Breaking News:Flynn Case Being Dropped

I knew I smelled a rat (Billy the Bagman) when I saw this.

Top prosecutor in Flynn case abruptly withdraws amid Trump attacks

The slow moving constitutional crisis caused by the corruption of the DOJ rolls on.

Trump must have ordered this because it is more politically palatable, giving Don cover, than a pardon.

The word is now out. If you commit a crime, confess to it, but stay loyal to Capt.'ll receive a get out of jail free card.

We are officially a banana republic.

Dems, get your barf bags ready, the lies about the case from Team Trump are about to ramp up in earnest.
Do the paint chips stay crispy in milk?
poetic justice... watch how this ends.

Yeah, with your criminals being arrested.


Good post West! They are cooked, they really, really, are. Much of this stuff was suppose to start late last year. Think the Democratics didn't get wind of it? How to take that off the front page, hmmmmmmmmm..........let us think..........wait, I know, IMPEACHMENT!

Then it was supposed to start in the 1st quarter, and Satan gave the Left Covid 19.

Well, the damn has now burst as we can see, and instead of a trickle from 4th quarter last year to October, looks like the Left is gonna get depantsed pretty quick-) Don't worry though, when they are depantsed in front of the country, we will at least be telling the truth when we laughingly proclaim that, "there is nothing to see here!"
Now give him back everything he lost.
Exactly and
Now give him back everything he lost.
Exacty and the money should start coming from the assholes who conspired to prosecute him. Take it all until they're flat busted broke then toss their asses into Leavenworth to bunk with Bubba for the remainder of their miserable lives.
Good for Flynn. If justice no longer wishes to sentence after his guilty plea, to the point that the lead prosecutor has resigned from the case, so be it.

Yeah, resigned in preperation for his possible indictment.

Not a good day for the progressive left. That is for sure.

But it is a good day for the return of justice in America.
DOJ dropping the case against Flynn does not only prove Flynn was / is INNOCENT ... it proves those involved with his 'ambush', his indictment, his coerced Guilty plea, and his conviction were / are GUILTY....and if THEY haven't 'lawyered up' yet they had better start doing so.
Now give him back everything he lost.
Exactly and
Now give him back everything he lost.
Exacty and the money should start coming from the assholes who conspired to prosecute him. Take it all until they're flat busted broke then toss their asses into Leavenworth to bunk with Bubba for the remainder of their miserable lives.
Turns out the Judge still has to sign off on it.

If she doesn't she will be in real trouble.

So guys, who is going to get indicted now-) Will it be------------>

Pee Pee Strozk? The Lefts Homey Comey? Clapper? Brennan? Rice? Or a host of others including Steel and Shifty Schiff! This is gonna be a hoot, and the Left is going to crumble right before our eyes.

As far as Biteme? It was his and BHOs DOJ who pulled this all off on Flynn, along with everything else that is soon to be out all over the media. I would say that Biteme, Shifty, Punklosy, and a host of other Lefties might lose their seats to someone else, wouldn't you!

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