Bongino: I thought Parler being taken down was a conspiracy theory -- until 'I lived it'


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
First off, this guy has always been hit and miss with me. Since he is smart enough to make reasonable arguments I will give him the time of day even if I don't agree with him on many occasions. I'm not a Parler user, so I'm not personally impacted.

It is true what he is stating, furthermore, the damage to a closed internet is going to hurt the West as our ability to influence will be easily countered by foreign dictators as liberty will cease to exist.

One of my central themes early on has been that socialism is bad, but not for what many believe, it isn't just the high taxes, it is the social controls that follow. The economy pain is horrendous, but it is the social destruction, that is suicidal. When you aren't free to pursue your dreams and apply your God given talent, when you can't speak freely and have personal beliefs without persecution, it is Germany all over again.

We think we are above it, but as someone born and raised in Canada, I see how closely some of your police agencies work with ours, some seem to be becoming more like ours. The end result is Canada. When you realize you don't have accountability or liberty, you will not only suffer economically, you will, suffer socially.

None of this is a conspiracy, because history have illustrated this time and time again. Notice what I bolded below, what he is said is accurate. The same A.I that protects against spam can "protect" against climate questioning. in fact, it's so easy, that even with my intermediate python knowledge I could help write the script.

The idea of Parler's removal from the Internet was a "conspiracy theory" to Fox News contributor Dan Bongino -- until it actually happened last week.

Bongino, an early investor in Parler, told "Fox & Friends" on Monday that he believed conservatives would enjoy free speech on the platform, unlike on Twitter and Facebook.

"[They said] 'just go do your own thing.' So with Parler and Rumble, we did. And then they came after us there," he said.

Parler chief executive officer John Matze is "confident" that his social media platform will be back online in the near future after his team was able to launch a static website and recover the company’s data over the weekend in a series of positive developments.


"What happens when you send out an email questioning, say, climate change and all of a sudden Gmail says, nah, we’re not deliver your email anymore. What, are you going to tell me that it is a conspiracy theory? I thought wiping Parler off the face of the Earth was a conspiracy too until I lived it."
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More people that claim to be smart not understanding what TOS means for message boards and it's users..
When they burned books in nazi germany no one was sent to jail because it was legal too

What the Gestapo were doing was legal too. "Say zhere Good Little German countryman, can zhou tell me if zhou have seen any of zee undezirables avound zee town today?"

As with the Wuhan Virus rats calling 1-800 numbers on their neighbours, Germany would send out the Gestapo by foot and ask around. They'd find loyal, obedient Germans (obedience isn't just a German trait as I have personally experienced) would rat out neighbous who were "undesireable", "criminal" (just by their birthright), or whatever other terms they would use.

There have been speculations that such rats sealed the fate of Anne Frank and her family who were being hidden by the authorities.

Listen to the people around you today. The new generation, the Big Tech CEOs. Does anyone think they will be protecting conservatives, those who oppose Communism and China, or. libertarians? Notice they always use some technical or legal fineprint reason to silence others "you should have read this line in the TOS, 'we reserve the right to ban you for any reason'"

There will be no one protecting such peoples you can be sure. They want you silenced, cancelled and burned to the stake, if you don't die of some other unfortunate reason. The same apologists are so committed to their political parties (on both sides, by the wau) that they don't even dare see it.
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More people that claim to be smart not understanding what TOS means for message boards and it's users..
When they burned books in nazi germany no one was sent to jail because it was legal too

What the Gestapo were doing was legal too. "Say zhere Good Little German countryman, can zhou tell me if zhou have seen any of zee undezirables avound zee town today?"

As with the Wuhan Virus rats calling 1-800 numbers on their neighbours, Germany would send out the Gestapo by foot and ask around. They'd find loyal, obedient Germans (obedience isn't just a German trait as I have personally experienced) would rat out neighbous who were "undesireable", "criminal" (just by their birthright), or whatever other terms they would use.

There have been speculations that such rats sealed the fate of Anne Frank and her family who were being hidden by the authorities.

Listen to the people around you today. The new generation, the Big Tech CEOs. Does anyone think they will be protecting conservatives, those who oppose Communism and China, or. libertarians? Notice they always use some technical or legal fineprint reason to silence others "you should have read this line in the TOS, 'we reserve the right to ban you for any reason'"

There will be no one protecting such peoples you can be sure. They want you silenced, cancelled and burned to the stake, if you don't die of some other unfortunate reason. The same apologists are so committed to their political parties (on both sides, by the wau) that they don't even dare see it.
That is not the issue as to why they got the ban hammer in the first place..
More people that claim to be smart not understanding what TOS means for message boards and it's users..

It's only applied in one direction, much like U.S. law. Leftist radicals like you and Coyote don't believe in law because you don't believe in its equal application. You'll go along with anything as long as it serves the party and its rich elites!
More people that claim to be smart not understanding what TOS means for message boards and it's users..

It's only applied in one direction, much like U.S. law. Leftist radicals like you and Coyote don't believe in law because you don't believe in its equal application. You'll go along with anything as long as it serves the party and its rich elites!

Now you are just being silly. A year ago it was leftist Antifa groups whining about being blocked or removed on social media.
You don't follow TOS around here you go by-by. Damn Nazis..

I believe the discussion was Parler, not this forum.

If and when your leftist masters learn of the existence of this community, they will do everything possible to make sure that your voice is the only voice that is heard.
That is not the issue as to why they got the ban hammer in the first place..

They got the "ban hammer" because they permitted the free flow of expression. Your leftist masters have no tolerance for alternative ideas.
They violated TOS cry me a river...


You fascists always have an excuse for restricting another's speech.
You can bitch all you like but that doesn't change the fact that they were not moderating posts that were against TOS...You do the same shit here and you too can bitch about abuse of a freedom you signed away when you checked the box when you agreed to oblige by the TOS of the site when joining.....Or you can play stupid and say your rights are being violated..
More people that claim to be smart not understanding what TOS means for message boards and it's users..

It's only applied in one direction, much like U.S. law. Leftist radicals like you and Coyote don't believe in law because you don't believe in its equal application. You'll go along with anything as long as it serves the party and its rich elites!

Now you are just being silly. A year ago it was leftist Antifa groups whining about being blocked or removed on social media.
And, never ONCE did I or many of us support their banning.

We believe that free speech for all is the best opportunity for exploring and agreeing on the best ideas and solutions to problems. It is also an excellent way to inform others about ideas that suck donkey ass (like those of Antifa).

The solution to bad speech is not suppression. It's exposure and counter-speech.

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