Breaking - John Kerry Hospitalized After Wrecking His Bicycle

I wrecked on my bicycle last October. Had a headache for a month plus bruises, etc.. What is with bicycles and wrecks lately. Bono wrecked, and I bet many more will. Who's next?
Here's our rugged Secretary of State just before he ran his bicycle into the curb. What a little bitch. :lol: :lol: :lol:

He can now withdraw from talks with Iran. That was the whole point of having the "accident" in the first place.
He can now withdraw from talks with Iran. That was the whole point of having the "accident" in the first place.

Well maybe that's a blessing then it happened to the loser. He's not anymore qualified to be SOS. the same as Hillary wasn't. But the Democrats Scratch their Cronies backs. Pass positions around so they can Continue to SUCK a living off us Taxpayers
He can now withdraw from talks with Iran. That was the whole point of having the "accident" in the first place.

Well maybe that's a blessing then it happened to the loser. He's not anymore qualified to be SOS. the same as Hillary wasn't. But the Democrats Scratch their Cronies backs. Pass positions around so they can Continue to SUCK a living off us Taxpayers

An able-bodied woman, whom resides on the public dole, and does nothing but post here all day is seriously complaining about people sucking "a living off us taxpayers"!? Priceless.
He can now withdraw from talks with Iran. That was the whole point of having the "accident" in the first place.

Well maybe that's a blessing then it happened to the loser. He's not anymore qualified to be SOS. the same as Hillary wasn't. But the Democrats Scratch their Cronies backs. Pass positions around so they can Continue to SUCK a living off us Taxpayers
These politicians don't suck a living off the tax payer. What they get from the taxpayer isn't even lunch money. It's the power and influence they sell from their position. That's where the real money is.

Kerry was losing badly in the talks with Iran. The Europeans out and out called Kerry an Iranian agent. He couldn't just walk out. He couldn't continue to cave into their demands. Engineer a phony accident, slap on a fake cast and withdrawal from talks isn't his fault.
Wonder what that frikken cost us taxpayers. He's out joy riding on a bicycle while supposedly gawd knows what he's doing over there...

I can't stand the abuse these Progressives/democrats rape us for their trips, bicycle rides, skiing, etc etc
Damn! He should be stored in an empty mayonnaise jar on Funk and Wagnels front porch....When not in use....
He can now withdraw from talks with Iran. That was the whole point of having the "accident" in the first place.

Well maybe that's a blessing then it happened to the loser. He's not anymore qualified to be SOS. the same as Hillary wasn't. But the Democrats Scratch their Cronies backs. Pass positions around so they can Continue to SUCK a living off us Taxpayers
These politicians don't suck a living off the tax payer. What they get from the taxpayer isn't even lunch money. It's the power and influence they sell from their position. That's where the real money is.

Kerry was losing badly in the talks with Iran. The Europeans out and out called Kerry an Iranian agent. He couldn't just walk out. He couldn't continue to cave into their demands. Engineer a phony accident, slap on a fake cast and withdrawal from talks isn't his fault.

I know it. but too many people don't have a CLUE about these Politicians they put in office. and as we see by many here. they don't care as long as they are Democrat. that's why I refer to them as: sheep
in a few weeks, kerry will go working out, get into an argument with a weight machine, then a battle, the weight machine will win, and probably take out his good eye.
Kerry was airlifted to the hospital after riding his bicycle into the curb and hurting his leg. Aw, he must have skinned his knee. Maybe he can put in for a Purple Heart.

Kerry flown to Swiss hospital following bike crash Fox News

More like a fractured femur that took 4 hours of surgery to set.
A lot worse than that 1 centimeter long piece of shrapnel the doctor removed with tweezers that earned him his Purple Heart in Vietnam, huh?

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