bottom 40% (taxpayers??) received $18,950 back in EI,credits,etc.


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
CBO:Top 40% Paid 106.2% of Income Taxes; Bottom 40% Paid -9.1%, Got Average of $18,950 in 'Transfers' -

“When refundable tax credits, such as the earned income tax credit and the child tax credit, exceed the other federal tax liabilities of the households in an income group, those households are said to have a negative average tax rate,” said the CBO study.
“In its analysis, CBO measured individual income taxes net of refundable credits,” it said.
In 2010, the CBO determined, American households in the bottom 40 percent paid negative amounts in income-tax dollars and a negative average income-tax rate.

CBO:Top 40% Paid 106.2% of Income Taxes; Bottom 40% Paid -9.1%, Got Average of $18,950 in 'Transfers' | CNS News
There is a point you are trying to make. Right? What is it?

Are you mad at the poor people for being poor? Mad at their lobbyists for getting them the benes? Mad at the top 40% for paying all the taxes? Mad at the Congresscritters for setting up the tax code this way.

Who you mad at this time?
healthmyths is mad because . . . we will always have the poor with us.

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