BREAKING: Dozens dead in India terrorist attack

MUMBAI, India (CNN) -- Inside the blacked-out Taj Mahal Palace Hotel, hallways were littered with bloodied bodies.

A commando in disguise give details of what went down in the Taj hotel when commandos went in.

Terrorists were still holding 200 people 33 hours after the assault began.

Knowing next to nothing about what they might encounter in the dark recesses of the hotel, Indian Army commandos decided to go back in -- and were met by terrorists firing mercilessly, throwing grenades and continuously switching positions.

The sound of gunfire and explosions reverberated throughout the hotel's atrium, making it impossible to pinpoint the origin of the shots.

Through it all, the commandos walked down pitch-black halls, trying to navigate the damaged hotel without knowing the layout.

A commando spokesman, his face and hair swathed in a black scarf and wearing dark glasses to hide his identity, revealed these details of the mission inside the Taj at a news conference Saturday.

At 6:30 a.m. Friday, the battle at the Taj came to a head with a final firefight at the room holding the 200 hostages, he said.

When the gunfire stopped, commandos -- known as the Black Cats -- entered the room and freed all 200 hostages.

Their difficulties had been apparent from the beginning, he said.

"We did not know the layout of the hotel," the commando told reporters. "There was one person on the hotel staff who was helping to guide us around."

They entered the hotel for the first time essentially blind to what was ahead. They had no idea what kind of people they would encounter, what kind of weapons might be pointed at them, and whether they might be blown up by explosives.

"Then we heard gunshots on the second floor and we rushed toward the fired shots," he said. "While taking cover we found that there were 30 to 50 bodies lying dead. At that point we also came under fire. The moment they saw us, they hurled grenades."

When the shots stopped, the commandos moved toward the source of the gunfire.

"At that time, they vanished ... they had gone elsewhere," the commando said. Watch commandos talk about fighting the attackers »

The attackers had a clear advantage, commandos said, because it was apparent from their movements they knew the hotel's layout.

Commandos entered dark hotel filled with bodies, gunfire -
Unfortunately, David, there are suspicions that the Rabbi who was killed along with his wife, may have been hit by friendly fire.

That could be, but I remember when they took the little boy out, they said he was 'fine, but drenched in blood.'
That's what I heard at first too, later that it was some worker there. Seems the situation really was too fluid to get straight stories.
thats how it always is today
first reports are generally not correct
the media is more interested in being first with a report over being right
I don't think any calls were put out by India for outside help? The police headquarters was the place first attacked, with the head of terror unit killed on sight. I don't know too many cities outside of NY that would be equal to the challenge of 3 major hotels, and other locations, (I believe at one point 10), being hit within minutes of each other, after civilians first mowed down indiscriminately in the street from hijacked police van. Uniforms were taken from the dead in the police department.

Any major city can. They've already dealt with hostage situations. Some cities can call in their local SWAT team that has thermal imaging and night vision. The Indian army looked about 20-30 years outdated here... which is a little surprising since we send them military aid.

I'm pretty amazed by the swaggering from those that say we should just be employing diplomacy.

Sorry, if you've got a gun to my head, it's not the right time to sit down, hold hands and sing kumbaya.
Unfortunately, David, there are suspicions that the Rabbi who was killed along with his wife, may have been hit by friendly fire.

Can't be. The nanny who ran out with the little boy said the parents were already unconcious when she took the little boy out of the room. That was before any Indian police came in.
thats how it always is today
first reports are generally not correct
the media is more interested in being first with a report over being right

This story has been concrete since the attacks first occurred. The nanny who was there with the Rabbi and his wife, ran into the room and took the boy, whose pants were blood soaked. This was BEFORE any Indian military or police showed up. The boy is two years old and his parents are from Crown Heights, Brooklyn, an ultra-orthodox community.

There is a report from Haaretz, an Israeli newspaper that has the number of Jews killed in this raid at 8. Disgusting savages.
This story has been concrete since the attacks first occurred. The nanny who was there with the Rabbi and his wife, ran into the room and took the boy, whose pants were blood soaked. This was BEFORE any Indian military or police showed up. The boy is two years old and his parents are from Crown Heights, Brooklyn, an ultra-orthodox community.

There is a report from Haaretz, an Israeli newspaper that has the number of Jews killed in this raid at 8. Disgusting savages.

How many Hindus ? How many Muslims? How many Christians? How many athiests ? Why does it matter ?
How many Hindus ? How many Muslims? How many Christians? How many athiests ? Why does it matter ?

Uh, because I'm Jewish and I care about my people. It's called being ethnocentric. I'm sure if there are some religious Catholics here, they would be worried if someone bombed the Vatican.
If the US military or NYPD were involved in this, it would've lasted 2, maybe 3 hours tops. Something like this wouldn't happen in NYC, because these clowns would be taken out asap. We don't fuck around with hostage situations. The Indian military is incompetent... I really had high hopes for them, but this was just terrible handling of the situation. I sure as hell hope to God they (the Indian military) didn't shoot any of the hostages.

Russian style:
Moscow hostage crisis chemical agent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Any major city can. They've already dealt with hostage situations. Some cities can call in their local SWAT team that has thermal imaging and night vision. The Indian army looked about 20-30 years outdated here... which is a little surprising since we send them military aid.

Sorry, if you've got a gun to my head, it's not the right time to sit down, hold hands and sing kumbaya.

Yes to hostage takers, no on multiple sites, including one as huge as the Taj. In actuality this has been the scenario the law enforcement has been dreading since 9/11. They figure they've secured transportation as well as they can, but suicide bombers or snipers spread across an area hitting malls, schools, hotels, museums, theaters, like I said, with the exception of perhaps NY, not many cities come even close to handling.
I have to agree, multiple sites, with well trained gunmen would present nearly ever major city some real problems. Would it last as long as what took place in India? It could last longer, but, not if carnage was constant, the order to go in at all costs would have been given sooner, once mobilized. I think the advantage we have here would be the multiple departments in geographical areas which have SWAT capabilities. So yes, we could handle it better, but, the loss of life would still be great. Two men with automatic or even semi-auto's could do a great deal of damage in a very crowed area and if they were well trained, the numbers would double.

With all that in mind, there is one factor which needs to be considered. Where I live we have the right to conceal carry and many of us do. So it is possible that a few citizens could get off hits which would take down some of the threat. So I do believe that we are much better prepared, but, there really is no way to prevent a large loss of life.
I have to agree, multiple sites, with well trained gunmen would present nearly ever major city some real problems. Would it last as long as what took place in India? It could last longer, but, not if carnage was constant, the order to go in at all costs would have been given sooner, once mobilized. I think the advantage we have here would be the multiple departments in geographical areas which have SWAT capabilities. So yes, we could handle it better, but, the loss of life would still be great. Two men with automatic or even semi-auto's could do a great deal of damage in a very crowed area and if they were well trained, the numbers would double.

With all that in mind, there is one factor which needs to be considered. Where I live we have the right to conceal carry and many of us do. So it is possible that a few citizens could get off hits which would take down some of the threat. So I do believe that we are much better prepared, but, there really is no way to prevent a large loss of life.

I think NY should lighten its gun laws in the wake of these attacks. If NY'ers are allowed to carry a concealed weapon outside of their home and some of these bastards try something... someone who's armed could really save lives.
Uh, because I'm Jewish and I care about my people. It's called being ethnocentric. I'm sure if there are some religious Catholics here, they would be worried if someone bombed the Vatican.
DavidS only cares about the Jews at the Chabad Center. These are Jews who study Judiasms most Holy book theTalmud. And are the most racist people in the world. To them, all non Jews, called gentiles, are less than sub humans and their lives are worth nothing.

According to the Holy Talmud they study day and night. Here is what it says about non Jews:

Sanhedrin 58b. "If a heathen (gentile) hits a Jew, the gentile must be killed".

Sanhedrin 57a . "When a Jew murders a gentile ("Cuthean"), there will be no death penalty. What a Jew steals from a gentile he may keep"

Baba Kamma 37b. "The gentiles are outside the protection of the law and God has "exposed their money to Israel."

Yebamoth 98a. "All gentile children are animals".

Abodah Zarah 22a-22b . "Gentiles prefer sex with cows".

(btw the Talmud has hundreds of these verses about gentiles)
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ll DavidS only cares about the Jews at the Chabad Center. These are Jews who study Judiasms most Holy book theTalmud. Aand are the most racist people in the world. To them, all non Jews, called gentiles, are less than sub humans and their lives are worth nothing.

According to the Holy Talmud they study day and night:

Sanhedrin 58b. "If a heathen (gentile) hits a Jew, the gentile must be killed".

Sanhedrin 57a . "When a Jew murders a gentile ("Cuthean"), there will be no death penalty. What a Jew steals from a gentile he may keep"

Baba Kamma 37b. "The gentiles are outside the protection of the law and God has "exposed their money to Israel."

Yebamoth 98a. "All gentile children are animals".

Abodah Zarah 22a-22b . "Gentiles prefer sex with cows".

(btw the Talmud has hundreds of these verses about gentiles)

Revisionist history? A website that takes bits and pieces out of the Talmud and puts them together to make a verse? Complete and utter bullshit. The Talmud does not say those things.

Gentiles have a very special place in Judaism. But this isn't a religious thread so it's not the place to discuss it.

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