Bought And Paid For Fee Press Reckoning With Consistency Of Language


Gold Member
Feb 3, 2018
" Bought And Paid For Fee Press Reckoning With Consistency Of Language "

* An Applicable Vernacular To Describe The Modern Lexicon *

The swastika wielding collectivism for a german state for germans were NATIONAL SOCIALISTS .

Most of the LEFT WING are NATIONAL SOCIALISTS and the rest are full blown COMMUNISTS .

The current LEFT WING plays itself off as SOCIAL LIBERTARIANS but practices SOCIAL AUTHORITARIANISM constantly .

The current LEFT WING plays itself off as anti-government but promotes ECONOMIC AUTHORITARIANISM to implement its COLLECTIVISM .

Most ALT-RIGHT are ECONOMIC LIBERTARIANS so that the majority would NOT be considered NATIONAL SOCIALISTS vying for COLLECTIVISM .

Many ALT-RIGHT are SOCIAL AUTHORITARIANS on some issues and SOCIAL LIBERTARIANS on other issues .

Those inclined to AUTHORITARIANISM to implement their FASHIONED GIST of FASCISM originates FAR MORE from the ALT-LEFT than from the ALT-RIGHT .

* Simplified Definitions With Which To Describe And Debate Public Policies *

Libertarianism and authoritarianism are antonyms , where principles for libertarianism establish individualism , while authoritarianism establishes collectivism .

Libertarianism may be described as forwarding negative wrights which are proscriptions against authoritarian actions of government , which provides individuals with negative liberties to act independently from government .

Authoritarianism may be described as forwarding positive wrights which are prescriptions for authoritarian actions of government , which may provide individuals with negative liberties to act independently from other individuals , which may provide individuals with positive liberties to act collectively with other individuals .
" Bought And Paid For Fee Press Reckoning With Consistency Of Language "

* An Applicable Vernacular To Describe The Modern Lexicon *

The swastika wielding collectivism for a german state for germans were NATIONAL SOCIALISTS .

Most of the LEFT WING are NATIONAL SOCIALISTS and the rest are full blown COMMUNISTS .

The current LEFT WING plays itself off as SOCIAL LIBERTARIANS but practices SOCIAL AUTHORITARIANISM constantly .

The current LEFT WING plays itself off as anti-government but promotes ECONOMIC AUTHORITARIANISM to implement its COLLECTIVISM .

Most ALT-RIGHT are ECONOMIC LIBERTARIANS so that the majority would NOT be considered NATIONAL SOCIALISTS vying for COLLECTIVISM .

Many ALT-RIGHT are SOCIAL AUTHORITARIANS on some issues and SOCIAL LIBERTARIANS on other issues .

Those inclined to AUTHORITARIANISM to implement their FASHIONED GIST of FASCISM originates FAR MORE from the ALT-LEFT than from the ALT-RIGHT .

* Simplified Definitions With Which To Describe And Debate Public Policies *

Libertarianism and authoritarianism are antonyms , where principles for libertarianism establish individualism , while authoritarianism establishes collectivism .

Libertarianism may be described as forwarding negative wrights which are proscriptions against authoritarian actions of government , which provides individuals with negative liberties to act independently from government .

Authoritarianism may be described as forwarding positive wrights which are prescriptions for authoritarian actions of government , which may provide individuals with negative liberties to act independently from other individuals , which may provide individuals with positive liberties to act collectively with other individuals .

The alt-right are fascist socialists, leftists are Marxist socialists, today's authoritarian states are theocratically socialistic, and libertarianism proper is unsustainable. The only form of government that can provide true freedom and justice for the people thereof is that which is predicated on the classical liberalism of natural law.
" Assuredly Accurate Confounding "

* Off Course Of Coarse *

FEE press, or FREE press?
The lobbies for public policy petition both bureaucratic government and private commercial enterprises to control the public narratives .

A direction of public policy lobbies is to fund private commercial enterprises to distribute information transacted from contracted fees .

The imbued meaning for freedom is intrinsic with individualism , which libertarianism expects individualism to be established through negative wrights , for negative liberties , to act independently of government .

A libertarian ethos includes non violence principles between individuals while whether acts of aggression are legitimate or illegitimate can be very contentious .

* Addendum To Simplified Definitions With Which To Describe And Debate Public Policies *

A principle of non violence defines violence as illegitimate aggression , while self defense against illegitimate aggression is legitimate aggression .

A principle of non violence principles obviously requires a definition for , or descriptions for , legitimate versus illegitimate aggression .

A proposed principle for a definition or description for illegitimate aggression also introduces a principle of individualism , whereby illegitimate aggression is defined as any action , or supposition for action by tenet or by edict of creed , to deprive an other individual of either self ownership or self determination ; where self ownership includes free roam , free association , progeny ; and , where self determination includes : private property , civil contracts , willful intents .

* Subjective Distributions For Normative Ethics *

There are many possible conceptual schemes, or perspectives in which judgment of truth or value can be made. This is often taken to imply that no way of seeing the world can be taken as definitively "true", but does not necessarily entail that all perspectives are equally valid. G. W. Leibniz integrated this view into his philosophy, but Friedrich Nietzsche[2] fully developed it.[3][4]

Perspectivism rejects objective metaphysics, claiming that no evaluation of objectivity can transcend cultural formations or subjective designations.[6] Therefore, there are no objective facts, nor any knowledge of a thing-in-itself. Truth is separated from any particular vantage point, and so there are no ethical or epistemological absolutes.[7] Rules (i.e., those of philosophy, the scientific method, etc.) are constantly reassessed according to the circumstances of individual perspectives.[8] Truth is thus created by integrating different vantage points together.
" Reckoning With Debase Claims That Language Is Consistent Continues "

* Dissociation Of Fascism From A Particular Vantage Point *

The alt-right are fascist socialists, leftists are Marxist socialists,
A fascist is only equivalent with a fervor to implement a fashion gist and national socialism by an atheist , or theist , or an apatheist , can be equally attributed with being a fascist .

There is not a difference between religion and creed and the religion of secular humanism fervently seeks to implement the edicts and tenets of creed for its fashion gist .

* Attempting A Fascist Cliche For De-facto Incrimination And Diminution *
today's authoritarian states are theocratically socialistic, and libertarianism proper is unsustainable.
The left is attempting to implement the term fascist into the public lexicon with an antiquated cliche that fascism is only equivalent with a racist ideology , rather than the anti-racist racism of collectivists .

The left is attempting to implement the term fascist into the public lexicon with an antiquated cliche that fasism is only equivalent with economic libertarainism , rather than the national socialism of collectivists .

* Generic Term Without Specific Meaning Other Than Fervor For Fashion Gist *
The only form of government that can provide true freedom and justice for the people thereof is that which is predicated on the classical liberalism of natural law.
The term fascism cannot be directly attributed to economic libertarianism ( economic liberalism ) , to which the left seeks to extend a cliche that fascism is only directly related with racism , while divesting national socialism from being included .

A disconnect is occurring in the application of terminology whereby socialism , which occurs through economic authoritarianism , is not a fascist ideology .

Classical liberalism is a political ideology and a branch of liberalism that advocates civil liberties under the rule of law with an emphasis on economic freedom. Closely related to economic liberalism, it developed in the early 19th century, building on ideas from the previous century as a response to urbanization and to the Industrial Revolution in Europe and North America.[1][2][3]

As a term, classical liberalism was applied in retrospect to distinguish earlier 19th-century liberalism from social liberalism.[8]

Drawing on ideas of Adam Smith, classical liberals believed that it is in the common interest that all individuals be able to secure their own economic self-interest.[12] They were critical of what would come to be the idea of the welfare state as interfering in a free market.[13] Despite Smith's resolute recognition of the importance and value of labour and of labourers, classical liberals criticized labour's group rights being pursued at the expense of individual rights[14] while accepting corporations' rights, which led to inequality of bargaining power.[12][15] Classical liberals argued that individuals should be free to obtain work from the highest-paying employers while the profit motive would ensure that products that people desired were produced at prices they would pay. In a free market, both labour and capital would receive the greatest possible reward while production would be organized efficiently to meet consumer demand.[16] Classical liberals argued for what they called a minimal state, limited to the following functions:
" Not A Challenge For The Literate "

* Blue And Feta Cheese Or Whipped Cream *

Is there a choice of dressing with this salad?
The swastika wielding germans for a german state are deemed fascists because of its fervor for a racialist ideology , or racist ideology when racialism includes violence based upon race , when the term fascist is more succinctly attributed to its ideals for national socialism .

The left is under some delusion that its banter for positive wrights with positive liberties to establish the collectivist policies of socialism through authoritarian government are not fascism , which is preposterous .

The faked booked has become a haven for collectivist , socialist , marxist , ideologues who implement the term fascist in cliche , the validity of which is antiquated .
" Not A Challenge For The Literate "

* Blue And Feta Cheese Or Whipped Cream *

Is there a choice of dressing with this salad?
The swastika wielding germans for a german state are deemed fascists because of its fervor for a racialist ideology , or racist ideology when racialism includes violence based upon race , when the term fascist is more succinctly attributed to its ideals for national socialism .

The left is under some delusion that its banter for positive wrights with positive liberties to establish the collectivist policies of socialism through authoritarian government are not fascism , which is preposterous .

The faked booked has become a haven for collectivist , socialist , marxist , ideologues who implement the term fascist in cliche , the validity of which is antiquated .

Fascism in and of itself is not racial at all.

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