Brain Cancer, And How It Sucks More Than Anything...

Canon Shooter

Diamond Member
Jan 7, 2020
Three years ago, a dear friend of mine (and of many) was diagnosed with brain cancer. She was told she had 6 months to a year. With treatment, maybe a little more.

Some back story: Penny was dating this guy Theo for a while. Theo had some issues, drinking, etc, and they broke up. Penny then dated Greg. That lasted about two months. About a year or two later she dated Kenny. At first he seemed like a good dude. But upon Penny's diagnosis, Kenny bailed, saying he didn't need that kind of strife in his life.

Good riddance.

Clean and sober, and knowing that Penny's condition was terminal, re-enter Theo. That man stepped up like a boss, doing anything and everything that needed to be done. All along, Penny fought the good fight. She did everything she could to keep her cancer from dictating how she lived her life, but that could only last for so long. Over the last three or four months her condition deteriorated rapidly. Two months ago the decision was made to stop all of her treatment and go to a "comfort regimen".

Penny passed away this morning at the age of 49, with her mother, her sister and Theo by her side. Her friends are devastated. Even though we knew this day was coming, and likely coming soon, we always figured there would always be just one more. My Mom and I were going to visit her tomorrow.

So, if you've someone in your life who soon will not be in your life, don't wait. For Penny, tomorrow isn't gonna' come.

Cancer fucking sucks...

This is Penny with my friend Forrest, who we lost in a motorcycle accident back in December...


Penny was very close with my Mom (who, I swear to God, will out live us all). This was taken three years before her diagnosis:


One of the last times Penny made a public appearance, about two months ago:


Rest in peace, Penny...
Long time friend, one of the greatest radio talents I ever met, was diagnosed with brain cancer just before last Christmas. They told him six months untreated. With intense radiation and chemo, maybe a year.

He went for the treatment and was dead in six weeks.
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Three years ago, a dear friend of mine (and of many) was diagnosed with brain cancer. She was told she had 6 months to a year. With treatment, maybe a little more.

Some back story: Penny was dating this guy Theo for a while. Theo had some issues, drinking, etc, and they broke up. Penny then dated Greg. That lasted about two months. About a year or two later she dated Kenny. At first he seemed like a good dude. But upon Penny's diagnosis, Kenny bailed, saying he didn't need that kind of strife in his life.

Good riddance.

Clean and sober, and knowing that Penny's condition was terminal, re-enter Theo. That man stepped up like a boss, doing anything and everything that needed to be done. All along, Penny fought the good fight. She did everything she could to keep her cancer from dictating how she lived her life, but that could only last for so long. Over the last three or four months her condition deteriorated rapidly. Two months ago the decision was made to stop all of her treatment and go to a "comfort regimen".

Penny passed away this morning at the age of 49, with her mother, her sister and Theo by her side. Her friends are devastated. Even though we knew this day was coming, and likely coming soon, we always figured there would always be just one more. My Mom and I were going to visit her tomorrow.

So, if you've someone in your life who soon will not be in your life, don't wait. For Penny, tomorrow isn't gonna' come.

Cancer fucking sucks...

This is Penny with my friend Forrest, who we lost in a motorcycle accident back in December...

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Penny was very close with my Mom (who, I swear to God, will out live us all). This was taken three years before her diagnosis:

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One of the last times Penny made a public appearance, about two months ago:

View attachment 547026

Rest in peace, Penny...
I'm so sorry.
Something is radically unbelievably WRONG WITH AMERICA with our cancer rates. Thanks to companies like Monsanto it is going to rise. Where is Erin brockovich. She is a hero.
Three years ago, a dear friend of mine (and of many) was diagnosed with brain cancer. She was told she had 6 months to a year. With treatment, maybe a little more.

Some back story: Penny was dating this guy Theo for a while. Theo had some issues, drinking, etc, and they broke up. Penny then dated Greg. That lasted about two months. About a year or two later she dated Kenny. At first he seemed like a good dude. But upon Penny's diagnosis, Kenny bailed, saying he didn't need that kind of strife in his life.

Good riddance.

Clean and sober, and knowing that Penny's condition was terminal, re-enter Theo. That man stepped up like a boss, doing anything and everything that needed to be done. All along, Penny fought the good fight. She did everything she could to keep her cancer from dictating how she lived her life, but that could only last for so long. Over the last three or four months her condition deteriorated rapidly. Two months ago the decision was made to stop all of her treatment and go to a "comfort regimen".

Penny passed away this morning at the age of 49, with her mother, her sister and Theo by her side. Her friends are devastated. Even though we knew this day was coming, and likely coming soon, we always figured there would always be just one more. My Mom and I were going to visit her tomorrow.

So, if you've someone in your life who soon will not be in your life, don't wait. For Penny, tomorrow isn't gonna' come.

Cancer fucking sucks...

This is Penny with my friend Forrest, who we lost in a motorcycle accident back in December...

View attachment 547023

Penny was very close with my Mom (who, I swear to God, will out live us all). This was taken three years before her diagnosis:

View attachment 547025

One of the last times Penny made a public appearance, about two months ago:

View attachment 547026

Rest in peace, Penny...
My sincere condolences to you and the rest of Penny's loved ones.
Canon Shooter Yeah I watched my neighbor and friend of 20 years do the slow fade away with a rare form of brain cancer. They tried all kinds of experimental treatments but nothing worked. It kept coming back. Sorry for your losses.
I lost my best friend and law partner to brain cancer. It was terrible. They gave her a year and a half. She lasted just about a year and a half. She lost the ability to walk first. She went blind, deaf, could not speak. Her boyfriend wanted her put in hospice where she would be denied food and water until she died. The decision was not his, it was mine. He fought endlessly with me, threatening me. There was nothing he could do. The decision was mine. He even tried to enlist her family. Tracy lived with a couple that cared for her and cared about her. She was in no danger. Now why would I keep a woman alive whose brain was so deteriorated that she couldn't speak, see, hear, walk, or use the bathroom? She was eating baby food and loved the pudding. She smiled when she tasted that pudding. She always knew who I was. She still got enjoyment out of whatever her life had become. She had something she looked forward to. Let God take that away from her, I could not.
My father died of brain cancer at 68, I guess. He was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. It spread throughout his body. 30 days later he became paralyzed when it spread to his brain. He died days later.
Sorry to hear about the friends and loved one's lost.

Son was diagnosed with brain cancer about four years ago locally. Went to Mayo and consulted there for several trips on what to do about this tumor but he decided to go natural cure. He treated with cannabis oil. Tumor seen in all the test is gone. He had to travel out of state because here it is not legal (which I think is a shame as people should have freedom to choose their own natural medical treatments if they desire). It took about six months and he is still cancer free.

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