BREAKING: Biden's US military personnel at a European base provide GPS-targeting for Ukrainian rocket systems (A Big No-No)

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
This is going to make it a whole new ballgame. Now it's exposed that the US is providing targets and GPS coordinates for the Ukrainians to hit the Russians. We weren't supposed to be doing this. This means the proxy war is no more!

Good for them. It was stupid to restrict Ukraine from firing into Russia while allowing Russia to fire anywhere they wanted to. Biden dragging his feet keeps this war going when he could have ended it in a couple of weeks after it started. Give them everything they want and upgrade our own across the board.
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From a poster at another website

(If the Kiev tyrants had not been shelling ethnic Russians for 8 years in the Donbas and killing thousands of them, there might not have been a “liberation” effort by Russia to keep ethnic Russians from being murdered in Eastern Ukraine.
Their “crime” was being ethnic Russian and seeking autonomy from the monsters in Kiev.
It is a monstrous LIE Russia’s entry into Ukraine was unprovoked. The U.S. and the West have been provoking Russia for years. Russia made it clear years ago it would not tolerate Ukraine joining NATO and they were even betrayed via the Minsk accords which have now been publicly admitted by Merkel and others were a ruse to buy time for Ukraine to build up a massive military to fight Russia. Ukraine then placed this big army on Russia’s doorstep.
This is not a war to “save the people of Ukraine.” This is a war the U.S. has planned for years to destroy Russia, carve it up and have the West plunder its resources. The slaughter in Ukraine is just an excuse for the West to destroy Russia.
It is transparent the globalists behind this slaughter have no regard for the people of Ukraine nor the people of Western Europe who suffer mightily from sanctions demanded by Washington DC with no regard for Europeans affected.
The Russians will destroy the Ukrainian forces and the late entry of a few tanks from the West will have no affect on the outcome of this conflict. The warmongers of the United States have suckered thousands of Ukrainians to fight and die in this U.S. proxy war Ukraine cannot win.
11 posted on 2/10/2023, 12:36:21 AM by Gnome1949)
So sending tanks, guns, missiles and other shit wasn't a big no-no? Training them in Poland and the UK wasn't a no-no?

I wouldn't worry about it. Russia is stupid, but not suicidal.
Russia is ambitious. Sometimes overambitious. But not stupid.
This is going to make it a whole new ballgame. Now it's exposed that the US is providing targets and GPS coordinates for the Ukrainians to hit the Russians. We weren't supposed to be doing this. This means the proxy war is no more!

Biden has:

Provided Ukraine with Intel IOT target and kill top Russian Generals...

Provided Ukraine with weapons, munitions, our top air defense system, and now tanks

Provided Ukraine with billios of tax dollars (while he and Democrats got millions back through the Ukraine-FTX ponzi scheme)

Hell, Biden reportedly e en blew up the Nord Stream 2 pipeline to hurt Russia's making money off selling their energy to fund the war

It seems Biden is hell-bent to start a war. If the Nord Stream bombing report is true it will be interesting to see who we go to war with 1st - Russia or our NATO allies for destrouing the pipeline and cutting off their much-needed supply of gas.

This is why Trump had to go, he was a man of peace, and he wanted friendly ties with Russia and to have Russia as a bulwark against China.

You Biden voters need to realize what you have done and how much closer we are to WW III thanks to the loony Biden administration.
This is why Trump had to go, he was a man of peace, and he wanted friendly ties with Russia and to have Russia as a bulwark against China.

You Biden voters need to realize what you have done and how much closer we are to WW III thanks to the loony Biden administration.
Spot on!
This is going to make it a whole new ballgame. Now it's exposed that the US is providing targets and GPS coordinates for the Ukrainians to hit the Russians. We weren't supposed to be doing this. This means the proxy war is no more!

Well, Russia has had plenty of opportunities to escalate things, they don't want to. They can't beat the Ukraine, a country like 4 times smaller in population, how are they going to fair against NATO with nearly 1 billion people?
Wow, Ukraine is really getting their money’s worth from bribing the Biden crime family.


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