Breaking: Lynch Ordered Manafort’s Phone Tapped During Veselnitskaya Meeting


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Obama and his cronies are so dirty that I don't see how even they can avoid prison for all the shit they wallowed in:

Today, Fusion GPS employee Rinat Akhmetshin today confirmed his attendance at a meeting with Donald Trump Jr, Paul Manafort, and Jared Kushner along with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya.

Accusations have arisen that the meeting was part of a wider setup to achieve a FISA warrant to wiretap phones of the Trump campaign during 2016. President Trump himself has accused the FBI under Loretta Lynch of wiretapping his campaign.

Now, a former Trump campaign official reports that Paul Manafort’s phone was subject to FISA wiretap during the infamous meeting.

If true, this FISA warrant would have been carried out under Loretta Lynch, Attorney General to Barack Obama. Former FBI Director James Comey has testified under oath to instances of collusion between AG Lynch and the Clinton campaign during 2016, as well as obstruction of justice in the Clinton investigation.
The whiole thing was a setup. Obama had been Wiretapping Trump for18 months and sent scumbag after scum bag from his pool of Russian Lapdogs and other scum he and Clinton associate with to find something to pin and frame Trump with!

WTF? When a presidential candidate is under surveillance like that for 18 consecutive months (illegal as Hell BTW) and you come up with zilch, Obama should be in jail for that and not ordering a witch hunt and running the FBI, DOJ and IRS through his proxies, Koskinen, Mueller, Rosemsyein, & McCabe.

Incidentally this is exactly why Fusion GPS Clients are not being revealed, because Clinton Lunch, Obama & Comey along with McCain are at the very top of the list.
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Obama and his cronies are so dirty that I don't see how even they can avoid prison for all the shit they wallowed in:

Today, Fusion GPS employee Rinat Akhmetshin today confirmed his attendance at a meeting with Donald Trump Jr, Paul Manafort, and Jared Kushner along with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya.

Accusations have arisen that the meeting was part of a wider setup to achieve a FISA warrant to wiretap phones of the Trump campaign during 2016. President Trump himself has accused the FBI under Loretta Lynch of wiretapping his campaign.

Now, a former Trump campaign official reports that Paul Manafort’s phone was subject to FISA wiretap during the infamous meeting.

If true, this FISA warrant would have been carried out under Loretta Lynch, Attorney General to Barack Obama. Former FBI Director James Comey has testified under oath to instances of collusion between AG Lynch and the Clinton campaign during 2016, as well as obstruction of justice in the Clinton investigation.

Sure, and we know it's true because we all know that if there is any connection of any kind, to anybody, they all are guilty of anything any one of them might have done for any reason.
Obama and his cronies are so dirty that I don't see how even they can avoid prison for all the shit they wallowed in:

Today, Fusion GPS employee Rinat Akhmetshin today confirmed his attendance at a meeting with Donald Trump Jr, Paul Manafort, and Jared Kushner along with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya.

Accusations have arisen that the meeting was part of a wider setup to achieve a FISA warrant to wiretap phones of the Trump campaign during 2016. President Trump himself has accused the FBI under Loretta Lynch of wiretapping his campaign.

Now, a former Trump campaign official reports that Paul Manafort’s phone was subject to FISA wiretap during the infamous meeting.

If true, this FISA warrant would have been carried out under Loretta Lynch, Attorney General to Barack Obama. Former FBI Director James Comey has testified under oath to instances of collusion between AG Lynch and the Clinton campaign during 2016, as well as obstruction of justice in the Clinton investigation.

So Trump was right, Obama minions spied on Trump and his staff.
Of course they did! That's why there's a Grand Jury investigating.... no, wait, it's the Orange Clown they're after!
Quell surprise!
Meanwhile the DNC emails were delivered to Wikileaks months earlier. Russia, Russia, Russia! :p
The whole thing was a setup. Obama had been Wiretapping Trump for 18 months and sent scumbag after scum bag from his pool of Russian Lapdogs and other scum he and Clinton associate with to find something to pin and frame Trump with!

WTF? When a presidential candidate is under surveillance like that for 18 consecutive months (illegal as Hell BTW) and you come up with zilch, Obama should be in jail for that and not ordering a witch hunt and running the FBI, DOJ and IRS through his proxies, Koskinen, Mueller, Rosenstein, & McCabe.

Incidentally this is exactly why Fusion GPS Clients are not being revealed, because Clinton Lynch, Obama & Comey along with McCain are at the very top of the list.

Corrected all the typos....GEEZ!
The website was acting really funky on my phone.
Anyone deal with that before?
The whole thing was a setup. Obama had been Wiretapping Trump for 18 months and sent scumbag after scum bag from his pool of Russian Lapdogs and other scum he and Clinton associate with to find something to pin and frame Trump with!

WTF? When a presidential candidate is under surveillance like that for 18 consecutive months (illegal as Hell BTW) and you come up with zilch, Obama should be in jail for that and not ordering a witch hunt and running the FBI, DOJ and IRS through his proxies, Koskinen, Mueller, Rosenstein, & McCabe.

Incidentally this is exactly why Fusion GPS Clients are not being revealed, because Clinton Lynch, Obama & Comey along with McCain are at the very top of the list.

Corrected all the typos....GEEZ!
The website was acting really funky on my phone.
Anyone deal with that before?

Just to be clear, are you saying you believe Obama is still head of our government?
The whole thing was a setup. Obama had been Wiretapping Trump for 18 months and sent scumbag after scum bag from his pool of Russian Lapdogs and other scum he and Clinton associate with to find something to pin and frame Trump with!

WTF? When a presidential candidate is under surveillance like that for 18 consecutive months (illegal as Hell BTW) and you come up with zilch, Obama should be in jail for that and not ordering a witch hunt and running the FBI, DOJ and IRS through his proxies, Koskinen, Mueller, Rosenstein, & McCabe.

Incidentally this is exactly why Fusion GPS Clients are not being revealed, because Clinton Lynch, Obama & Comey along with McCain are at the very top of the list.

Corrected all the typos....GEEZ!
The website was acting really funky on my phone.
Anyone deal with that before?

Just to be clear, are you saying you believe Obama is still head of our government?

He is running the Resistance, and his Lackeys, Mueller, Rosenstein, McCabe, & Koskinen are running the most powerful agencies in the US Government.
Obama set this all in motion ILLEGALLY, with ILLEGAL WIRE TAPPING (FOUND NOTHING) and UNFOUNDED ACCUSATIONS (FOUND NOTHING), multiple INVESTIGATIONS (FOUND NOTHING) All so he could continue to have his hands in Government, Obstruct The President's Agenda, and ties the hands of The President's Appointees.

Yah, Obama through his Partisan Proxies is still pulling the strings. And let me remind you, because of the fact he was able to tie the hands of the Trump Administration through a VENGEFUL PARTISAN and ILLEGAL INVESTIGATION, AND SURVEILLANCE of a POLITICAL OPPONENT CLINTON RICE, LYNCH, POWERS, HOLDER, CLAPPER all still have their SECURITY CLEARANCES and access to SENSITIVE INFORMATION.





We need a law that DECLARES THAT certain positions in Government, like President, VP, Secretary of State, and heads of THE FBI, DOJ, CIA, NSA, THE IRS, Homeland Security.....
Cannot live in Washington DC after they leave their positions for at least 10 years.
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The whole thing was a setup. Obama had been Wiretapping Trump for 18 months and sent scumbag after scum bag from his pool of Russian Lapdogs and other scum he and Clinton associate with to find something to pin and frame Trump with!

WTF? When a presidential candidate is under surveillance like that for 18 consecutive months (illegal as Hell BTW) and you come up with zilch, Obama should be in jail for that and not ordering a witch hunt and running the FBI, DOJ and IRS through his proxies, Koskinen, Mueller, Rosenstein, & McCabe.

Incidentally this is exactly why Fusion GPS Clients are not being revealed, because Clinton Lynch, Obama & Comey along with McCain are at the very top of the list.

Corrected all the typos....GEEZ!
The website was acting really funky on my phone.
Anyone deal with that before?

Just to be clear, are you saying you believe Obama is still head of our government?

He is running the Resistance, and his Lackeys, Mueller, Rosenstein, McCabe, & Koskinen are running the most powerful agencies in the US Government.
Obama set this all in motion ILLEGALLY, with ILLEGAL WIRE TAPPING (FOUND NOTHING) and UNFOUNDED ACCUSATIONS (FOUND NOTHING), multiple INVESTIGATIONS (FOUND NOTHING) All so he could continue to have his hands in Government, Obstruct The President's Agenda, and ties the hands of The President's Appointees.

Yah, Obama through his Partisan Proxies is still pulling the strings. And let me remind you, because of the fact he was able to tie the hands of the Trump Administration through a VENGEFUL PARTISAN and ILLEGAL INVESTIGATION, AND SURVEILLANCE of a POLITICAL OPPONENT CLINTON RICE, LYNCH, POWERS, HOLDER, CLAPPER all still have their SECURITY CLEARANCES and access to SENSITIVE INFORMATION.


Unfortunately, there has been no change. You're still nuts.
How is Loretta Lynch not in prison along with Hillary and Holder?

These are some seriously corrupt pieces of shit who are seeking power and money to the country's detriment.
Obama and his cronies are so dirty that I don't see how even they can avoid prison for all the shit they wallowed in:

Today, Fusion GPS employee Rinat Akhmetshin today confirmed his attendance at a meeting with Donald Trump Jr, Paul Manafort, and Jared Kushner along with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya.

Accusations have arisen that the meeting was part of a wider setup to achieve a FISA warrant to wiretap phones of the Trump campaign during 2016. President Trump himself has accused the FBI under Loretta Lynch of wiretapping his campaign.

Now, a former Trump campaign official reports that Paul Manafort’s phone was subject to FISA wiretap during the infamous meeting.

If true, this FISA warrant would have been carried out under Loretta Lynch, Attorney General to Barack Obama. Former FBI Director James Comey has testified under oath to instances of collusion between AG Lynch and the Clinton campaign during 2016, as well as obstruction of justice in the Clinton investigation.
Your source is a conservative guy writing a Medium blog entry two months and eleven days ago. :muahaha:
Obama and his cronies are so dirty that I don't see how even they can avoid prison for all the shit they wallowed in:

Today, Fusion GPS employee Rinat Akhmetshin today confirmed his attendance at a meeting with Donald Trump Jr, Paul Manafort, and Jared Kushner along with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya.

Accusations have arisen that the meeting was part of a wider setup to achieve a FISA warrant to wiretap phones of the Trump campaign during 2016. President Trump himself has accused the FBI under Loretta Lynch of wiretapping his campaign.

Now, a former Trump campaign official reports that Paul Manafort’s phone was subject to FISA wiretap during the infamous meeting.

If true, this FISA warrant would have been carried out under Loretta Lynch, Attorney General to Barack Obama. Former FBI Director James Comey has testified under oath to instances of collusion between AG Lynch and the Clinton campaign during 2016, as well as obstruction of justice in the Clinton investigation.

Trumps a fucking pussy, he's going to let them all slide.

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