Bostonians pissed about Illegals moving into the neighborhood


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2016
Boston voted heavily in favor of open borders, so I say "tough excrement".

They should really be pissed at B. Hussein O and the other wealthy socialites on Martha's Vineyard who refused to take their share of MS13 members and other illegals and forced them on to the mainland.

Maybe they'll learn their lesson and vote out Sleepy Joe in the fall, and we can begin to work on curing the problem of illegals. Till then, this is just something they are going to have to deal with as an official "Sanctuary City"
Boston voted heavily in favor of open borders, so I say "tough excrement".

They should really be pissed at B. Hussein O and the other wealthy socialites on Martha's Vineyard who refused to take their share of MS13 members and other illegals and forced them on to the mainland.

Maybe they'll learn their lesson and vote out Sleepy Joe in the fall, and we can begin to work on curing the problem of illegals. Till then, this is just something they are going to have to deal with as an official "Sanctuary City"
I firmly support the Prince's opening OP Sentence.
I too, care not for the problems of Sanctuary Cities, caused by the short-sighted decision to become sanctuary cities, against national interests and cooperation.

It was not sleepy joe that made them a sanctuary city. It was their local leadership.
It was not sleepy joe that made them a sanctuary city. It was their local leadership.

Oregon businesses are shutting down in part due to a lack of employees ... and the higher minimum wage here ... so that's the reason for bringing in illegals for less than minimum wage ... if we want fries with that order, someone has to cook them, and whities won't for that little pay ...

The main problem here is no housing ... and even illegals won't work while homeless ... "affordable housing" is a myth, it doesn't exist ...
Send another 50 busses there. Let's just see how long it takes these retards to wake up. Democrats are dopes. MAGA
I firmly support the Prince's opening OP Sentence.
I too, care not for the problems of Sanctuary Cities, caused by the short-sighted decision to become sanctuary cities, against national interests and cooperation.

It was not sleepy joe that made them a sanctuary city. It was their local leadership.
which happen to be democrats and dems are always on the same page. Ignore the fact they are evil and hate america...they stay united in their devilry.
Oregon businesses are shutting down in part due to a lack of employees ... and the higher minimum wage here ... so that's the reason for bringing in illegals for less than minimum wage ... if we want fries with that order, someone has to cook them, and whities won't for that little pay ...

The main problem here is no housing ... and even illegals won't work while homeless ... "affordable housing" is a myth, it doesn't exist ...
I can see you people need another 50 busses as well. MAGA
Oregon businesses are shutting down in part due to a lack of employees ... and the higher minimum wage here ... so that's the reason for bringing in illegals for less than minimum wage ... if we want fries with that order, someone has to cook them, and whities won't for that little pay ...

The main problem here is no housing ... and even illegals won't work while homeless ... "affordable housing" is a myth, it doesn't exist ...

So now liberals support businesses getting rich from slave labor?
Oregon businesses are shutting down in part due to a lack of employees ... and the higher minimum wage here ... so that's the reason for bringing in illegals for less than minimum wage ... if we want fries with that order, someone has to cook them, and whities won't for that little pay ...

The main problem here is no housing ... and even illegals won't work while homeless ... "affordable housing" is a myth, it doesn't exist ...
Sounds like a shitty place to live, attracting more people than they can afford to absorb and have jobs to provide a level of income. Enjoy your problems, created by your liberal policies.
I can see you people need another 50 busses as well. MAGA

Texas and Florida are bussing LEGAL immigrants ... folks allowed into our country while their asylum request is being processed ... House Republicans didn't want to change that law ...

These poor folks are better off in Boston, and Texas/Florida is allowed to say that ... these asylum seekers choose to go ... now ask them if they want to be homeless where it rains every day all day long? ... these people are PROFOUNDLY worse off here in Oregon ... this is an absolutely awful place to live, no police, fires all the time, and Democrats everywhere ... like Tegucigalpa except everyone has guns ...
which happen to be democrats and dems are always on the same page. Ignore the fact they are evil and hate america...they stay united in their devilry.
So, I take it, you too, care not for the problems in Sanctuary Cities, created or contributed to, by becoming Sanctuary Cities. Their local policies created their problems, and the attending costs. Let them pay for them locally, as I do not deserve to help pay for the foolishness or their local leadership, no matter who is in National Office. Not my problem.
Oregon businesses are shutting down in part due to a lack of employees ... and the higher minimum wage here ... so that's the reason for bringing in illegals for less than minimum wage ... if we want fries with that order, someone has to cook them, and whities won't for that little pay ...

The main problem here is no housing ... and even illegals won't work while homeless ... "affordable housing" is a myth, it doesn't exist ...

Actually the reason why there is a housing shortage are liberal "rent control" and other regulations. If NYC , example given, were to allow a trailer part to be set up in Central Park, there would be plenty of affordable housing. But the snooty liberal attitude prevents it.
Boston voted heavily in favor of open borders, so I say "tough excrement".

They should really be pissed at B. Hussein O and the other wealthy socialites on Martha's Vineyard who refused to take their share of MS13 members and other illegals and forced them on to the mainland.

Maybe they'll learn their lesson and vote out Sleepy Joe in the fall, and we can begin to work on curing the problem of illegals. Till then, this is just something they are going to have to deal with as an official "Sanctuary City"
Learn? Half retarded cult members?

Not likely.

They have no hope.
I shed no tears for Boston residents after they elected a very liberal mayor.
I shed no tears for Boston residents after they elected a very liberal mayor.
She holds parties for nonwhites only, it's like the sister clan of the KKK.

She probably chants gas the Jews in her spare time.

Democrats are the filth of racism, more so than during the slavery era.
Boston voted heavily in favor of open borders, so I say "tough excrement".

They should really be pissed at B. Hussein O and the other wealthy socialites on Martha's Vineyard who refused to take their share of MS13 members and other illegals and forced them on to the mainland.

Maybe they'll learn their lesson and vote out Sleepy Joe in the fall, and we can begin to work on curing the problem of illegals. Till then, this is just something they are going to have to deal with as an official "Sanctuary City"


I hope Governor Abbott has another 1,000 buses booked for next week. And 1,000 the week after. And 1,000 the week after that...etc.
Sounds like a shitty place to live, attracting more people than they can afford to absorb and have jobs to provide a level of income. Enjoy your problems, created by your liberal policies.

Thank you ... this is very well stated ...

Actually ... it's all the natural and unspoiled beauty that attracts folks ... and the zoning laws needed to prevent development in the high-value scenic areas ... you know, forests ... and of course cheapest-in-the-nation electricity, damn that socialism ... electric rates to smelt aluminum by ...

The worst of it all is the water ... clean pure mountain-fresh spring water everyplace, total nuisance ... more than housing, you'll need a boat to live here ... we've had enough rain this year for the spring under my house to start flowing ... gee, what a nice surprise ...
I firmly support the Prince's opening OP Sentence.
I too, care not for the problems of Sanctuary Cities, caused by the short-sighted decision to become sanctuary cities, against national interests and cooperation.

It was not sleepy joe that made them a sanctuary city. It was their local leadership.
Virtue signaling morons

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