Boston Marathon Bombing

From wiki

"The Weather Underground Organization (WUO), commonly known as the Weather Underground, was an American radical left organization"

" No persons were killed in any of their acts of property destruction, although three members of the group were killed in the Greenwich Village townhouse explosion and former members of the group robbed a Brinks armored car in 1981 resulting in the death of three people including Waverly Brown, the first black police officer on the Nyack police force."

No one died except for the 6 people that died.


bill ayers responds

Bill Ayers says people can’t equate the bombings that he and others in the Weather Underground did 40 or so years ago with the April 15 twin bombings in Boston that killed three people.

Ayers, a keynote speaker at Saturday’s annual May 4 commemoration of the National Guard shootings at Kent State in 1970 that left four students dead, spoke briefly after giving his talk before an estimated 350 people on the university’s Commons.

There is no relationship at all between what Weather Underground members did and the bombings that two brothers allegedly committed on April 15 in Massachusetts, Ayers said in response to a reporter’s question. No one died in the Weather Underground bombings.

Bill Ayers defends Weather Underground bombings - News - Ohio

The people who died in the Weather Underground due to bombs will be happy to hear that, wherever they are.

Did you miss the last statement in his post?
''I don't regret setting bombs..... 'I feel we didn't do enough.''

''Everything was absolutely ideal on the day I bombed the Pentagon,''

"I disagree on the question of we should not have- we should have done more. What I'm saying there and I've said it very clearly is that no one did enough in this country to end the war. We knew it was wrong. We knew it was illegal. We knew it was immoral."

Bill Ayers

Absolutely. Terrorists are terrorists. We must have a black and white morality if we are to function as a society.

''I don't regret setting bombs..... 'I feel we didn't do enough.''

''Everything was absolutely ideal on the day I bombed the Pentagon,''

"I disagree on the question of we should not have- we should have done more. What I'm saying there and I've said it very clearly is that no one did enough in this country to end the war. We knew it was wrong. We knew it was illegal. We knew it was immoral."

Bill Ayers

Absolutely. Terrorists are terrorists. We must have a black and white morality if we are to function as a society.

of course faux would say that...
True, they haven't released any details like that yet.....

yes however the cops felt that the Vaseline odd enough to lead investigators to believe that the two did not get the skills from inspire magazine which prematurely leads me to believe that they may have been cooking up some bleach bombs which uses vaseline -wax and naphta as some of the other ingredients this is why i was wondering earlier if anything was mentioned of these items

The bombs you are describing are high explosive types that have a reaction to metals & don't require pressure vessels like pressure cookers & pipe bombs. We know the bombs created a lot of white smoke. The investigators said these were crudely made low explosive pressure cookers & pipe bombs. They said they used gun powder green fuse from fireworks. Pictures show the trigger made from remote control toy car parts. All the info released to date points to gun powder in pressure vessels. They made these in an apartment kitchen. There is no bench vise mounted in any apartment kitchen I have seen. This means they could not clamp & hold the pipe sill in the vertical position while tightening down the end cap. Gunpowder could have spilled into the cap threads as they tightened it setting of the bomb. This is why they use vaseline in the cap threads to prevent powder from crushing into the threads blowing up the bomb maker.
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''I don't regret setting bombs..... 'I feel we didn't do enough.''

''Everything was absolutely ideal on the day I bombed the Pentagon,''

"I disagree on the question of we should not have- we should have done more. What I'm saying there and I've said it very clearly is that no one did enough in this country to end the war. We knew it was wrong. We knew it was illegal. We knew it was immoral."

Bill Ayers
I don't agree with what he did but you are taking his statements out of context.

This is all a distraction, though.
"After the Boston Marathon bombings, 'The Atlantic' published a series of photos of Afghans holding placards that read 'From Kabul to Boston with Love.' The photographs got thousands of social-network shares. Similar photos of Iraqis and Syrians also appeared on the Internet, with messages like 'We mourn with Boston' and '...Do accept our condolences.'

"The photographs were taken by author and documentary filmmaker Beth Murphy. She wrote that she planned to send her 'love' home through the sign she wrote and wanted to take a picture with it but changed her mind 'as I listened to good and innocent people express the heartache that all [of] us feel when other good and innocent people are suffering...'

Afghan Message Of Solidarity With Boston Was Loud And Clear
Boston bombing suspect's widow hires criminal attorney

PROVIDENCE, R.I. The widow of Boston Marathon bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev has hired a prominent criminal lawyer with experience defending terrorism cases as she continues to face questions from federal authorities.

Katherine Russell added New York lawyer Joshua Dratel to her legal team, her attorney Amato DeLuca said Wednesday. Dratel has represented a number of terrorism suspects in federal courts and military commissions, including Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, detainee David Hicks, who attended an al Qaeda-linked training camp in Afghanistan.

Boston bombing suspect's widow hires criminal attorney - CBS News
CaféAuLait;7210672 said:
Boston bombing suspect's widow hires criminal attorney

PROVIDENCE, R.I. The widow of Boston Marathon bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev has hired a prominent criminal lawyer with experience defending terrorism cases as she continues to face questions from federal authorities.

Katherine Russell added New York lawyer Joshua Dratel to her legal team, her attorney Amato DeLuca said Wednesday. Dratel has represented a number of terrorism suspects in federal courts and military commissions, including Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, detainee David Hicks, who attended an al Qaeda-linked training camp in Afghanistan.

Boston bombing suspect's widow hires criminal attorney - CBS News
Is Katie on her way to Gitmo?

"Revised charges were filed against Hicks in February 2007 before a new commission under the new act.[3][4] The following month, in accordance with a pre-trial agreement struck with convening authority Judge Susan J. Crawford, Hicks entered an Alford plea to a single newly codified charge of providing material support for terrorism.

"Hicks's legal team attributed his acceptance of the plea bargain to his 'desperation for release from Guantanamo' and duress under "instances of severe beatings, sleep deprivation and other conditions of detention that contravene international human rights norms.'"

David Hicks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
CaféAuLait;7210672 said:
Boston bombing suspect's widow hires criminal attorney

PROVIDENCE, R.I. The widow of Boston Marathon bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev has hired a prominent criminal lawyer with experience defending terrorism cases as she continues to face questions from federal authorities.

Katherine Russell added New York lawyer Joshua Dratel to her legal team, her attorney Amato DeLuca said Wednesday. Dratel has represented a number of terrorism suspects in federal courts and military commissions, including Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, detainee David Hicks, who attended an al Qaeda-linked training camp in Afghanistan.

Boston bombing suspect's widow hires criminal attorney - CBS News

Wow what a surprise.
It's possible that Syrian, Turkish, Iraq, Iranian, and Saudi borders are about to be redrawn in order to facilitate Israeli and Turkish military control over the Eastern Mediterranean. The major talking point would be a brand new Middle Eastern state: Free Kurdistan.

The following link was posted in 2006 after the IDF's latest push into Lebanon.
The three maps (pp. 5-7) would seem to connect a lot of the dots.

"The historical background of these recent events should be understood. In 2006, Lebanon was bombed by the Israeli Air Force. Israeli troops crossed the border and were repealed by Hezbollah forces.

"The 2006 war on Lebanon was part of a carefully planned and coordinated military road map. The extension of the 2006 war on Lebanon into Syria had been contemplated by US and Israeli military planners.

"This broader 2006 military agenda was intimately related to strategic oil and oil pipelines. It was supported by the Western oil giants which control the pipeline corridors."

The War on Lebanon and the Battle for Oil | Global Research
768. Boston bombing – a false flag terror case (4/20/2013)

The Boston Marathon bombing case was conducted by the Feds. I believe. It took place on 4/15, the last day for tax return. It reminds me of a similar case. Six years ago, I wrote “478. April plot and tax return (4/13/07)”. I alleged the Feds would frame a case in the name of “tax fraud”. Three days later (4/16), a massacre in Virginia Tech. occurred. 4/17 was the last day for tax return that year. That’s their tactic to use terror case to distract a framed case.

Two months ago, I wrote “756. To search by the hands of IRS (2/4/2013)”. It seems the Feds repeat their old tactic in their plot. I think the explosion of a fertilize factory in Texas was not a coincidence. It is a part of the plan – to cause public panic.

I also worry about that the Feds planned more terror bombings elsewhere – particularly in San Jose area where I live. They have showed an intention to kill by violence last month. See “764. Plot to eliminate Kat Sung (3/23/2013)”. If there is bombing happens in library or shopping center where I used to go, the Boston Marathon bombing would have justified it.

Yesterday morning, (4/19), when I learned that the suspects are Chechens, I wrote:” The target of a Chechnya should be Russia. Not US. The suspects are more likely the recruits of US intelligence for the mission of "Arab Spring", "insurgents" or snitches to monitor Chechnya's community in US. It's a puzzle. Are they another sacrifice?”

At night, a news confirms this.
Boston suspect was under FBI surveillance, mother says
By Timothy Heritage
MOSCOW (Reuters) - One of the two ethnic Chechens suspected by U.S. officials of being behind the Boston Marathon bombings had been under FBI surveillance for at least three years, his mother said.
"He (Tamerlan) was 'controlled' by the FBI, like, for three to five years," she said, speaking in English and using the direct English translation of a word in Russian that means monitored.

"They knew what my son was doing, they knew what sites on the Internet he was going to," she said in what Russia Today described as a call from Makhachkala, where she lives in Russia's Dagestan region after returning from the United States.

Tsarnaeva echoed the boys' father, Anzor, who said on Friday that he believed they had been framed. Both suggested in separate interviews that the FBI had made no secret of the fact that at least one of the brothers was being watched.

Boston suspect was under FBI surveillance, mother says

769. Terror attack and financial market (4/30/2013)

In “694. The term of FBI Chief (11/21/2011)”, I wrote, “September should be the last month for Robert Mueller in his FBI office. (Sep. 2001 – Sep. 2011) His term has been extended for two more years. He has to finish Kat Sung before he leaves the office. The next FBI Chief doesn’t want to take any responsibility to a criminal action.” Robert Mueller has to leave his office this September.

That’s why we saw a series of events took place recently: a meteor hit Russia; former Pope Benedict quit his job; Bin Laden’s son in law was arrested and sent to New York, Boston bombing….. All these were created for a big case – a false flag nuke attack on US (likely at New York) which will end with war on Iran. This big case was used to cover up a small case – eliminate Kat Sung and his family (because they knew the story, I allege they are recruited by the Feds to monitor me. Informants have to die to keep their masters’ crime a secret.). Since this is a framed case, they need a big case to distract public’s attention.

In March, I found the Feds prepared a violence death for me – a random shooting death in bank robbery. I revealed it in “764. Plot to eliminate Kat Sung (3/23/2013)”. Then there came the Boston Marathon bombing. I think it was created to justify multi bombings all over the country. One of which was in public place where I go.

I used to go to Milpitas Library on Tuesday. They have a “Computer skill lecture” every Tuesday afternoon. Boston bombing took place on Monday (4/15). I was rattled by it so I didn’t go. Then a fertilizer factory in Texas had a big explosion. I think it was part of the plan. I wrote, “768. Boston bombing – a false flag terror case (4/20/2013)”

I also noticed an unusual drop of gold price. Gold plunges to two year low from 4/12 to 4/15.
Gold plunges to two-year low
By Mark Thompson and Hibah Yousuf @CNNMoneyInvestApril 15, 2013



Gold plunges as China data hit commodities - Apr. 15, 2013

The dramatic drop would give the Feds a chance to buy in gold at low price. If I went to library next day (4/16) and died in a bombing, more bombings would happen that eventually lead to a war. The gold price would sky rocket.

If you still remember there was an unusual stock trading just before 911 attack.

Next Tuesday was 4/23. One day before my daughter gave me a bag of garbage – although we pay monthly garbage fee, I don’t use that service – I am afraid of being planted with illegal stuff, such like drugs in our garbage can. See “689. Plant in garbage can and 6/10/2011 case (10/17/2011)”. I assorted the garbage of that bag – there was a recycle bin in library, I used to throw the paper there. I found there was a backpack in the bag. It reminded me of Boston bombing immediately. Would they also frame me in a bombing case? Once again I decided not to go to the library.

Next day, there was a news:
'Syrian hackers' break into Associated Press' Twitter account and 'break news' that explosions at White House have injured Obama - sending DOW Jones plunging 100 points

Both the DOW Jones Industrial average and Standard & Poor’s 500 Index plunged about 1 percent before regaining their losses
$136.5 billion of the S&P 500 index's value was momentarily wiped clean
Tweet was sent to AP's near 2 million followers and retweeted1,181 times before deleted
White House press secretary: 'The president is fine'
Group called the Syrian Electronic Army has claimed responsibility for hacking

By Nina Golgowski PUBLISHED:12:51 EST, 23 April 2013


AP Twitter hackers 'break news' that White House explosions have injured Obama | Mail Online

My interpretation of this strange news:
1. When the Feds commit a crime, they used to do it in enemy’s name. In 911 they use “Al Qaeda”. This time they use “Syrian Electronic Army”.
2. Twitter is a tool they used to give command.
3. It’s a command to their financial team members to buy in some stock or sell out some stock according to the result of a big terror attack. I’m sure there would be a series of bombings if I went to the library.
4. The mission was cancelled because I didn’t go to library that day.

I am the man who used to go to Milpitas Library on Tuesday and I have alleged there would be big case applied on me in recent days. These two charts of financial market prove my allegations are very accurate.

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