Breaking News:Flynn Case Being Dropped

Link when it comes out.
Well of course. Billy the bagman do s whatever tRump wants. The justice department is now a joke.

Do you realize how much of this you'll be eating until Nov. Put sugar, coloring, and freeze it.

Now I want Paul Manafort out of jail and I want Roger StoneS case dismissed!

Misspelled internet taunts are funny.
Yeah, can’t add to the conversation, resort to nazi spelling police.
Of all the things on these sites. Insults, flames...etc..................I'd like to put my fist in the face of Spell Checkers. I really hate Spell Checkers. Though I must say this site doesn't have ones I've seen on other dumps.

It's obvious what happened. Bill Barr did tRump's dirty work, that's all. I don't know why you think its anything else.

Bill Barr has sunk to a new low...

Think about this, a judge heard the case and not only accepted the guilty but found the FBI recommended no jail didn't punish Flynn enough.

Barr has interfered in this case and there will be repercussions for these people in the next administration. There will be people in the DOJ that will be pissed.
Trump will be focused (as should be) on the nation's economic comeback for the next 4 years, instead of bogging down into the muck with this demoncrat bullcrap for the next 4 years.

Who will be pissed ? You mean the ones that supported their forces being used politically in order to support an agenda that wasn't represented by the majority of the Americans who work, trust God, and live a good decent life in America ??

You mean the economy which is in the toilet after he made wrong decision after wrong one on COVID...
Yup, he listened to that Dr. Fauci and his predictions.....big mistake. Should have canned his ass.
It’s about damn time. Now charge everyone involved in this.

Hopefully, Mueller's entire team is sent to Gitmo for prosecutorial misconduct
I wish to hell you folks would learn that Gitmo is for foreign nationals and spys. American assholes found guilty of federal beefs usually go to Leavenworth, especially military types. Although there are several other federal slams available.

There's always that deep hole Super Max Prison in Colorado where they keep El Chapo! Heard it's no picnic there...
I'm reasonably confident that prison sentences will be handed out after the Orange Buffoon leaves office. Nobody from the Dem side will be doing time.
Trump is for America. When his term is up, another Republican will be there. And Liz Cheney will kick they bottoms.
tRump is for tRump.

No one else even impinges on his awareness.

Anyone who think tRump gives two shits about America as a whole or them as a person is delusional.
Why are you so bias do you have an ounce of integrity just say you personally have hateful feelings towards Republicans and Trump.. Get it off your chest what did we do to you
Awfully early to be that drunk, kiddo.

You should slow down.
Crep. You need to sit down and figger this out. I know it is like a piece of dynamite blowing up in your face.

"What one sows one will reap"..................Mom telling me that when I was 8.
Figure what out? This is just tRump being his usual, criminal, self.

As far as the drunk thing? Read the post. Sounds like drunk posting to me.
You sound like an insane stalker,, Get the hate off your chest what did trump do to you? Did he destroy your ideology of communist control to bad, Do a better job of trying to sell it
He's ruining my country.
Because we will never be a communist country too fucking bad
No, you dimwit. He's ruining America.

Where did you think you were?
If you call more jobs and higher wages, independent living is ruining America that makes you a communist.. move out
Record deficits, all time highs infact. Even before the virus.

Constantly trying to take healthcare away from Americans.

Attempting to destroy the free press.

Making lies the norm.

Racism peaking.

International laughingstock.

Corrupted DOJ.

Alienates our allies while sucking up to fascists.

Obviously a Russian puppet

Disastrous trade wars.

Tax breaks for himself and his wealthy buddies.

Nothing for regular Americans.

The list goes on and on.
Finally people are being asked if this goes all the way to Obama....but I sense a fear by GOP members to go there....I'm going to say this to as many elected republicans I can contact....if you cover for Obama we will know it...the Dems tried to break Trump and get him not let Obama off the hook.....don't fucking do it.....
Link when it comes out.
Well of course. Billy the bagman do s whatever tRump wants. The justice department is now a joke.

Do you realize how much of this you'll be eating until Nov. Put sugar, coloring, and freeze it.

Now I want Paul Manafort out of jail and I want Roger StoneS case dismissed!

Misspelled internet taunts are funny.
Yeah, can’t add to the conversation, resort to nazi spelling police.
Of all the things on these sites. Insults, flames...etc..................I'd like to put my fist in the face of Spell Checkers. I really hate Spell Checkers. Though I must say this site doesn't have ones I've seen on other dumps.

It's obvious what happened. Bill Barr did tRump's dirty work, that's all. I don't know why you think its anything else.

Bill Barr has sunk to a new low...

Think about this, a judge heard the case and not only accepted the guilty but found the FBI recommended no jail didn't punish Flynn enough.

Barr has interfered in this case and there will be repercussions for these people in the next administration. There will be people in the DOJ that will be pissed.
Trump will be focused (as should be) on the nation's economic comeback for the next 4 years, instead of bogging down into the muck with this demoncrat bullcrap for the next 4 years.

Who will be pissed ? You mean the ones that supported their forces being used politically in order to support an agenda that wasn't represented by the majority of the Americans who work, trust God, and live a good decent life in America ??

You mean the economy which is in the toilet after he made wrong decision after wrong one on COVID...
Yup, he listened to that Dr. Fauci and his predictions.....big mistake. Should have canned his ass.
It’s about damn time. Now charge everyone involved in this.

Hopefully, Mueller's entire team is sent to Gitmo for prosecutorial misconduct
I wish to hell you folks would learn that Gitmo is for foreign nationals and spys. American assholes found guilty of federal beefs usually go to Leavenworth, especially military types. Although there are several other federal slams available.

There's always that deep hole Super Max Prison in Colorado where they keep El Chapo! Heard it's no picnic there...
I'm reasonably confident that prison sentences will be handed out after the Orange Buffoon leaves office. Nobody from the Dem side will be doing time.
Trump is for America. When his term is up, another Republican will be there. And Liz Cheney will kick they bottoms.
tRump is for tRump.

No one else even impinges on his awareness.

Anyone who think tRump gives two shits about America as a whole or them as a person is delusional.
Why are you so bias do you have an ounce of integrity just say you personally have hateful feelings towards Republicans and Trump.. Get it off your chest what did we do to you
Awfully early to be that drunk, kiddo.

You should slow down.
Crep. You need to sit down and figger this out. I know it is like a piece of dynamite blowing up in your face.

"What one sows one will reap"..................Mom telling me that when I was 8.
Figure what out? This is just tRump being his usual, criminal, self.

As far as the drunk thing? Read the post. Sounds like drunk posting to me.
You sound like an insane stalker,, Get the hate off your chest what did trump do to you? Did he destroy your ideology of communist control to bad, Do a better job of trying to sell it
He's ruining my country.
You're God Oblammer has a few questions to answer.
I don't have a god, dimwit.

And Obama's only involvement in any of this is in you imagination.
Collusion was also in my imagination right.............Obama collusion. You guys have your noses so far up Odummers ass you can't see the crimes.
Collusion is a nonsense word you tRumplings made up to minimize a criminal conspiracy.
You're choosing to ignore the proof that they extorted the confession by threatening Flynn's son whose wife had just recently delivered a baby.
So what?

I remember when the left at least pretended to care about constitutional rights and justice. Now you don't even try.

I'm surprised you can spell 'constitutional rights' and 'justice'. Let alone know what they entail.

Because you don't understand the Constitution, it surprises you that others do? I see that in you. Thanks for sharing honestly.
Link when it comes out.
Well of course. Billy the bagman do s whatever tRump wants. The justice department is now a joke.

Do you realize how much of this you'll be eating until Nov. Put sugar, coloring, and freeze it.

Now I want Paul Manafort out of jail and I want Roger StoneS case dismissed!

Misspelled internet taunts are funny.
Yeah, can’t add to the conversation, resort to nazi spelling police.
Of all the things on these sites. Insults, flames...etc..................I'd like to put my fist in the face of Spell Checkers. I really hate Spell Checkers. Though I must say this site doesn't have ones I've seen on other dumps.

It's obvious what happened. Bill Barr did tRump's dirty work, that's all. I don't know why you think its anything else.

Bill Barr has sunk to a new low...

Think about this, a judge heard the case and not only accepted the guilty but found the FBI recommended no jail didn't punish Flynn enough.

Barr has interfered in this case and there will be repercussions for these people in the next administration. There will be people in the DOJ that will be pissed.
Trump will be focused (as should be) on the nation's economic comeback for the next 4 years, instead of bogging down into the muck with this demoncrat bullcrap for the next 4 years.

Who will be pissed ? You mean the ones that supported their forces being used politically in order to support an agenda that wasn't represented by the majority of the Americans who work, trust God, and live a good decent life in America ??

You mean the economy which is in the toilet after he made wrong decision after wrong one on COVID...
Yup, he listened to that Dr. Fauci and his predictions.....big mistake. Should have canned his ass.
It’s about damn time. Now charge everyone involved in this.

Hopefully, Mueller's entire team is sent to Gitmo for prosecutorial misconduct
I wish to hell you folks would learn that Gitmo is for foreign nationals and spys. American assholes found guilty of federal beefs usually go to Leavenworth, especially military types. Although there are several other federal slams available.

There's always that deep hole Super Max Prison in Colorado where they keep El Chapo! Heard it's no picnic there...
I'm reasonably confident that prison sentences will be handed out after the Orange Buffoon leaves office. Nobody from the Dem side will be doing time.
Trump is for America. When his term is up, another Republican will be there. And Liz Cheney will kick they bottoms.
tRump is for tRump.

No one else even impinges on his awareness.

Anyone who think tRump gives two shits about America as a whole or them as a person is delusional.
Why are you so bias do you have an ounce of integrity just say you personally have hateful feelings towards Republicans and Trump.. Get it off your chest what did we do to you
Awfully early to be that drunk, kiddo.

You should slow down.
Crep. You need to sit down and figger this out. I know it is like a piece of dynamite blowing up in your face.

"What one sows one will reap"..................Mom telling me that when I was 8.
Figure what out? This is just tRump being his usual, criminal, self.

As far as the drunk thing? Read the post. Sounds like drunk posting to me.
Your TDS is really playing with your mind again
You fools can rationalize this all you want, but there's no escaping what it is.
Link when it comes out.
Well of course. Billy the bagman do s whatever tRump wants. The justice department is now a joke.

Do you realize how much of this you'll be eating until Nov. Put sugar, coloring, and freeze it.

Now I want Paul Manafort out of jail and I want Roger StoneS case dismissed!

Misspelled internet taunts are funny.
Yeah, can’t add to the conversation, resort to nazi spelling police.
Of all the things on these sites. Insults, flames...etc..................I'd like to put my fist in the face of Spell Checkers. I really hate Spell Checkers. Though I must say this site doesn't have ones I've seen on other dumps.

It's obvious what happened. Bill Barr did tRump's dirty work, that's all. I don't know why you think its anything else.

Bill Barr has sunk to a new low...

Think about this, a judge heard the case and not only accepted the guilty but found the FBI recommended no jail didn't punish Flynn enough.

Barr has interfered in this case and there will be repercussions for these people in the next administration. There will be people in the DOJ that will be pissed.
Trump will be focused (as should be) on the nation's economic comeback for the next 4 years, instead of bogging down into the muck with this demoncrat bullcrap for the next 4 years.

Who will be pissed ? You mean the ones that supported their forces being used politically in order to support an agenda that wasn't represented by the majority of the Americans who work, trust God, and live a good decent life in America ??

You mean the economy which is in the toilet after he made wrong decision after wrong one on COVID...
Yup, he listened to that Dr. Fauci and his predictions.....big mistake. Should have canned his ass.
It’s about damn time. Now charge everyone involved in this.

Hopefully, Mueller's entire team is sent to Gitmo for prosecutorial misconduct
I wish to hell you folks would learn that Gitmo is for foreign nationals and spys. American assholes found guilty of federal beefs usually go to Leavenworth, especially military types. Although there are several other federal slams available.

There's always that deep hole Super Max Prison in Colorado where they keep El Chapo! Heard it's no picnic there...
I'm reasonably confident that prison sentences will be handed out after the Orange Buffoon leaves office. Nobody from the Dem side will be doing time.
Trump is for America. When his term is up, another Republican will be there. And Liz Cheney will kick they bottoms.
tRump is for tRump.

No one else even impinges on his awareness.

Anyone who think tRump gives two shits about America as a whole or them as a person is delusional.
Why are you so bias do you have an ounce of integrity just say you personally have hateful feelings towards Republicans and Trump.. Get it off your chest what did we do to you
Awfully early to be that drunk, kiddo.

You should slow down.
Crep. You need to sit down and figger this out. I know it is like a piece of dynamite blowing up in your face.

"What one sows one will reap"..................Mom telling me that when I was 8.
Figure what out? This is just tRump being his usual, criminal, self.

As far as the drunk thing? Read the post. Sounds like drunk posting to me.
You sound like an insane stalker,, Get the hate off your chest what did trump do to you? Did he destroy your ideology of communist control to bad, Do a better job of trying to sell it
He's ruining my country.
Because we will never be a communist country too fucking bad
No, you dimwit. He's ruining America.

Where did you think you were?
If you call more jobs and higher wages, independent living is ruining America that makes you a communist.. move out
Record deficits, all time highs infact. Even before the virus.

Constantly trying to take healthcare away from Americans.

Attempting to destroy the free press.

Making lies the norm.

Racism peaking.

International laughingstock.

Corrupted DOJ.

Alienates our allies while sucking up to fascists.

Obviously a Russian puppet

Disastrous trade wars.

Tax breaks for himself and his wealthy buddies.

Nothing for regular Americans.

The list goes on and on.
So fallacies and fake news.. thanks crazy
We need 2 things to drop: (1) Lies and those who told them from the press (2) Lies crammed down pupils' throats in Universities by brainwashing Communists.

(3) Lies from the commie, Trump-hating, deranged, leftists and Democrats on this forum and others like it around the Internet.
Link when it comes out.
Well of course. Billy the bagman do s whatever tRump wants. The justice department is now a joke.

Do you realize how much of this you'll be eating until Nov. Put sugar, coloring, and freeze it.

Now I want Paul Manafort out of jail and I want Roger StoneS case dismissed!

Misspelled internet taunts are funny.
Yeah, can’t add to the conversation, resort to nazi spelling police.
Of all the things on these sites. Insults, flames...etc..................I'd like to put my fist in the face of Spell Checkers. I really hate Spell Checkers. Though I must say this site doesn't have ones I've seen on other dumps.

It's obvious what happened. Bill Barr did tRump's dirty work, that's all. I don't know why you think its anything else.

Bill Barr has sunk to a new low...

Think about this, a judge heard the case and not only accepted the guilty but found the FBI recommended no jail didn't punish Flynn enough.

Barr has interfered in this case and there will be repercussions for these people in the next administration. There will be people in the DOJ that will be pissed.
Trump will be focused (as should be) on the nation's economic comeback for the next 4 years, instead of bogging down into the muck with this demoncrat bullcrap for the next 4 years.

Who will be pissed ? You mean the ones that supported their forces being used politically in order to support an agenda that wasn't represented by the majority of the Americans who work, trust God, and live a good decent life in America ??

You mean the economy which is in the toilet after he made wrong decision after wrong one on COVID...
Yup, he listened to that Dr. Fauci and his predictions.....big mistake. Should have canned his ass.
It’s about damn time. Now charge everyone involved in this.

Hopefully, Mueller's entire team is sent to Gitmo for prosecutorial misconduct
I wish to hell you folks would learn that Gitmo is for foreign nationals and spys. American assholes found guilty of federal beefs usually go to Leavenworth, especially military types. Although there are several other federal slams available.

There's always that deep hole Super Max Prison in Colorado where they keep El Chapo! Heard it's no picnic there...
I'm reasonably confident that prison sentences will be handed out after the Orange Buffoon leaves office. Nobody from the Dem side will be doing time.
Trump is for America. When his term is up, another Republican will be there. And Liz Cheney will kick they bottoms.
tRump is for tRump.

No one else even impinges on his awareness.

Anyone who think tRump gives two shits about America as a whole or them as a person is delusional.
Why are you so bias do you have an ounce of integrity just say you personally have hateful feelings towards Republicans and Trump.. Get it off your chest what did we do to you
Awfully early to be that drunk, kiddo.

You should slow down.
Crep. You need to sit down and figger this out. I know it is like a piece of dynamite blowing up in your face.

"What one sows one will reap"..................Mom telling me that when I was 8.
Figure what out? This is just tRump being his usual, criminal, self.

As far as the drunk thing? Read the post. Sounds like drunk posting to me.
You sound like an insane stalker,, Get the hate off your chest what did trump do to you? Did he destroy your ideology of communist control to bad, Do a better job of trying to sell it
He's ruining my country.
Because we will never be a communist country too fucking bad
No, you dimwit. He's ruining America.

Where did you think you were?
If you call more jobs and higher wages, independent living is ruining America that makes you a communist.. move out
Record deficits, all time highs infact. Even before the virus.

Constantly trying to take healthcare away from Americans.

Attempting to destroy the free press.

Making lies the norm.

Racism peaking.

International laughingstock.

Corrupted DOJ.

Alienates our allies while sucking up to fascists.

Obviously a Russian puppet

Disastrous trade wars.

Tax breaks for himself and his wealthy buddies.

Nothing for regular Americans.

The list goes on and on.
So fallacies and fake news.. thanks crazy
tRump is crazy.
Link when it comes out.
Well of course. Billy the bagman do s whatever tRump wants. The justice department is now a joke.

Do you realize how much of this you'll be eating until Nov. Put sugar, coloring, and freeze it.

Now I want Paul Manafort out of jail and I want Roger StoneS case dismissed!

Misspelled internet taunts are funny.
Yeah, can’t add to the conversation, resort to nazi spelling police.
Of all the things on these sites. Insults, flames...etc..................I'd like to put my fist in the face of Spell Checkers. I really hate Spell Checkers. Though I must say this site doesn't have ones I've seen on other dumps.

It's obvious what happened. Bill Barr did tRump's dirty work, that's all. I don't know why you think its anything else.

Bill Barr has sunk to a new low...

Think about this, a judge heard the case and not only accepted the guilty but found the FBI recommended no jail didn't punish Flynn enough.

Barr has interfered in this case and there will be repercussions for these people in the next administration. There will be people in the DOJ that will be pissed.
Trump will be focused (as should be) on the nation's economic comeback for the next 4 years, instead of bogging down into the muck with this demoncrat bullcrap for the next 4 years.

Who will be pissed ? You mean the ones that supported their forces being used politically in order to support an agenda that wasn't represented by the majority of the Americans who work, trust God, and live a good decent life in America ??

You mean the economy which is in the toilet after he made wrong decision after wrong one on COVID...
Yup, he listened to that Dr. Fauci and his predictions.....big mistake. Should have canned his ass.
It’s about damn time. Now charge everyone involved in this.

Hopefully, Mueller's entire team is sent to Gitmo for prosecutorial misconduct
I wish to hell you folks would learn that Gitmo is for foreign nationals and spys. American assholes found guilty of federal beefs usually go to Leavenworth, especially military types. Although there are several other federal slams available.

There's always that deep hole Super Max Prison in Colorado where they keep El Chapo! Heard it's no picnic there...
I'm reasonably confident that prison sentences will be handed out after the Orange Buffoon leaves office. Nobody from the Dem side will be doing time.
Trump is for America. When his term is up, another Republican will be there. And Liz Cheney will kick they bottoms.
tRump is for tRump.

No one else even impinges on his awareness.

Anyone who think tRump gives two shits about America as a whole or them as a person is delusional.
Why are you so bias do you have an ounce of integrity just say you personally have hateful feelings towards Republicans and Trump.. Get it off your chest what did we do to you
Awfully early to be that drunk, kiddo.

You should slow down.
Crep. You need to sit down and figger this out. I know it is like a piece of dynamite blowing up in your face.

"What one sows one will reap"..................Mom telling me that when I was 8.
Figure what out? This is just tRump being his usual, criminal, self.

As far as the drunk thing? Read the post. Sounds like drunk posting to me.
You sound like an insane stalker,, Get the hate off your chest what did trump do to you? Did he destroy your ideology of communist control to bad, Do a better job of trying to sell it
He's ruining my country.
Because we will never be a communist country too fucking bad
No, you dimwit. He's ruining America.

Where did you think you were?
If you call more jobs and higher wages, independent living is ruining America that makes you a communist.. move out
Record deficits, all time highs infact. Even before the virus.

Constantly trying to take healthcare away from Americans.

Attempting to destroy the free press.

Making lies the norm.

Racism peaking.

International laughingstock.

Corrupted DOJ.

Alienates our allies while sucking up to fascists.

Obviously a Russian puppet

Disastrous trade wars.

Tax breaks for himself and his wealthy buddies.

Nothing for regular Americans.

The list goes on and on.

Making Creepy's pussy hurt so bad he cries daily for hours.
Collusion is a Trump word only. It has no legal meaning. Do you know how many times he said that?

What a fucking, bald-faced, lie. You're right, it has no legal meaning. And, yet, the Democrats, with your moral support, impeached President Trump for it even though every investigation proved otherwise.
Hey fuck off you dumbass okie. Lies don't mean shit to Trumphumping fools.
Collusion is a Trump word only. It has no legal meaning. Do you know how many times he said that?

What a fucking, bald-faced, lie. You're right, it has no legal meaning. And, yet, the Democrats, with your moral support, impeached President Trump for it even though every investigation proved otherwise.
Hey fuck off you dumbass okie. Lies don't mean shit to Trumphumping fools.
Or you, obviously.
Collusion is a Trump word only. It has no legal meaning. Do you know how many times he said that?

What a fucking, bald-faced, lie. You're right, it has no legal meaning. And, yet, the Democrats, with your moral support, impeached President Trump for it even though every investigation proved otherwise.
Hey fuck off you dumbass okie. Lies don't mean shit to Trumphumping fools.
Stop crying.
Leverage is applied all the time to obtain confessions or a plea .
Offering a deal to plea to one charge over another or others in exchange for a lesser sentence is nothing new.

I originally posted the below in a different thread for a different lying, piece of shit, scumbag, hypocrite but it fits you as well. So all those mentioned below need to be locked back up.

You are a LYING, PIECE OF SHIT, SCUMBAG, HYPOCRITE. And, yes, I'm shouting.

Because of shit like you, people go to jail being forced to take a plea deal. I guess you want all of these, whites, hispanics, and blacks, who took a plea deal under serious pressure and threat from criminally-behaving prosecutors who knew they didn't have the evidence to succeed in trial and, in some cases, knew the defendant was innocent, put back in prison because they pleaded guilty.

If you let your TDS mean a different standard for Flynn, while defending the release of all those below, and the hundreds or thousands of others whose stories are the same, then that proves all those things I shouted at you.

If you apply the standard you applied to Flynn to all those below, then that proves all those things I shouted at you.

There's only one out for you; admit that you WERE a lying, piece of shit, scumbag, hypocrite, but that you were wrong and Flynn was justly exonerated.

Wrongly Convicted Forced into Plea Deals to Gain Freedom
ProPublica reveals that many innocent people take plea deals in exchange for their freedom in spite of irrefutable evidence of their innocence.

The Deal Prosecutors Offer When They Have No Cards Left to Play
When DNA evidence exonerated two men convicted in a 1987 murder, one took his chances on a retrial to overturn his conviction. The other accepted a special deal and left prison immediately—as a convicted killer.

Trial or deal? Some driven to plead guilty, later exonerated
Three days into his carjacking trial in 2005, James Ochoa faced a daunting choice: Risk spending the rest of his life in prison if convicted by a California jury or plead guilty and be released in two years. Ochoa, then 20 and on probation for drug possession, had already rejected two plea...

There are consequences to the shit people on the left pull out of their hatred for justice, freedom, Trump, and capitalism. People lose their liberty and lose their lives because of the lying shit people like yo pull. That's why it does make me angry. Even social media is what gives comfort to the politicians. That makes you part of the problem. It makes you morally accountable for people in prison who were extorted into guilty pleas by criminal prosecutors.
No, he's not convicted. The DOJ dropped the charges. Don't you know what that means?

It means you have no concept of the federal justice system.
Judges do not have to listen to the prosecutors.
But they do have to listen to the DOJ. Case closed. You lose. Charges DROPPED. All the bullshit of Comey, the senile Mueller and a lot of others, including Dumbama being exposed. Try again.

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