Boycott Israel

Hewlett Packard (HP) Faces $120 Million in Potential Losses Due to its Complicity in Israel’s Violations of Palestinian Human Rights

The Students Federation of India (SFI) is more than 4 million members strong, and on June 9, they joined the global campaign to boycott HP. This means that Hewlett Packard companies now risk losing over 4 million potential clients in India because of their complicity in Israel’s gross violations of Palestinian human rights.

Our federation will spread the BDS movement and the HP boycott campaign in college and university campuses across India. We will work to convince university administrations to adopt procurement policies that prohibit doing business with HP companies until they prove that they are no longer complicit in Israel’s egregious violations of Palestinian human rights. Until then, this boycott will continue and will grow even stronger.

Hewlett Packard (HP) Faces $120 Million in Potential Losses Due to its Complicity in Israel’s Violations of Palestinian Human Rights

I know, right? It makes you want to find a pre-teenage girl to push into the gee-had.

HP In Israel
Israel is one of the few countries where HP has massive presence, including the following entities:

  • HP Israel
  • The Indigo Division – Digital Printing Solutions
  • HP Industrial Printing(formerly Scitex Vision)
  • HP Software (formerly Mercury)
  • HP Labs
HP has approximately 324,600 employees worldwide. Over 5,700 are based in Israel.

The extent of HP's investments in Israel:
  • In the past decade, HP has invested over $6 billion in the acquisition of Israeli companies, including the establishment of production plants.
  • HP is the second largest investor in Israeli IT.
In and across our seven sites in Israel we represent all of HP's organizations:

Raanana – Sales and Marketing

Nes Ziona – Indigo Division headquarters and R&D center

Kiryat Gat – ElectroInk Plant and systems manufacturing

Netanya – HP's Industrial Printing headquarters and R&D center

Caesarea – Industrial Printing manufacturing

Yahud – Software R&D center

Haifa – HP Labs

The history of HP in Israel
  • 1957 – HP begins as a department in Motorola in Israel
  • 1996 – Compaq opens in Israel
  • 1998 – Technological cooperation agreement signed with Indigo
  • 2001 – Indigo acquisition
  • 2002 – HP acquires Compaq, merges activities in Israel
  • 2004 – Kiryat Gat ink plant opens
  • 2005 – Scitex Vision acquisition
  • 2006 – Mercury Interactive acquisition
  • 2007 – Kiryat Gat systems plant opens
  • 2008 – Nur acquisition, EDS acquisition
The international soccer body FIFA has decided to begin disciplinary proceedings against Palestinian Football Association head Jibril Rajoub for alleged incitement ahead of a canceled friendly match between Argentina and Israel, which was to have been held in Jerusalem earlier this month, the Israel Football Association announced Wednesday.

At the same time, FIFA member federations also rejected a Palestinian proposal to amend world soccer’s statutes with a stronger stance against human rights abuses.

FIFA members voted 156 to 35 against the motion, which was formally supported by the Iraq and Algeria soccer bodies.

“The ritual repeats itself every time, when Rajoub tries to lead decisions at FIFA against our soccer and the State of Israel,” IFA head Ofer Eini said in a statement. “Thanks to correct and intelligent work we are succeeding to explain to our friends in FIFA what truly hides behind the supposedly innocent proposals of someone who has crossed every red line.

(full article online)

FIFA opens disciplinary proceedings against Palestinian soccer chief
[ There are still left wing organizations operating in Israel? This is the result ]

She says she herself met the Arab landowner in Netiv Ha'avot and wondered why he would not agree to receive compensation for the land instead of evacuating the residents. Kor noted there was no doubt that even after the expulsion and destruction the Arab would not be able to make use of the land, while monetary compensation would have been an appropriate solution for him as well.

Kor said the Arab responded he would have preferred and would have been happy to receive financial compensation, but since leftist movements under the direction of attorney Michael Sfard had already begun the legal work "it was uncomfortable for him" to give up the expulsion process and make do with compensation.

(full article online)

'Left pressured Arab to claim land ownership'
[ If a communist does it, then it must be true. It must be acceptable. Oh, yes....and there is no Muslim, Arab, Palestinian lobbying in the world. Only the Jewish one (wink, wink) ]

The mayor of the municipality of Bezons in the northwestern Paris region, Dominique Lesparre, unveiled the sign for Nakba Lane on Monday.

Under Lesparre, who is a Communist politician, the municipality also declared David Ben-Gurion, Israel’s first prime minister, a “war criminal” for “deporting” hundreds of thousands of Palestinians.

(full article online)

Municipality near Paris names street for Nakba

I hear this claim a lot that addressing antisemitism in SJP and BDS rhetorics is "silencing free speech". They always go into the other extreme claiming that whenever someone is accused of antisemitism, or pointed to a discriminative pattern of thought, it's merely silencing of any criticque of Israel.

When in reality it's very clear that both verbal and physical abuse of students is one of the main tactics by pro-Palestinian activists on campuses. They intimidate both students and speakers who come to debate.

Q. If there's no such problem then why is any attempt to it address is met with total denial, I just don't understand why are they so afraid of talking about antisemitism in their ranks?
The law is based on a lie.

I can't wait for a school to get busted. The school and Palestinian advocates will team up on the same side to fight it. That would be a strange and interesting scenario.


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