BREAKING: 200+ “Militarized” Federal Police Surround Peaceful Rancher in Nevada

BLM admits it killed Six of Bundy's Cattle


The Bureau of Land Management is confirming it killed six cattle as part of its standoff against the Bundy Ranch in Bunkersville, NV.

“A total of six cattle died or were euthanized,” a BLM official told Breitbart News.

The official listed the dead livestock cataloged by the BLM explaining, “The Bundy branded bull that was euthanized posed a significant threat to employees during the gather. The Bundy branded cow ran into a fence panel injuring its spine and was euthanized.” The dead animals listed by the official were:

1 Bundy branded bull was euthanized
1 Bundy branded cow was euthanized
1 unbranded bull was euthanized
1 unbranded cow was euthanized
1 unbranded bull died
1 unbranded cow died

According to the BLM, the gather was based on recent court orders. “Most recently, in 2013, in two separate orders, the U.S. District Court of Nevada directed Mr. Bundy to remove his cattle within 45 days, and authorized the United States to impound his cattle,” said the official.

The Bundy Ranch Facebook page, run by Bundy’s daughter Bailey Bundy Logue, posted photos of dead cattle from a mass grave, which they say belong to the Bundy Ranch, a few days after the BLM impoundment and called the agency’s actions “unjust.” The Bundy Ranch claim the cows and bulls were either “run to death” or shot...

BLM Confirms It Killed Six Of Bundy's Cattle

Good stuff. Too bad the animals had to get hurt in all of this.
Has this Right-Wing thief been arrested yet?

Strange how you truly believe that, Synth.
Yet a democrat named Al Sharpton owes our government 2.6 million and Warren Buffett owes around a billion through his Birkshire Hathaway. Not a peep from you or the rest of the liberals on this board, or Obama and Reid.
Pathetic hypocrites, all of you.
Sharpton has worked out a payment plan with the IRS, you know like the ones advertised on your MessiahRushie's hate radio program. Is the Welfare Cowboy making payments, if not he is worse than Sharpton, no wonder the Right likes him!
People need to keep in mind that Environmental Extremists are Communist Globalists. They are the power behind the Environmental Fanatic Movement. Just do some research and see who the Leaders are. They are all Communist Globalists. Agenda 21 is very real.

LOL! The communists have never given a damn about the environment. If you don't believe that then do some research into what Eastern Europe was like when the Iron Curtain finally fell. The pollution was endemic.
LOL! The communists have never given a damn about the environment.

Well, that explains why Algore rides around in a limo and private jet....

If you don't believe that then do some research into what Eastern Europe was like when the Iron Curtain finally fell. The pollution was endemic.

As it will be if you get the totalitarian dictatorship you are so eager for. Many early Russians believed the lies of the Bolsheviks, just as you believe the lies the radical left tells you. Leftism is based on stupidity - without you, it cannot prevail.
UPDATE: This is the latest from Harry Reid on Mr. Bundy:

‘Something Will Happen’ To Stop Nevada Rancher Cliven Bundy
Reid: ?Something Will Happen? To Stop Nevada Rancher Cliven Bundy « CBS Las Vegas

BUNKERVILLE, Nev. — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says “something is going to happen” to get Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy to stop letting his cattle graze on federal land.

Go Reid!!! Take away thats ranchers entitlement. Thats what you are being paid for.
UPDATE: This is the latest from Harry Reid on Mr. Bundy:

‘Something Will Happen’ To Stop Nevada Rancher Cliven Bundy
Reid: ?Something Will Happen? To Stop Nevada Rancher Cliven Bundy « CBS Las Vegas

BUNKERVILLE, Nev. — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says “something is going to happen” to get Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy to stop letting his cattle graze on federal land.

Reid has a history of having people beaten to death with baseball bats in remote orange groves.

Bundy best keep his gun loaded.
LOL! The communists have never given a damn about the environment.

Well, that explains why Algore rides around in a limo and private jet....

If you don't believe that then do some research into what Eastern Europe was like when the Iron Curtain finally fell. The pollution was endemic.
As it will be if you get the totalitarian dictatorship you are so eager for. Many early Russians believed the lies of the Bolsheviks, just as you believe the lies the radical left tells you. Leftism is based on stupidity - without you, it cannot prevail.

You and Stephanie should car pool to a mental health clinic together. While you're at it, I could probably send you the names of a few more people. Perhaps you should get a van...or a bus.
UPDATE: This is the latest from Harry Reid on Mr. Bundy:

‘Something Will Happen’ To Stop Nevada Rancher Cliven Bundy
Reid: ?Something Will Happen? To Stop Nevada Rancher Cliven Bundy « CBS Las Vegas

BUNKERVILLE, Nev. — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says “something is going to happen” to get Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy to stop letting his cattle graze on federal land.

Reid has a history of having people beaten to death with baseball bats in remote orange groves.

Bundy best keep his gun loaded.
:eusa_liar: Keep them lies coming! :asshole:
UPDATE: This is the latest from Harry Reid on Mr. Bundy:

‘Something Will Happen’ To Stop Nevada Rancher Cliven Bundy
Reid: ?Something Will Happen? To Stop Nevada Rancher Cliven Bundy « CBS Las Vegas

BUNKERVILLE, Nev. — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says “something is going to happen” to get Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy to stop letting his cattle graze on federal land.

Go Reid!!! Take away thats ranchers entitlement. Thats what you are being paid for.

Reid who was accused of domestic terrorism himself by the Native Americans he was trying to rip off?

United States Terrorism: BLM Strikes the Dann Ranch Again

He tried to pass a bill to pay those women 15 cent an acre for their land worth 200-1000 an acre.

The Dann Sisters - Western Shoshone Heroes
United States Terrorism: BLM Strikes the Dann Ranch Again

Last stand for Western Shoshone; it might look legal, but it stinks -
People need to keep in mind that Environmental Extremists are Communist Globalists. They are the power behind the Environmental Fanatic Movement. Just do some research and see who the Leaders are. They are all Communist Globalists. Agenda 21 is very real.

LOL! The communists have never given a damn about the environment. If you don't believe that then do some research into what Eastern Europe was like when the Iron Curtain finally fell. The pollution was endemic.

All of the Environmental Extremist Leaders are Communist Globalists. They are behind the Environmental Fanatic Movement. Read up a bit on who the Leaders of the Movement are. Also read up a bit on Agenda 21. These people are serious. They have a very disturbing agenda.
UPDATE: This is the latest from Harry Reid on Mr. Bundy:

‘Something Will Happen’ To Stop Nevada Rancher Cliven Bundy
Reid: ?Something Will Happen? To Stop Nevada Rancher Cliven Bundy « CBS Las Vegas

BUNKERVILLE, Nev. — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says “something is going to happen” to get Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy to stop letting his cattle graze on federal land.

Oh, it's not over. Big Brother doesn't like to lose. He's vindictive and evil. Make no mistake about it, this is a threat. Harry Reid is pure evil. First they assassinate your character, then they assassinate you. And that's what's going on now. Reid already labeled him a 'Terrorist.' I predicted that would happen. Now look for em to label him an evil 'Cult Leader', 'Militia Boogeyman', or even a 'Child Molester.' This man needs our prayers. It's gonna get worse for him. Hopefully good Americans will continue to stand with him and his family.
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Make No Mistake - America Has Been SOLD By The NWO
In 1992, George H.W. Bush signed Executive Order 12803, which gave D.C. the authority to sell America's infrastructure. They called this authority "Infrastructure Privatization."

George Bush: Executive Order 12803 - Infrastructure Privatization
Federal Reserve System + Politicians + Tell-A-Vision = Assembly Line Crises. It is called the Hegelian Dialectic Show.

Everything in the country, including the current planet-sized medical emergency, is in crisis. So enters Martial Law.
Think of our president's promises to "change" the country and to fix the economy (which the Federal Reserve and Congress destroyed) by rebuilding America's infrastructure, including "21st Century schools" and by greening-up our living standards and conditions (International Code Council, Carbon Credits, Waxman-Markey Climate Bill, etc.) - minus, of course, privately owned land and homes (Agenda 21). In the last six months, consider the massive growth of the Federal Government, the national debt, and the powers of the Federal Reserve Central Banking System - all with stated intentions of fixing the economy that they single-handedly destroyed - and fixing it with "infrastructure" projects.

As Martial Law militarily guards all of E.O. 12803's infrastructure as listed in the Order, and with homeland paramilitary armies holding practice drills with foreign armies, local law enforcement, and emergency responders all across the nation (and with a big drill planned July 27th through July 31st in FEMA Region 6),

It isn't hard to tell who the Marxists, anti-whites, Hasbarats, and Jewish Supremacists are on this thread by the way they celebrate loss of freedom, the demise of the US, and by the way they love to trash "angry ol' white men".
Go Reid!!! Take away thats ranchers entitlement. Thats what you are being paid for.
1. The country's infrastructure has been for sale for 17 years. Roads, tunnels, bridges, electricity supply facilities, mass transit, rail transportation, airports, ports, waterways, water supply facilities, recycling/wastewater facilities, solid waste facilities, prisons, hospitals, schools, and housing -- this being of "examples" of saleable infrastructure and not the entire list of saleable items according to E.O. 12803--so the question begs: What exactly has been sold to "private parties in our nation? We would like to see the complete list. We know that many highway systems have been sold to foreign countries, but what of the other listed items? Have they been sold as well?

If so, who owns them, and more to the question, which D.C. department sold them and for how much? Did the Federal Reserve and Congress sell our nation? Where is the paperwork? Did they repay any of America's debt that they purposefully created with their pyramid fiat money lending schemes? And why are they still raising our taxes if America is no longer America but belongs to foreign nations or "private parties?" Since the Federal Reserve is a "private" corporation, did the Fed buy any of America's infrastructure "assets?"

As American "housing" is on 12803's list, and since D.C. recently took over the mortgage industry, has the housing market been sold and/or leased to a "private party" like a foreign nation or the Federal Reserve Corporation? Are the American people tenants to unknown parties? Are American children occupying foreign-owned schools, and are our loved ones lying in foreign hospitals that are clearly chock-full of foreign doctors? Equally, who, exactly, is financing the building of 21st Century schools and classrooms complete with foreign curricula? The questions beg: who are the foreigners....the foreigners or the American people?

More to the point, who is dissolving, partitioning, and/or divvying up our nation? Is it Obama? Geithner? Bernacke? Bushes? Clintons? FDR? Wilson? American morons?

If Americans really are this moronic, I suppose they deserve a dictator.

Before they sell their souls to Marx and his tribe, they at least ought to take a look at what happened to the USSR before it dissolved. They should also take a look at the Chinese "worker's paradise" to see whether it's what they really want.

Take a look at this if you have time. It might help you to understand where we are headed. Surely a couple of hours is no skin off the nose of people who spend about as much time looking at internet porn and useless chit chat.

If you do watch, pay particular attention to the ethnicity of who the primary Russian Oligarchs. And remember that those who remain have set up shop in the US. It may give additional insight into what is happening in Ukraine right now.
You can't depend on the US news media to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth. They are nothing more than a ZOG tool.


Make No Mistake - America Has Been SOLD By The NWO
In 1992, George H.W. Bush signed Executive Order 12803, which gave D.C. the authority to sell America's infrastructure. They called this authority "Infrastructure Privatization."

George Bush: Executive Order 12803 - Infrastructure Privatization
Federal Reserve System + Politicians + Tell-A-Vision = Assembly Line Crises. It is called the Hegelian Dialectic Show.

Everything in the country, including the current planet-sized medical emergency, is in crisis. So enters Martial Law.
Think of our president's promises to "change" the country and to fix the economy (which the Federal Reserve and Congress destroyed) by rebuilding America's infrastructure, including "21st Century schools" and by greening-up our living standards and conditions (International Code Council, Carbon Credits, Waxman-Markey Climate Bill, etc.) - minus, of course, privately owned land and homes (Agenda 21). In the last six months, consider the massive growth of the Federal Government, the national debt, and the powers of the Federal Reserve Central Banking System - all with stated intentions of fixing the economy that they single-handedly destroyed - and fixing it with "infrastructure" projects.

As Martial Law militarily guards all of E.O. 12803's infrastructure as listed in the Order, and with homeland paramilitary armies holding practice drills with foreign armies, local law enforcement, and emergency responders all across the nation (and with a big drill planned July 27th through July 31st in FEMA Region 6),

It isn't hard to tell who the Marxists, anti-whites, Hasbarats, and Jewish Supremacists are on this thread by the way they celebrate loss of freedom, the demise of the US, and by the way they love to trash "angry ol' white men".

It's easy to tell who the Nazis are on this thread by their desperate need to blame everything on the Joooos. :lol:
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First they assassinate your character, then they assassinate you. Right now, Big Brother is in the process of assassinating this man's character. They're now beginning to label him a 'Terrorist.' Some are calling him a 'Racist' too. Soon i expect them to be labeling him a crazed 'Cult Leader', Militia Boogeyman', or even a 'Child Molester' as well. Big Brother will say & do anything to justify his heinous crimes. So for now, it's assassinate his character. But how long before they actually assassinate the man? The poor guy's in real danger. Him and his family need our prayers.
Go Reid!!! Take away thats ranchers entitlement. Thats what you are being paid for.
1. The country's infrastructure has been for sale for 17 years. Roads, tunnels, bridges, electricity supply facilities, mass transit, rail transportation, airports, ports, waterways, water supply facilities, recycling/wastewater facilities, solid waste facilities, prisons, hospitals, schools, and housing -- this being of "examples" of saleable infrastructure and not the entire list of saleable items according to E.O. 12803--so the question begs: What exactly has been sold to "private parties in our nation? We would like to see the complete list. We know that many highway systems have been sold to foreign countries, but what of the other listed items? Have they been sold as well?

If so, who owns them, and more to the question, which D.C. department sold them and for how much? Did the Federal Reserve and Congress sell our nation? Where is the paperwork? Did they repay any of America's debt that they purposefully created with their pyramid fiat money lending schemes? And why are they still raising our taxes if America is no longer America but belongs to foreign nations or "private parties?" Since the Federal Reserve is a "private" corporation, did the Fed buy any of America's infrastructure "assets?"

As American "housing" is on 12803's list, and since D.C. recently took over the mortgage industry, has the housing market been sold and/or leased to a "private party" like a foreign nation or the Federal Reserve Corporation? Are the American people tenants to unknown parties? Are American children occupying foreign-owned schools, and are our loved ones lying in foreign hospitals that are clearly chock-full of foreign doctors? Equally, who, exactly, is financing the building of 21st Century schools and classrooms complete with foreign curricula? The questions beg: who are the foreigners....the foreigners or the American people?

More to the point, who is dissolving, partitioning, and/or divvying up our nation? Is it Obama? Geithner? Bernacke? Bushes? Clintons? FDR? Wilson? American morons?

If Americans really are this moronic, I suppose they deserve a dictator.

Before they sell their souls to Marx and his tribe, they at least ought to take a look at what happened to the USSR before it dissolved. They should also take a look at the Chinese "worker's paradise" to see whether it's what they really want.

Take a look at this if you have time. It might help you to understand where we are headed. Surely a couple of hours is no skin off the nose of people who spend about as much time looking at internet porn and useless chit chat.

If you do watch, pay particular attention to the ethnicity of who the primary Russian Oligarchs. And remember that those who remain have set up shop in the US. It may give additional insight into what is happening in Ukraine right now.
You can't depend on the US news media to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth. They are nothing more than a ZOG tool.



No one is coming to take your freedom retard......unless you break laws that we approve of. You sound like you have cornered the market in your area for tinfoil.
Go Reid!!! Take away thats ranchers entitlement. Thats what you are being paid for.
1. The country's infrastructure has been for sale for 17 years. Roads, tunnels, bridges, electricity supply facilities, mass transit, rail transportation, airports, ports, waterways, water supply facilities, recycling/wastewater facilities, solid waste facilities, prisons, hospitals, schools, and housing -- this being of "examples" of saleable infrastructure and not the entire list of saleable items according to E.O. 12803--so the question begs: What exactly has been sold to "private parties in our nation? We would like to see the complete list. We know that many highway systems have been sold to foreign countries, but what of the other listed items? Have they been sold as well?

If so, who owns them, and more to the question, which D.C. department sold them and for how much? Did the Federal Reserve and Congress sell our nation? Where is the paperwork? Did they repay any of America's debt that they purposefully created with their pyramid fiat money lending schemes? And why are they still raising our taxes if America is no longer America but belongs to foreign nations or "private parties?" Since the Federal Reserve is a "private" corporation, did the Fed buy any of America's infrastructure "assets?"

As American "housing" is on 12803's list, and since D.C. recently took over the mortgage industry, has the housing market been sold and/or leased to a "private party" like a foreign nation or the Federal Reserve Corporation? Are the American people tenants to unknown parties? Are American children occupying foreign-owned schools, and are our loved ones lying in foreign hospitals that are clearly chock-full of foreign doctors? Equally, who, exactly, is financing the building of 21st Century schools and classrooms complete with foreign curricula? The questions beg: who are the foreigners....the foreigners or the American people?

More to the point, who is dissolving, partitioning, and/or divvying up our nation? Is it Obama? Geithner? Bernacke? Bushes? Clintons? FDR? Wilson? American morons?

If Americans really are this moronic, I suppose they deserve a dictator.

Before they sell their souls to Marx and his tribe, they at least ought to take a look at what happened to the USSR before it dissolved. They should also take a look at the Chinese "worker's paradise" to see whether it's what they really want.

Take a look at this if you have time. It might help you to understand where we are headed. Surely a couple of hours is no skin off the nose of people who spend about as much time looking at internet porn and useless chit chat.

If you do watch, pay particular attention to the ethnicity of who the primary Russian Oligarchs. And remember that those who remain have set up shop in the US. It may give additional insight into what is happening in Ukraine right now.
You can't depend on the US news media to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth. They are nothing more than a ZOG tool.



No one is coming to take your freedom retard......unless you break laws that we approve of. You sound like you have cornered the market in your area for tinfoil.

Colorado Eminent Domain Case Settled, Property Owners Lose Land
If Americans really are this moronic, I suppose they deserve a dictator.

Before they sell their souls to Marx and his tribe, they at least ought to take a look at what happened to the USSR before it dissolved. They should also take a look at the Chinese "worker's paradise" to see whether it's what they really want.

Take a look at this if you have time. It might help you to understand where we are headed. Surely a couple of hours is no skin off the nose of people who spend about as much time looking at internet porn and useless chit chat.

If you do watch, pay particular attention to the ethnicity of who the primary Russian Oligarchs. And remember that those who remain have set up shop in the US. It may give additional insight into what is happening in Ukraine right now.
You can't depend on the US news media to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth. They are nothing more than a ZOG tool.

No one is coming to take your freedom retard......unless you break laws that we approve of. You sound like you have cornered the market in your area for tinfoil.

Colorado Eminent Domain Case Settled, Property Owners Lose Land

5th amendment working as planned.

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