Both Nelson Mandela and Pres. Obama won the Nobel Prize

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
After fighting apartheid in S. Africa and spending 27 years in a brutal prison for his stance. And later becoming the first president of the new post apartheid country. Nelson Mandela was awarded the Nobel prize.

On the other hand, I am still trying to figure out what Obama did to receive the Nobel Prize. ..... :confused:

A) he was black
B) he wasn't Bush
C) community organizer
D) all of the above
E) other
After fighting apartheid in S. Africa and spending 27 years in a brutal prison for his stance. And later becoming the first president of the new post apartheid country. Nelson Mandela was awarded the Nobel prize.

On the other hand, I am still trying to figure out what Obama did to receive the Nobel Prize. ..... :confused:

A) he was black
B) he wasn't Bush
C) community organizer
D) all of the above
E) other

Yeah really.Obama has only sold out americans with Obamacare,is a mass murderer amongst other things,and yet he somehow wins the Nobel peace prize.:cuckoo: Might as well put on on the graves of Stalin and Hilter while they're at it.:cuckoo:
Long-forgotten Nobel Peace Prize winner...

The Tragic Nobel Peace Prize Story You’ve Probably Never Heard
Oct. 10, 2014 ~ This is the story of the "long-ailing, wornout, beaten Nobelman" Carl von Ossietzky
In some years, and this year was no exception, there is no obvious choice for the Nobel Peace Prize. Speculators can guess, pundits can argue, but ultimately the Norwegian committee’s decision — if there is one — comes as a surprise to many. In 1935, however, the choice seemed obvious. The plight of Carl von Ossietzky, a journalist and socialist activist held in a Nazi concentration camp, had drawn international attention. After serving during the First World War, von Ossietzky became a staunch pacifist and decried German rearmament, facing persecution under successive German governments but refusing to flee despite the threat to his safety. He had been put in a Nazi camp in 1933.

Albert Einstein and French author Romain Rolland were among the period’s celebrity activists who supported Ossietzky’s nomination for the peace prize. Wrote TIME that year: If ever a man worked, fought & suffered for Peace, it is the sickly little German, Carl von Ossietzky. For nearly a year the Nobel Peace Prize Committee has been swamped with petitions from all shades of Socialists, Liberals and literary folk generally, nominating Carl von Ossietzky for the 1935 Peace Prize. Their slogan: “Send the Peace Prize into the Concentration Camp.”


German pacifist writer Carl Von Ossietzky, circa 1933

But the Third Reich was anything but pleased that one of its prisoners might receive the high profile award. The Germans pressured the committee against choosing him, with one Nazi state newspaper warning the Committee “not to provoke the German people by rewarding this traitor to our nation. We hope that the Norwegian Government is sufficiently familiar with the ways of the world to prevent what would be a slap in the face of the German people.” Under this Nazi pushback, the Committee announced it would not award anyone the prize that year–citing violence in Africa and political instability in Asia. “The time seems inappropriate for such a peace gesture,” the Committee said in a statement.

The Committee would redeem itself a year later, retroactively awarding von Ossietzky the 1935 prize, worth $40,000. The move infuriated Hitler. German media called von Ossietzky a “traitor” and the award an “insult” to Germany. The Führer threatened to cut off relations with Norway, even after the Foreign Minister resigned from the Committee over the decision, and declared that Germans would never again be allowed to receive Nobel Prizes. (Several German scientists who were subsequently awarded Nobel Prizes were unable to accept the award until after World War II.)

But by the time the award was announced, von Ossietzky’s health had worsened. The Germans had already moved him from the prison camp to a hospital in Berlin, perhaps aware of the impending international attention that would soon befall him. When they unexpectedly allowed journalists to meet with him, he was “looking thin and sounding tired,” TIME wrote after an interview with him:

Al Gore had zero background in environmental science and yet he was awarded the freaking Peace Prize for introducing "global warming" into the international discussion.
Al Gore had zero background in environmental science and yet he was awarded the freaking Peace Prize for introducing "global warming" into the international discussion.

JFK wrote a book - that a bright Middle School student could have authored , it probably never would have published if his father wasn't one of the Worlds richest men - but it was and won a Pulitzer prize - it was barely worth the paper it was printed on - these "prestigous" awards are up to the highest bidder .
Al Gore had zero background in environmental science and yet he was awarded the freaking Peace Prize for introducing "global warming" into the international discussion.

And most of his case has been debunked as trash .
Nobody like us will ever understand the way that top notch leaders get accolades they never deserve, while deserving people are passed by...

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