kushner being the son-in-law having close ties to Trump would then be dealing with the Russians over that issue. That's the only thing that makes any sense. Russians have a very embarrassing video tape of Trump in a hotel room--with some type of sex orgy going on.
What we know – and what's true – about the Trump-Russia dossier


The former British intelligence agent at the center of the maelstrom over a 35-page dossier about Donald Trump and the Russians is named Christopher Steele, but an ex-colleague refers to him by a more familiar moniker.

"He's James Bond," said Nigel West, the intelligence historian and spy-novel author. "I actually introduced him to my wife as James Bond."

Like the movie character, the 52-year-old Steele attended Cambridge University, where he was president of the Cambridge Union Debating Society. He was recruited by the Secret Intelligence Service, Britain's counterpart to the CIA, better known as MI6, right out of university, West said.

He was posted to Moscow in the early 1990s and then Paris, according to people who knew him at the time. He served as the case officer for poisoned former KGB spy Alexander Litvinenko and more recently ran a course for new agents, West said.

About eight years ago, he left Her Majesty's service and co-founded his own security firm, Orbis Business Intelligence, with partner Christopher Burrows.

The firm's clients included England's Football Association, and he met with U.S. federal investigators numerous times to share information about FIFA, the governing body for international soccer that was the target of a massive corruption investigation, according to a senior official familiar with the case.

Steele — described as a compact, clean-cut man with an intense manner — has not commented on the uproar that was unleashed when media outlets reported the dossier had been presented to both Trump and President Obama and, in one case, published the document.

But those who know Steele or his work say that the widowed father of three children enjoyed a reputation as a meticulous professional among current and former members of the intelligence community.

"He's a squared-away guy," said former senior CIA officer John Sipher, who was posted to Russia in the 1990s and helped manage its efforts against Moscow before retiring in 2014.

Trump weighed in Friday morning, calling Steele a "failed spy" in a tweet.
The ex-spy who wrote the Trump dossier is nicknamed James Bond

Then this--Trump meets with the Russians in the Oval office and we learn that U.S Intelligence agents warned Israeli Intelligence NOT to share information with Trump--because he was compromised by Russians.

US spies warned their Israeli counterparts that Russia may have “levers of pressure” over Donald Trump and told them to be careful about sharing intelligence with the White House in case it was passed on to the Kremlin, according to Israeli media reports. (this is verified by several links.)
US spies 'warned Israel not to share intelligence with Trump'

The only conclusion you can come too throughout all of this--is that the Russians have something on Trump and it's YUUUUGE. The FBI has confirmed it.
FBI used dossier allegations to bolster Trump-Russia investigation -
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Meet the new troll same as the old troll we won't get fooled again.

If I have to choose between being a troll and a shameless partisan, Trump-loving traitor to your country such as yourself......I would have to choose troll, I must say.
You have already proven your blind partisan idiot you accomplished that with your orginal post no need to continue to prove it no one is doubting it now head back to the kiddies table the grownups are done enabling you.
Lying on his security clearance paperwork?
Link? Evidence? ..... :cool:

When Jared Kushner, President Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser, sought the top-secret security clearance that would give him access to some of the nation’s most closely guarded secrets, he was required to disclose all encounters with foreign government officials over the last seven years.[...]

This is not just bureaucratic paperwork. The form warns that “withholding, misrepresenting, or falsifying information” could result in loss of access to classified information, denial of eligibility for a sensitive job and even prosecution; knowingly falsifying or concealing material facts is a federal felony that may result in fines or up to five years imprisonment.

Kushner's Top Secret security clearance should be revoked pending investigations.
But then explain this:
IT'S come to our attention that Russia's ambassador to the US, Sergey Kislyak is the one who told Jared to talk to the bank
(set up?) and we know it was Obama who set up Sessions meeting with the Ambassador and told him to meet the Ambassasor ( smells of set up).
If Flynn was so questionable then why did Obama give him his clearance and why was the ambassador not kicked out of the
country if he had suspicions and during these suspicions why did Obama order Sessions to meet that same questionable ambassador? Nope there is more evidence Obama used the Ambassador to spy on the opponent party and Obama and Hillary USED the Russian to help them cheat the election through surveillance advantages.
When they lost the use of the Russian changed to baiting a false narrative when in fact Dems all along are the Russian collusion smoking gun.
Mueller must find if there is a Democratic party link to this Ambassador
as the connected dot
And what he'd find is yes there is a connection between both Hillary's & Obamas camp and the Russians.
So the narrative which we all know is created by the Dems is proven to be set up by the dems who actually had the connections to the Russia's ambassador to the US, Sergey Kislyak who they used for said narative.
Russia's ambassador Sergey Kislyak appeared 22 times on former President Obamas visitors log. Mueller might know when and how often they spoke on phone logs. (hint hint look at the timing of Jarred being told to see the bank and Obama interaction with the Russian who told him to just as Obama did with Sessions).
Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak Appeared As Obama White House Visitor At Least 22 Times

Then look at the Hillary connections to the same USED Russian Ambassasor.
Clinton contacts also met with Russian ambassador, Putin aide says, but we never hear about that and it's essential to finding the real smoking gun here.
Hillary Clinton's team met with Russian ambassador, says Kremlin spokesman, as he warns against 'hysteria'
Remember "there is enough smoke to warrant investigation"- Dems were involved with Russian collusion to set up this fake narative on the Trump team.
They literally used the Russian as their agent. =Epic Fail go to Jail!
Meet the new troll same as the old troll we won't get fooled again.

If I have to choose between being a troll and a shameless partisan, Trump-loving traitor to your country such as yourself......I would have to choose troll, I must say.
You have already proven your blind partisan idiot you accomplished that with your orginal post no need to continue to prove it no one is doubting it now head back to the kiddies table the grownups are done enabling you.

I are a "grown-up" shameless Repug traitor who doesn't care that Trump has more loyalty to Russia than to his own country.

Your shit is weak, Repug goober.
The new Washington Post story is astonishing, even for a Trump administration that is full of inexperienced, unqualified, traitorous buffoons. This is truly the beginning of the end of the Trump administration. Not even the traitorous Repugs in Congress can ignore this story.....well......uh.......never mind.

Seriously, how stupid can this Kushner guy be? Yeah, this traitor is new to the government and to security clearances, but no one can possibly be stupid enough to think they can work in the White House and get away with something like this. Even the Russian ambassador was shocked how stupid and naïve this Kushner guy is, for crying out loud.

Kushner is going to jail. Someone could very well die over this fiasco, possibly Kushner or Flynn or both. It's that bad. And Trump is evil enough and desperate enough to make it happen. There is no way Trump did not know about what Kushner was up to.

Trump must owe the Russian government a ton of money or will benefit financially from the Russians in unprecedented ways. There is no other semi-rational explanation for all of this.

Welcome to the board.

Please, check for existing threads on your topic before starting a new thread.

Threads Merged.
If you are going to talk about an article it is best to at least provide a link to the article.

Great comeback, lightweight. Why didn't I post a link to the article the whole fucking world is talking about? Except Fox News, of course.


It's because it is part of the rules... if you are the OP are going to bring up the topic you need to provide the link to the source material. And since you didn't obviously read the rules, this is Zone 2 politics which means flaming off topic is also against the rules.

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