Boris Johnson 'pauses' Withdrawal Agreement Bill after major Commons defeat

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
Johnson 'pauses' Brexit bill after major Commons defeat - LIVE

Boris Johnson has been forced to put his plans to leave the EU on October 31 on ice after suffering another humiliating Commons defeat.

MPs voted by 322 to 308 to reject his plan to ram legislation approving his Brexit deal through the Commons in just three days.

The Prime Minister told MPs he would now "pause" the Withdrawal Agreement Bill until the EU takes a decision on whether to grant another Brexit delay.

However the vote would appear to put paid to his hope of leaving with a deal at the end of the month in nine days' time.

You would need to possess a trumpian level of ineptitude to screw this up. Bojo has it by the bucket load. He had his shitty deal with the EU and possibly enough support in the house to get it through.

But he pissed it away by insisting it was rammed through in three days.

He will now miss his deadline as we wait for the EU to grant another extension.

Brexit now really depends on the level of support in the house for Johnsons deal. If he thinks he has it then he will bring back his bill and the final showdown will take place.

If he doesnt then expect a push for an election asap.

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