BREAKING: 200+ “Militarized” Federal Police Surround Peaceful Rancher in Nevada

I don't believe the Court Order allowed for this. The BLM will be held accountable.

Report: BLM Feds Slaughtered Cattle During Bundy Siege

Federal agency could face charges for abuse of animals

Photo evidence suggests BLM federal agents shot cattle dead during actions targeting Cliven Bundy, a clear violation of a court order which could see the federal agency and those it hired to carry out the operation face criminal charges.


If Bush was the president when this happened the libs would be calling for his impeachment about now.

Why? Did the POTUS shoot the cows or give the order to shoot the cows? How do you know the free loading rancher is not playing you guys even more by shooting some of his cows?

That dead cow means there's one less witness. This is the beginning of the coverup.
If Bush was the president when this happened the libs would be calling for his impeachment about now.

Why? Did the POTUS shoot the cows or give the order to shoot the cows? How do you know the free loading rancher is not playing you guys even more by shooting some of his cows?

That dead cow means there's one less witness. This is the beginning of the coverup.

That ground looks like its in Texas. This is an obvious cover up.
While the BLM is harassing a Nevada rancher on behalf of Harry Reid and his Communist business associates:

What we need is amnesty for working citizens that are victims of our thousands of government agencies. This government is backasswards. Attack the working class, reward the criminals and the lazy good for nothings.
Why? Did the POTUS shoot the cows or give the order to shoot the cows? How do you know the free loading rancher is not playing you guys even more by shooting some of his cows?

That dead cow means there's one less witness. This is the beginning of the coverup.

That ground looks like its in Texas. This is an obvious cover up.

Just watch. More cows may start to disappear. Some people might think they've been taking to a slaughterhouse. Others might think they've been abuducted by aliens. But true patriots will know that they're being kept incomunicado in a FEMA camp somewhere. When they're finally found, they'll be returned to their ancestral home in Nevada.

Their rallying cry should be: Remember the cattle!!!

(FYI: I'm referring to the four-legged beef cattle and not the conservative cattle who are being manipulated by people like Bundy in order to push their own personal agendas)
BREAKING: 200+ "Militarized" Federal Police Surround Peaceful Rancher in Nevada
We’ve seen before at Ruby Ridge and Waco that the feds won’t hesitate to treat peaceful American citizens as hostile and confront them with full armed force. This is happening yet again in Clark County, Nevada.

For over twenty years now, a battle has raged between cattle rancher Cliven Bundy and the Bureau of Land Management. Bundy has been using federal land to allow his cattle to graze, and the BLM has argued that this is “trespassing” because the land is protected and because Bundy has not paid required grazing fees.

Wonder if they will kill him like Clinton killed the people in Waco and Ruby ridge

Oh my goodness! All this for a few tortoise turtles? Seriously?! This comment from him is very telling.......

Bundys feel that this is an assault on liberty, state sovereignty, and property rights;

“We’ve tried to do this through the legal and we’ve tried to do it through the political, and what we’re at right now, I guess we’re going to have to try to stand,” Cliven Bundy said. “We the people have to stand on the ground and get our state sovereignty back, and also take some liberty and freedoms back to where we have at least access to this land.”

“The story is a lot about the cattle, but the bigger story is about our loss of freedom,” Carol Bundy added. “They have come and taken over this whole corner of the county. They’ve taken over policing power, they’ve taken over our freedom, and they’re stealing cattle.”

“And our sheriff says he just doesn’t have authority, our governor says he doesn’t have authority, and we’re saying, why are we a state?”

“I’m a producer,” Cliven Bundy said. “I produce edible commodity from the desert forage, and all of these things are governed under state law. So, in other words, this type of government has eliminated all of our state law, eliminated our state sovereignty, and has took control over our public lands and even took control over our Clark County sheriff. They’ve taken the whole county over. The whole state, almost.”

“This is just about power of the government,” Carol Bundy said.

I think something is seriously wrong with our govt using military force on a private civilian! Very disturbing story! Incredible that the Governor cannot do anything about this!

Perhaps normal police procedure would be more effective if scumbag Bundy didn't surround himself with an armed mob. Last time I read my history George Washington solved this kind of problem by saddling up a horse, calling out the army, threating to hang every traitor, and the tax-dodging rebellion went away.

NEWS FLASH: Bundy does not own the land. Personally I would have ended it by putting up a couple of gunships and mowing down all of his cattle. He could then try to sue the government for his lost property he illegally placed on federal land he refused to pay grazing fees for. Ever hear of criminal trespass?

Note that all the ranching and cattlemen's associations are staying away from Bundy. As loyal Americans they pay for the federal lands they use. They also realize that if Bundy gets away with this shit, the most likely outcome is that public lands will be closed to grazing by anyone. Eliminating the rape of national resources by unscrupulous ranchers, mining companies, water barons, and timber companies plays pretty well with the citizens paying for it.

But never let it be said that right-wing moochers ever failed to rally behind con men and tax dodgers ripping off honest Americans! That's what passes for patriotism these days on the Right.
Perhaps normal police procedure would be more effective if scumbag Bundy didn't surround himself with an armed mob. Last time I read my history George Washington solved this kind of problem by saddling up a horse, calling out the army, threating to hang every traitor, and the tax-dodging rebellion went away.

NEWS FLASH: Bundy does not own the land. Personally I would have ended it by putting up a couple of gunships and mowing down all of his cattle. He could then try to sue the government for his lost property he illegally placed on federal land he refused to pay grazing fees for. Ever hear of criminal trespass?

Note that all the ranching and cattlemen's associations are staying away from Bundy. As loyal Americans they pay for the federal lands they use. They also realize that if Bundy gets away with this shit, the most likely outcome is that public lands will be closed to grazing by anyone. Eliminating the rape of national resources by unscrupulous ranchers, mining companies, water barons, and timber companies plays pretty well with the citizens paying for it.

But never let it be said that right-wing moochers ever failed to rally behind con men and tax dodgers ripping off honest Americans! That's what passes for patriotism these days on the Right.

I didn't realize that there were Hasbara oldfarts too.

If Bush was the president when this happened the libs would be calling for his impeachment about now.

Why? Did the POTUS shoot the cows or give the order to shoot the cows? How do you know the free loading rancher is not playing you guys even more by shooting some of his cows?

That dead cow means there's one less witness. This is the beginning of the coverup.

that is one cattle that will not be providing nutrients for

the desert tortoise any more

good work BLM
Everybody seems to think that this cow is an innocent victim. I maintain that this cow was actually a undercover spy for the BLM, and had been discovered by Bundy, and utterly terminated, with prejudice....
Harry Reid's Henchmen violated the Court Order. They killed the man's cattle. They will be held accountable.
I would love to see the list of the "prominent politicians" from this coalition of Western states that is meeting to plan insurrection against the US government. Has anyone ever heard of any of them? Do any of them hold ANY elected office? Is john Brown there, or is he still a'molderin' in his grave?
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I would love to see the list of the "prominent politicians" from this coalition of Western states that is meeting to plan insurrection against the US government. Has anyone ever heard of any of them? Do any of them hold ANY elected office? Is john Brown there, or is he still a'molderin' in his grave?

it isnt anything new

you are only hearing about it

because of another overreach by the feds

Anti-federal move marches through Utah House

Last year, the state gave Congress a deadline of December 2014 to turn over tens of millions of acres of federal land to the state.

After spending a year studying the impacts of such a shift, it was determined a more detailed analysis was needed. HB142, establishing the study, passed the House on Wednesday with one dissenting vote.

Rep. Brian King, D-Salt Lake City, supported the bill, saying he is confident it would show the folly of the state’s effort.

"Having chosen unwisely and chosen to engage in unconstitutional conduct," King said, the state should understand the cost of managing the federal lands. "This will all be seen as a waste and in the meantime our school kids, who need more than anything funding for their public and higher education, will continue to be neglected."

Rep. Mike Noel, R-Kanab, argued that attorneys have made a case that Utah has a right to the federal lands and called it "one of the most important pieces of legislation."

"It really bothers me when people sit down and say we ought to be moderate and we ought to negotiate. That time has long passed," Noel said.

The bill now moves to the Senate for consideration.

Anti-federal move marches through Utah House | The Salt Lake Tribune

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