BP Oil Leak Containment Box Failed


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Oct 10, 2009
In your head
Ice crystals form inside oil box, cause problems
ON THE GULF OF MEXICO – A BP PLC official is saying icelike crystals formed inside of an oil containment box when it was placed over a massive oil leak and that crews have had to move the contraption away to study the problem.

Chief operating officer Doug Suttles said Saturday that he is not saying that the box has failed. But he did say what they tried Friday night did not work.

Suttles says the buildup on the specially constructed box made it too buoyant and clogged it up and they've set it to the side to study the problem.

Officials had cautioned that they would meet challenges during this unprecedented attempt to divert oil spewing into the waters.

BP engineers encountered flammable hydrate formations while lowering the four-story structure onto the leak, said Doug Suttles, the company's chief operating officer.

Oil catcher dome hits snag near leak site: BP exec | Reuters

Cool. Light 'er up!!

That would be fucking AWESOME!!!! A fountain of fire spewing from the ocean floor a mile below sealevel!!

Fuckin A!!!!

(joking, but it would be something to see)

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