Boston Marathon Bombing

Vaseline is used when making several types of bombs...

One of which would be mixing with Potassium Chlorate.

These guys also had some pipe bombs. The purpose of Vaseline in a pipe bomb is to prevent premature detonation. When screwing an end on a pipe bomb it’s possible the thing could explode in your face. The friction created by screwing the cap on the pipe causes sparks from residual gunpowder. Putting Vaseline on the threads prevent the friction and sparking from occurring.

His buddies knew they were using it to make bombs. They were either watching them make them or helping them make them.

good morning

i suppose one could do that

or simply be careful

i never had problems with sparks when screwing on

the end caps of a metal pipe

however we do not know

what they made the pipe bombs out of

steel copper or pvc

or has the news said
I think they are all part of a small rogue cell. The wife of the one killed knew they were building bombs in her house...the dorm friends knew bombs were being made and why and where....the mother was probably the go between of her sons and whomever was her contact in Russia/Chechen...and the father is just flat clueless. So...adding the 3 arrested, the wife, the two assholes and the mother...that is 7 people so far. How many are aware and carrying on with their own plans? And what is going to be done about Wifey? Does she get to keep collecting food stamps and welfare? How about Mom? Her too?

Mom is in Russia, apparently. Has been for some time.

Wifey works 80 hours a week as a home health aide, so I doubt she is collecting welfare.

I wonder if she is some deluded young American woman who got into all this headgear crap by marrying the Jobless Wonder. Does anyone know?

They SAID they were radicalized by dead Allawi's jihad videos, and two other mad mass murderers were also radicalized by him (Hasan at Fort Hood and also the Detroit panty bomber), so maybe it's just that. We would need to kill Allawi, except that we already did.
I think they are all part of a small rogue cell. The wife of the one killed knew they were building bombs in her house...the dorm friends knew bombs were being made and why and where....the mother was probably the go between of her sons and whomever was her contact in Russia/Chechen...and the father is just flat clueless. So...adding the 3 arrested, the wife, the two assholes and the mother...that is 7 people so far. How many are aware and carrying on with their own plans? And what is going to be done about Wifey? Does she get to keep collecting food stamps and welfare? How about Mom? Her too?

Mom is in Russia, apparently. Has been for some time.

Wifey works 80 hours a week as a home health aide, so I doubt she is collecting welfare.

I wonder if she is some deluded young American woman who got into all this headgear crap by marrying the Jobless Wonder. Does anyone know?

They SAID they were radicalized by dead Allawi's jihad videos, and two other mad mass murderers were also radicalized by him (Hasan at Fort Hood and also the Detroit panty bomber), so maybe it's just that. We would need to kill Allawi, except that we already did.

the mom has a warrant for her arrest if she came back here

i am not sure what they mean by 80 hours a week

some home health cares have 24 hour shifts

with sleep over time for certain handicapped persons

i do not know how she got into relationship

however i thought i read they found some

incriminating evidence on her laptop
Wow 130 pages and this thread has still not produced any original information. Seems someone said it wouldn't. Oh wait that was me!
Apparently you haven't read the whole thread. It predicted a Russian crackdown in the caucuses and a renewed push toward intervention in Syria.

duck soup :cool:
Vaseline is used when making several types of bombs...

One of which would be mixing with Potassium Chlorate.

These guys also had some pipe bombs. The purpose of Vaseline in a pipe bomb is to prevent premature detonation. When screwing an end on a pipe bomb it’s possible the thing could explode in your face. The friction created by screwing the cap on the pipe causes sparks from residual gunpowder. Putting Vaseline on the threads prevent the friction and sparking from occurring.

His buddies knew they were using it to make bombs. They were either watching them make them or helping them make them.

good morning i suppose one could do that or simply be careful i never had problems with sparks when screwing on the end caps of a metal pipe however we do not know what they made the pipe bombs out of steel copper or pvc or has the news said

You would not have a spark problem normally & if you did you would not likely see them. However when bomb building there could be gunpowder dust on the pipe threads from filling the pipe with gunpowder. This has caused pipe bomb makers to blow themselves up before. Pro pipe bomb builders know to clean & lube threads before screwing on the cap.

If a pipe bomb maker tilts or shakes the pipe full of gunpowder as they are threading on the cap the powder will spill onto the threads & get crushed as the cap is screwed on causing the bomb to detonate. Putting Vaseline over the powder on the end could prevent powder from spilling onto threads.

I have not heard of anyone dumb enough to solder an end onto a copper pipe full of gun powder. Iron pipe is likely preferred in bomb making over plastic because it will hold more pressure before bursting.
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These guys also had some pipe bombs. The purpose of Vaseline in a pipe bomb is to prevent premature detonation. When screwing an end on a pipe bomb it’s possible the thing could explode in your face. The friction created by screwing the cap on the pipe causes sparks from residual gunpowder. Putting Vaseline on the threads prevent the friction and sparking from occurring.

His buddies knew they were using it to make bombs. They were either watching them make them or helping them make them.

good morning i suppose one could do that or simply be careful i never had problems with sparks when screwing on the end caps of a metal pipe however we do not know what they made the pipe bombs out of steel copper or pvc or has the news said

You would not have a spark problem normally & if you did you would not likely see them. However when bomb building there could be gunpowder dust on the pipe threads from filling the pipe with gunpowder. This has caused pipe bomb makers to blow themselves up before. Pro pipe bomb builders know to clean & lube threads before screwing on the cap.

If a pipe bomb maker tilts or shakes the pipe full of gunpowder as they are threading on the cap the powder will spill onto the threads & get crushed as the cap is screwed on causing the bomb to detonate. Putting Vaseline over the powder on the end could prevent powder from spilling onto threads.

I have not heard of anyone dumb enough to solder an end onto a copper pipe full of gun powder. Iron pipe is likely preferred in bomb making over plastic because it will hold more pressure before bursting.

maybe compressing gun powder in the threads could cause an ignition

but simply cleaning the threads would solve that problem

as for copper who said anything about sweating the caps on

fact is we do not know what they made the pipe bombs out of
True, they haven't released any details like that yet.....

yes however the cops felt that the Vaseline odd enough

to lead investigators to believe that the two did not

get the skills from inspire magazine

which prematurely leads me to believe

that they may have been cooking up some bleach bombs

which uses vaseline -wax and naphta as some of the other ingredients

this is why i was wondering earlier

if anything was mentioned of these items

maybe this has already been shared

Jihadi told Russians about Tamerlan

A slain Canadian jihadi gave Russian counter-terrorism agents the tip that put alleged Boston Marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev on their radar two years ago, Bay State U.S. Rep. William R. Keating confirmed yesterday — raising questions about whether Tsarnaev’s direct link to the known militant was ever passed on to the FBI or local authorities.

Keating told the Herald yesterday his staff in Russia has learned William Plotnikov, while under interrogation in the militant hotbed of Dagestan, named Tsarnaev as a fellow extremist.

“That’s when the Russian government started looking at Tamerlan and he showed up on a jihadist website,” Keating (D-Bourne) said. “That’s when they contacted the U.S.”

The interrogation prompted Russian authorities to ask the FBI to investigate Tsarnaev in 2011. It is unclear whether the Russians told the FBI that Tsarnaev was associated with Plotnikov or another suspected extremist, Mansur Mukhamed Nidal.

An FBI spokesman yesterday did not respond to the Herald’s request to view the Russian authorities’ plea for help.

Both Nidal and Plotnikov were killed in police raids last summer, and Tsarnaev fled back to the United States shortly thereafter.

Jihadi told Russians about Tamerlan | Boston Herald

bill ayers responds

Bill Ayers says people can’t equate the bombings that he and others in the Weather Underground did 40 or so years ago with the April 15 twin bombings in Boston that killed three people.

Ayers, a keynote speaker at Saturday’s annual May 4 commemoration of the National Guard shootings at Kent State in 1970 that left four students dead, spoke briefly after giving his talk before an estimated 350 people on the university’s Commons.

There is no relationship at all between what Weather Underground members did and the bombings that two brothers allegedly committed on April 15 in Massachusetts, Ayers said in response to a reporter’s question. No one died in the Weather Underground bombings.

Bill Ayers defends Weather Underground bombings - News - Ohio

bill ayers responds

Bill Ayers says people can’t equate the bombings that he and others in the Weather Underground did 40 or so years ago with the April 15 twin bombings in Boston that killed three people.

Ayers, a keynote speaker at Saturday’s annual May 4 commemoration of the National Guard shootings at Kent State in 1970 that left four students dead, spoke briefly after giving his talk before an estimated 350 people on the university’s Commons.

There is no relationship at all between what Weather Underground members did and the bombings that two brothers allegedly committed on April 15 in Massachusetts, Ayers said in response to a reporter’s question. No one died in the Weather Underground bombings.

Bill Ayers defends Weather Underground bombings - News - Ohio

The people who died in the Weather Underground due to bombs will be happy to hear that, wherever they are.

bill ayers responds

Bill Ayers says people can’t equate the bombings that he and others in the Weather Underground did 40 or so years ago with the April 15 twin bombings in Boston that killed three people.

Ayers, a keynote speaker at Saturday’s annual May 4 commemoration of the National Guard shootings at Kent State in 1970 that left four students dead, spoke briefly after giving his talk before an estimated 350 people on the university’s Commons.

There is no relationship at all between what Weather Underground members did and the bombings that two brothers allegedly committed on April 15 in Massachusetts, Ayers said in response to a reporter’s question. No one died in the Weather Underground bombings.

Bill Ayers defends Weather Underground bombings - News - Ohio

The people who died in the Weather Underground due to bombs will be happy to hear that, wherever they are.

Did you miss the last statement in his post?
Ayers actions may not be equatable to the Boston bombers but the four friends of his that got blown up making a nail bomb certainly are....though the motivations were different. One group was protesting a war that was killing thousands of Americans via forced draft and they were raging against the government (though by attempting to blow up military personnel and civilians at a dance they moved into the category of terrorist action) while the other group was protesting what exactly? The generosity of the American people?
Don't make fucking excuses for Ayers and his group of damned anarchists....They are not heroes or even patriots. They were terrorists in every sense of the word...Not good ones but terrorists all the same......

Lets make bombs to stop bombs.......................Fucking stupid
Don't make fucking excuses for Ayers and his group of damned anarchists....They are not heroes or even patriots. They were terrorists in every sense of the word...Not good ones but terrorists all the same......

Lets make bombs to stop bombs.......................Fucking stupid

According to the present day left, Bill Ayers and his group have been transformed by historical perspective into being heroes.
Ayers actions may not be equatable to the Boston bombers but the four friends of his that got blown up making a nail bomb certainly are....though the motivations were different. One group was protesting a war that was killing thousands of Americans via forced draft and they were raging against the government (though by attempting to blow up military personnel and civilians at a dance they moved into the category of terrorist action) while the other group was protesting what exactly? The generosity of the American people?

(My bold)

The URL says that three of Ayers' friends died in a bomb-making explosion.

They never did bomb our troops nor civilians. Ayers says that the group that died might have attacked our people - but they never got that far.

I think everybody was going crazy as the Weathermen peaked - the authorities, the president, the military, the troops in 'Nam, the protesters & slowly, slowly, the ordinary citizens & taxpayers, the unions & corporations. The media, exposed to facts on the ground & the interpretations of the military, saw the problems firsthand.

Because J. Hoover couldn't or wouldn't distinguish between protest & bomb-throwers, he ordered the hunt for Communist plots behind the protesters. FBI & CIA violated the laws so completely that it became impossible to prosecute the Weathermen - that's why they walked on the most serious charges.

At some point we'll have to resolve the issues raised - how does the US go to war? What is legitimate protest of foreign policy? Should the Executive branch be able to commit troops without consulting & then getting a declaration of war from Congress? We're still arguing over the same points, & 'Nam was a long time ago, as TV news cycles go ... & meantime, our people - troops, diplomats & spooks - are dying on the ground in Iraq, Afghanistan & other points throughout the Middle East.
''I don't regret setting bombs..... 'I feel we didn't do enough.''

''Everything was absolutely ideal on the day I bombed the Pentagon,''

"I disagree on the question of we should not have- we should have done more. What I'm saying there and I've said it very clearly is that no one did enough in this country to end the war. We knew it was wrong. We knew it was illegal. We knew it was immoral."

Bill Ayers
You mean to tell me you never accidentally built bombs as a kid and accidentally blew people up? It happens all the time. These kids started playing with George Foreman Grills, crock pots and pressure cookers and somehow ended up making a bomb by mistake. They dropped them at the marathon without knowing what they created or what would happen if they left them there.

They are kids for christs sake, thats what kids do.

I had an indecent in high school. A buddy of mine noticed that we used glycerine to lubricate the beakers going into the centrifuge in chemistry. So we got some nitric acid, a vial of glycerine and went down to the track during break. Took a few drops of the acid and dripped it into the glycerine. None of us really thought it would do anything. I was the tallest and strongest, so I chucked the thing.

It was like a hand grenade blast. None of use should have lived through it. I think it blew before even hitting the ground. Pure luck that I threw it fast enough that it didn't blow up on us. Cops and fire department descended, but it was the 70's so there was only a minor investigation. we did not get caught, but the chemistry teacher knew it was us.

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