BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: 73-Year-Old Pastor and Purple Heart Veteran Arrested For Being at Capitol, His Son Also Arrested in Front of 3-Year-Old Daughter (

Murderers run free in the streets while the state persecutes a harmless old man.
Do you know the 73 year old harmless old man?
According to you bastards.....any Trump Supporter is a traitor.
Better think about that train of thought.
That's the roots of an oppressive government.
There was a time that people like you were what we used to consider a possible spy when I held a security clearance.
People like you were caught selling secrets to our enemies and are now rotting in prison.

Trump gave away Israeli intelligence assets to the Russians to impress them and make them like him.
Wasn't proven, and he wouldn't do that anyway. It's just more leftist lies. Trump has exposed the left as serial liars that should never have a security clearance in this nation.

Trump has never held a security clearance either and his children couldn't qualify.
Doesn't take the left off the hook. They damned sure shouldn't hold a security clearance. Fact.

Nor could you. They don't issue security clearances to ignorant conspiracy freaks.
Call me anything you like, but if you followed me here, you would see that my prophesies come true 99.9% of the time.

You stay in defense mode trying to defend the indefensible, so you wouldn't see the future coming until it slaps you in your face. Wake up and quit acting up.
Yes indeed, as violent BLM and Antifa types get charges tossed.

Here we have the police state writ large.

They were very scared over the mostly peaceful protest of January 6.

A 73-year-old Purple Heart Vietnam veteran and pastor James Cusick has been arrested at his home in Florida for being at the Capitol on January 6, though he was not involved in any violence or vandalism.​

His son Casey, was also arrested in front of his distraught 3-year-old daughter who asked why they were locking her dad’s hands. He is also not accused of any violence or vandalism. Videos of the heartbreaking scene were provided to the Gateway Pundit.​
The arrests took place on Thursday morning.​
“This morning I saw a sheriff pull up in our driveway with his lights on and there was about four or five other cars with them,” his daughter Staci told the Gateway Pundit. “They came up to our front door and I told my dad to go answer it. As he started towards the door they started banging and banging and saying ‘open up we have a warrant.’ He opened the door and they asked him his name and to step outside.”

James Cusick was shocked, she said, to find out what the arrest was about. When he was at the Capitol he was friendly with officers, who directed him to a bathroom. His daughter says that they never told him to leave. He began to defend himself, but the agents and sheriffs reminded him that everything he says can be used against him and to wait until he has a lawyer.​
“I asked him if they would take the handcuffs off of him because I was upset seeing my 73-year-old father in handcuffs. They said no,” Staci said.​

Don't I feel so sorry for traitors.
10% for the Big Guy
Murderers run free in the streets while the state persecutes a harmless old man.
Do you know the 73 year old harmless old man?
According to you bastards.....any Trump Supporter is a traitor.
Better think about that train of thought.
That's the roots of an oppressive government.
There was a time that people like you were what we used to consider a possible spy when I held a security clearance.
People like you were caught selling secrets to our enemies and are now rotting in prison.

Trump gave away Israeli intelligence assets to the Russians to impress them and make them like him.
Wasn't proven, and he wouldn't do that anyway. It's just more leftist lies. Trump has exposed the left as serial liars that should never have a security clearance in this nation.

Trump has never held a security clearance either and his children couldn't qualify.
Doesn't take the left off the hook. They damned sure shouldn't hold a security clearance. Fact.

Nor could you. They don't issue security clearances to ignorant conspiracy freaks.
Call me anything you like, but if you followed me here, you would see that my prophesies come true 99.9% of the time.

You stay in defense mode trying to defend the indefensible, so you wouldn't see the future coming until it slaps you in your face. Wake up and quit acting up.
limpbaughs dead beagle9.
I really get the feeling things aren't going well for the cultists. Pretty pathetic.

You speak of cultists yet you follow a man who can't string two sentences together.
They are the same kind of people who will stand by and cheer if Americans who supported Trump were being rounded up for gulags or executions. These people are so hate-filled that it has warped their minds. All I can say is these former "law enforcement" officers and agents are choosing tyranny and there will be no going back once the SHTF.
The idea that they would cuff a 73-year-old man and his son without regard to traumatizing a 3-year-old tells all anyone needs to know about them. They could easily have patted them down to be sure they weren't armed, then escorted them to the vehicles before cuffing them. It's Roger Stone and Paul Manafort all over again.
They are sending messages to intimidate Americans into submission and it just might badly bite them in the ass someday.
Yes indeed, as violent BLM and Antifa types get charges tossed.

Here we have the police state writ large.

They were very scared over the mostly peaceful protest of January 6.

A 73-year-old Purple Heart Vietnam veteran and pastor James Cusick has been arrested at his home in Florida for being at the Capitol on January 6, though he was not involved in any violence or vandalism.​

His son Casey, was also arrested in front of his distraught 3-year-old daughter who asked why they were locking her dad’s hands. He is also not accused of any violence or vandalism. Videos of the heartbreaking scene were provided to the Gateway Pundit.​
The arrests took place on Thursday morning.​
“This morning I saw a sheriff pull up in our driveway with his lights on and there was about four or five other cars with them,” his daughter Staci told the Gateway Pundit. “They came up to our front door and I told my dad to go answer it. As he started towards the door they started banging and banging and saying ‘open up we have a warrant.’ He opened the door and they asked him his name and to step outside.”

James Cusick was shocked, she said, to find out what the arrest was about. When he was at the Capitol he was friendly with officers, who directed him to a bathroom. His daughter says that they never told him to leave. He began to defend himself, but the agents and sheriffs reminded him that everything he says can be used against him and to wait until he has a lawyer.​
“I asked him if they would take the handcuffs off of him because I was upset seeing my 73-year-old father in handcuffs. They said no,” Staci said.​

This is the very important reasoning as to why it is imperative to prove that what they were protesting on the 6th (even though it got out of line) was the actual hijacking of this nation by a party (the Democrat's), who had possibly gone completely insane over their attempt's to "fundamentally transform" this nation against the majorities will, and had alledgedly went rogue in doing so.

Allowing these types of violations by our government in it's over reaching efforts for political purposes (against the good citizen's), is actually an abomination.
This post must be part of the .1% that you miss on.

Do tell how "hijacking of this nation" by the Democratic Party happened since sane people know the majority of the vote getting means you win elections.
Murderers run free in the streets while the state persecutes a harmless old man.
Do you know the 73 year old harmless old man?
According to you bastards.....any Trump Supporter is a traitor.
Better think about that train of thought.
That's the roots of an oppressive government.
There was a time that people like you were what we used to consider a possible spy when I held a security clearance.
People like you were caught selling secrets to our enemies and are now rotting in prison.

Trump gave away Israeli intelligence assets to the Russians to impress them and make them like him.
Wasn't proven, and he wouldn't do that anyway. It's just more leftist lies. Trump has exposed the left as serial liars that should never have a security clearance in this nation.

Trump has never held a security clearance either and his children couldn't qualify.
Doesn't take the left off the hook. They damned sure shouldn't hold a security clearance. Fact.
Again, in this same thread another bullshit assertion by the beagle. The former president only exposed himself as a serial liar, cheat and low morals person.

.1%? Hilarious.
Good to see blob supporters being hunted down like dogs.

Another win for the good guys.
That shit stops being funny when it STARTS BEING YOU. Or do you actually expect the Schutzstaffel and Brownshirts to be able to round up and incarcerate tens of millions of Americans? You probably are that slow. The power of the government doesn't come out of the barrel of a gun that's pointed at citizens. It comes from respect for the law. Once that's gone, the SS (FBI) is going to need a LOT MORE employees. The arson and murder and looting we saw last summer, can actually be done by Americans on the Right as well, or are you really so simple-minded that you don't believe that's possible? Wakey, wakey.
There were a huge number of arrests in BLM protest. Yes most were dropped. As people were just arrested in masses. Once that happens the system has to charge them and have some assurance that they did what they were arrested for and that it was the right people because it will have to be proven in a court of law.

The situation with the pastor is that it is now 6 months later and he is being arrested. The authorities believe they have a strong case otherwise they would not have done it. It is funny that all these right wing stories cannot even say what he was charged with or even why he was arrested. The only thing they got was he was arrested.

The assumption now is he is a pastor and received the purple heart. With such credentials , how could they arrest the wrong person. Well we will have to wait and see what the charges were. and what evidence the authorities have.

Either it will be Sorry, really sorry or he did a crime that warranted his arrest. Then it will be decided if he pleads innocent or guilty.

Still a pastor and a solider, where did he go wrong?
to end up on a message board.
Kamala Harris was instrumental in paying BLM rioter bails and getting them off.
There were a huge number of arrests in BLM protest. Yes most were dropped. As people were just arrested in masses. Once that happens the system has to charge them and have some assurance that they did what they were arrested for and that it was the right people because it will have to be proven in a court of law.

The situation with the pastor is that it is now 6 months later and he is being arrested. The authorities believe they have a strong case otherwise they would not have done it. It is funny that all these right wing stories cannot even say what he was charged with or even why he was arrested. The only thing they got was he was arrested.

The assumption now is he is a pastor and received the purple heart. With such credentials , how could they arrest the wrong person. Well we will have to wait and see what the charges were. and what evidence the authorities have.

Either it will be Sorry, really sorry or he did a crime that warranted his arrest. Then it will be decided if he pleads innocent or guilty.

Still a pastor and a solider, where did he go wrong?
to end up on a message board.
Kamala Harris was instrumental in paying BLM rioter bails and getting them off.
Where and when are you asserting this happened?
Where and when are you asserting this happened?
"A man who was twice bailed out of jail in separate cases by a fund supported by Vice President Kamala Harris has been arrested again while under investigation for another possible case, Minnesota prosecutors said."

"The Minnesota Freedom Fund says it is "part of a larger movement to end the harms of money bail and jailing people for poverty." The organization received support from then-Sen. Harris in June."

I really get the feeling things aren't going well for the cultists. Pretty pathetic.

You speak of cultists yet you follow a man who can't string two sentences together.
They are the same kind of people who will stand by and cheer if Americans who supported Trump were being rounded up for gulags or executions. These people are so hate-filled that it has warped their minds. All I can say is these former "law enforcement" officers and agents are choosing tyranny and there will be no going back once the SHTF.
The idea that they would cuff a 73-year-old man and his son without regard to traumatizing a 3-year-old tells all anyone needs to know about them. They could easily have patted them down to be sure they weren't armed, then escorted them to the vehicles before cuffing them. It's Roger Stone and Paul Manafort all over again.
They are sending messages to intimidate Americans into submission and it just might badly bite them in the ass someday.
Have to wait on the good Lord to do justice in regards to them, because it might be to far gone by what they figure is in their favor. They'll reep what they've sewn, and it will be something to witness. They've come to the fork in the road, and Satan is standing there with a smile awaiting them to choose the fork best traveled, but what they don't realize is that their road/path has been chosen for them at that point..
Murderers run free in the streets while the state persecutes a harmless old man.
Do you know the 73 year old harmless old man?
According to you bastards.....any Trump Supporter is a traitor.
Better think about that train of thought.
That's the roots of an oppressive government.
There was a time that people like you were what we used to consider a possible spy when I held a security clearance.
People like you were caught selling secrets to our enemies and are now rotting in prison.

Trump gave away Israeli intelligence assets to the Russians to impress them and make them like him.
Wasn't proven, and he wouldn't do that anyway. It's just more leftist lies. Trump has exposed the left as serial liars that should never have a security clearance in this nation.

Trump has never held a security clearance either and his children couldn't qualify.
Doesn't take the left off the hook. They damned sure shouldn't hold a security clearance. Fact.
Again, in this same thread another bullshit assertion by the beagle. The former president only exposed himself as a serial liar, cheat and low morals person.

.1%? Hilarious.
I guess if true, then he decided to be like his enemies, you know fighting fire with fire.
Yes indeed, as violent BLM and Antifa types get charges tossed.

Here we have the police state writ large.

They were very scared over the mostly peaceful protest of January 6.

A 73-year-old Purple Heart Vietnam veteran and pastor James Cusick has been arrested at his home in Florida for being at the Capitol on January 6, though he was not involved in any violence or vandalism.​

His son Casey, was also arrested in front of his distraught 3-year-old daughter who asked why they were locking her dad’s hands. He is also not accused of any violence or vandalism. Videos of the heartbreaking scene were provided to the Gateway Pundit.​
The arrests took place on Thursday morning.​
“This morning I saw a sheriff pull up in our driveway with his lights on and there was about four or five other cars with them,” his daughter Staci told the Gateway Pundit. “They came up to our front door and I told my dad to go answer it. As he started towards the door they started banging and banging and saying ‘open up we have a warrant.’ He opened the door and they asked him his name and to step outside.”

James Cusick was shocked, she said, to find out what the arrest was about. When he was at the Capitol he was friendly with officers, who directed him to a bathroom. His daughter says that they never told him to leave. He began to defend himself, but the agents and sheriffs reminded him that everything he says can be used against him and to wait until he has a lawyer.​
“I asked him if they would take the handcuffs off of him because I was upset seeing my 73-year-old father in handcuffs. They said no,” Staci said.​

This is the very important reasoning as to why it is imperative to prove that what they were protesting on the 6th (even though it got out of line) was the actual hijacking of this nation by a party (the Democrat's), who had possibly gone completely insane over their attempt's to "fundamentally transform" this nation against the majorities will, and had alledgedly went rogue in doing so.

Allowing these types of violations by our government in it's over reaching efforts for political purposes (against the good citizen's), is actually an abomination.
This post must be part of the .1% that you miss on.

Do tell how "hijacking of this nation" by the Democratic Party happened since sane people know the majority of the vote getting means you win elections.
Trying to close the issue prematurely doesn't work. It must play out, and sometimes that takes time and patience to do. I've witnessed plenty of things come true that I predicted after studying the events, actions or things people create or do.
Yes indeed, as violent BLM and Antifa types get charges tossed.

Here we have the police state writ large.

They were very scared over the mostly peaceful protest of January 6.

A 73-year-old Purple Heart Vietnam veteran and pastor James Cusick has been arrested at his home in Florida for being at the Capitol on January 6, though he was not involved in any violence or vandalism.​

His son Casey, was also arrested in front of his distraught 3-year-old daughter who asked why they were locking her dad’s hands. He is also not accused of any violence or vandalism. Videos of the heartbreaking scene were provided to the Gateway Pundit.

The arrests took place on Thursday morning.

“This morning I saw a sheriff pull up in our driveway with his lights on and there was about four or five other cars with them,” his daughter Staci told the Gateway Pundit. “They came up to our front door and I told my dad to go answer it. As he started towards the door they started banging and banging and saying ‘open up we have a warrant.’ He opened the door and they asked him his name and to step outside.”


James Cusick was shocked, she said, to find out what the arrest was about. When he was at the Capitol he was friendly with officers, who directed him to a bathroom. His daughter says that they never told him to leave. He began to defend himself, but the agents and sheriffs reminded him that everything he says can be used against him and to wait until he has a lawyer.

“I asked him if they would take the handcuffs off of him because I was upset seeing my 73-year-old father in handcuffs. They said no,” Staci said.


Here's a thought, if ya don't wanna get arrested in front of your 3 year old daughter... don't fucking break the law.

Simple, no?
There were a huge number of arrests in BLM protest. Yes most were dropped. As people were just arrested in masses. Once that happens the system has to charge them and have some assurance that they did what they were arrested for and that it was the right people because it will have to be proven in a court of law.

The situation with the pastor is that it is now 6 months later and he is being arrested. The authorities believe they have a strong case otherwise they would not have done it. It is funny that all these right wing stories cannot even say what he was charged with or even why he was arrested. The only thing they got was he was arrested.

The assumption now is he is a pastor and received the purple heart. With such credentials , how could they arrest the wrong person. Well we will have to wait and see what the charges were. and what evidence the authorities have.

Either it will be Sorry, really sorry or he did a crime that warranted his arrest. Then it will be decided if he pleads innocent or guilty.

Still a pastor and a solider, where did he go wrong?
to end up on a message board.
Kamala Harris was instrumental in paying BLM rioter bails and getting them off.
Where and when are you asserting this happened?

Google it. Clown boi.
Yes indeed, as violent BLM and Antifa types get charges tossed.

Here we have the police state writ large.

They were very scared over the mostly peaceful protest of January 6.

A 73-year-old Purple Heart Vietnam veteran and pastor James Cusick has been arrested at his home in Florida for being at the Capitol on January 6, though he was not involved in any violence or vandalism.​

His son Casey, was also arrested in front of his distraught 3-year-old daughter who asked why they were locking her dad’s hands. He is also not accused of any violence or vandalism. Videos of the heartbreaking scene were provided to the Gateway Pundit.​
The arrests took place on Thursday morning.​
“This morning I saw a sheriff pull up in our driveway with his lights on and there was about four or five other cars with them,” his daughter Staci told the Gateway Pundit. “They came up to our front door and I told my dad to go answer it. As he started towards the door they started banging and banging and saying ‘open up we have a warrant.’ He opened the door and they asked him his name and to step outside.”

James Cusick was shocked, she said, to find out what the arrest was about. When he was at the Capitol he was friendly with officers, who directed him to a bathroom. His daughter says that they never told him to leave. He began to defend himself, but the agents and sheriffs reminded him that everything he says can be used against him and to wait until he has a lawyer.​
“I asked him if they would take the handcuffs off of him because I was upset seeing my 73-year-old father in handcuffs. They said no,” Staci said.​

Here's a thought, if ya don't wanna get arrested in front of your 3 year old daughter... don't fucking break the law.

Simple, no?

What law did he break? Be very specific.
Yes indeed, as violent BLM and Antifa types get charges tossed.

Here we have the police state writ large.

They were very scared over the mostly peaceful protest of January 6.

A 73-year-old Purple Heart Vietnam veteran and pastor James Cusick has been arrested at his home in Florida for being at the Capitol on January 6, though he was not involved in any violence or vandalism.​

His son Casey, was also arrested in front of his distraught 3-year-old daughter who asked why they were locking her dad’s hands. He is also not accused of any violence or vandalism. Videos of the heartbreaking scene were provided to the Gateway Pundit.​
The arrests took place on Thursday morning.​
“This morning I saw a sheriff pull up in our driveway with his lights on and there was about four or five other cars with them,” his daughter Staci told the Gateway Pundit. “They came up to our front door and I told my dad to go answer it. As he started towards the door they started banging and banging and saying ‘open up we have a warrant.’ He opened the door and they asked him his name and to step outside.”

James Cusick was shocked, she said, to find out what the arrest was about. When he was at the Capitol he was friendly with officers, who directed him to a bathroom. His daughter says that they never told him to leave. He began to defend himself, but the agents and sheriffs reminded him that everything he says can be used against him and to wait until he has a lawyer.​
“I asked him if they would take the handcuffs off of him because I was upset seeing my 73-year-old father in handcuffs. They said no,” Staci said.​

Don't I feel so sorry for traitors.

I pray that nobody tells the Feds that Hossfly was there and took a shit on Schumers desk.
Good to see blob supporters being hunted down like dogs.

Another win for the good guys.
That shit stops being funny when it STARTS BEING YOU. Or do you actually expect the Schutzstaffel and Brownshirts to be able to round up and incarcerate tens of millions of Americans? You probably are that slow. The power of the government doesn't come out of the barrel of a gun that's pointed at citizens. It comes from respect for the law. Once that's gone, the SS (FBI) is going to need a LOT MORE employees. The arson and murder and looting we saw last summer, can actually be done by Americans on the Right as well, or are you really so simple-minded that you don't believe that's possible? Wakey, wakey.

Trump has NEVER had any respect for the law or the Constitution.
Yes indeed, as violent BLM and Antifa types get charges tossed.

Here we have the police state writ large.

They were very scared over the mostly peaceful protest of January 6.

A 73-year-old Purple Heart Vietnam veteran and pastor James Cusick has been arrested at his home in Florida for being at the Capitol on January 6, though he was not involved in any violence or vandalism.​

His son Casey, was also arrested in front of his distraught 3-year-old daughter who asked why they were locking her dad’s hands. He is also not accused of any violence or vandalism. Videos of the heartbreaking scene were provided to the Gateway Pundit.​
The arrests took place on Thursday morning.​
“This morning I saw a sheriff pull up in our driveway with his lights on and there was about four or five other cars with them,” his daughter Staci told the Gateway Pundit. “They came up to our front door and I told my dad to go answer it. As he started towards the door they started banging and banging and saying ‘open up we have a warrant.’ He opened the door and they asked him his name and to step outside.”

James Cusick was shocked, she said, to find out what the arrest was about. When he was at the Capitol he was friendly with officers, who directed him to a bathroom. His daughter says that they never told him to leave. He began to defend himself, but the agents and sheriffs reminded him that everything he says can be used against him and to wait until he has a lawyer.​
“I asked him if they would take the handcuffs off of him because I was upset seeing my 73-year-old father in handcuffs. They said no,” Staci said.​

Here's a thought, if ya don't wanna get arrested in front of your 3 year old daughter... don't fucking break the law.

Simple, no?

What law did he break? Be very specific.
I'll accept this request of yours as evidence you're too stupid to find it without help from others...


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