Bork, Thomas, Alito


Diamond Member
Oct 18, 2011
After ripping Judge Alito during Supreme Court nominee hearings to the point where Alito's wife shattered in tears, the late Lion of the Senate, Ted Kennedy comforted her saying "it was nothing personal." Democrats should keep that in mind that Republicans may follow the playbook and tactics of one of their icons, Ted Kennedy. It's politics, not personal.
And, unlike you, Democrats won't weep over it.

Conservatives, alas, are just wimps.

Nope...democrats/progressives/leftists...whatever name you use for the totalitarian statistics....they are not normal humans. They are built simply on emotions of jealousy, greed, hate and anger........and appetites.....they do not feel empathy for other humans.......that is why they owned slaves, that is why they created Jim Crow, that is why they crush their enemies and then merrily say..."nothing personal." And you know isn't personal......a Borg drone has no separate personality outside of the Borg collective....and since democrats are,junior Borg drones, neither do they.
"Bork, Thomas, Alito"

Rightwing ideologues, misguided and lacking in an understanding of the true meaning of the rule of law, the protected liberties of the people, and the Framers' intent that the people be subject solely to the rule of law.
"Bork, Thomas, Alito"

Rightwing ideologues, misguided and lacking in an understanding of the true meaning of the rule of law, the protected liberties of the people, and the Framers' intent that the people be subject solely to the rule of law.

Wow, you really don't understand Constitutional are a moron..........

Wait for it....a smugly posted latin phrase in 3...2...1...
And, unlike you, Democrats won't weep over it.

Conservatives, alas, are just wimps.


you guys are already crying about it

and the prezbo has not even forwarded a nominee yet

the board is chuck full of threads about

how unfair the republicans are over this

We dodged a major fucking bullet with Bork.

Yes...for a lefty I can see why.....liberty, individual rights, checks and limits on the power of government over the citizens...truly horrifying for you types........
"Bork" is now a verb. Brace for a good ole Bork'in.

Flashback: Senate Democrats in 1960 pass resolution against election-year Supreme Court recess appointments

"...I discovered that in August 1960, the Democrat-controlled Senate passed a resolution, S.RES. 334, “Expressing the sense of the Senate that the president should not make recess appointments to the Supreme Court, except to prevent or end a breakdown in the administration of the Court’s business.” Each of President Eisenhower’s SCOTUS appointments had initially been a recess appointment who was later confirmed by the Senate, and the Democrats were apparently concerned that Ike would try to fill any last-minute vacancy that might arise with a recess appointment. Not surprisingly, the Republicans objected, insisting that the Court should have a full complement of Justices at all times. Of course, the partisan arguments will be exactly the opposite this time."

Flashback: Senate Democrats in 1960 pass resolution against election-year Supreme Court recess appointments

We dodged a major fucking bullet with Bork.

Yes...for a lefty I can see why.....liberty, individual rights, checks and limits on the power of government over the citizens...truly horrifying for you types........

Sorry he wasn't there to hep limit the rights you want limited :rofl:

The only ones limiting rights are you lefties........1st Amendment, 2nd Amendment.......I imagine that all of them don't really exist in your world....
Republicans will control the Senate next year, the Borking will be fun to watch. Payback is a bitch. :party:

I don't think they have it in them....

Look for John McCain to create the gang of 14 to pass obama's 3...2...1......
"Bork, Thomas, Alito"

Rightwing ideologues, misguided and lacking in an understanding of the true meaning of the rule of law, the protected liberties of the people, and the Framers' intent that the people be subject solely to the rule of law.
I call bullshit on Clayton. He cannot be human. "He" has got to be some kind of bot that spits out mindless, leftist declarations periodically. No human can be so angry and full of self-loathing and not opt for the suicide solution.
We dodged a major fucking bullet with Bork.

Yes...for a lefty I can see why.....liberty, individual rights, checks and limits on the power of government over the citizens...truly horrifying for you types........

Sorry he wasn't there to hep limit the rights you want limited :rofl:

The only ones limiting rights are you lefties........1st Amendment, 2nd Amendment.......I imagine that all of them don't really exist in your world....

Hilarious that you believe that bullshit. Anyways thank goodness Bork got Borked :thup:
It will be interesting to hear Crazy Uncle Joe chime in about "Republican obstruction".

FLASHBACK: Joe Biden Wrote the Obstructionist Playbook on ‘Borking’ a President’s Nominee

One of the key Democrats leading the charge was then Senator Joe Biden, the Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

A legal brief called the
Biden Report was drafted to dissect Bork’s background and positions with the clear intention of opposing him. Bork would later write that the Biden Report “so thoroughly misrepresented a plain record that it easily qualifies as world class in the category of scurrility.”

The lasting legacy of the Bork nomination was the unprecedented viciousness of the campaign to block him, which has been the standard for Supreme Court nominations ever since. Indeed, the dictionary now contains the verb “bork” to describe the obstruction of a nominee “through systematic defamation or vilification.”

FLASHBACK: Joe Biden Wrote the Obstructionist Playbook on ‘Borking’ a President’s Nominee


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