Bombshell shows almost half of ballots in Atlanta were duplicates

Honey, notice the date on the document? Votes have changed since then, but not as it was on the 8th. Now checked them against one another carefully-

One of the largest is Fulton County, which on Friday reported rejecting 1,556 of the total 3,722 provisional ballots cast. Nearly 1,000 of the ballots were disqualified because they were out of county, and another 581 were not registered to vote. Three were rejected because they weren’t U.S. citizens.
GEORGIA ELECTION: Kemp's lead shrinks, Abrams to file new lawsuit

From the Atlanta Journal Constitution paper, their main paper, a left wing outlet.
Yet ANOTHER example of massive voter the Party that assures us that THERE IS NO VOTER FRAUD, and we are neurotic to be concerned about it.

NATIONAL VOTER I.D. CARD. NOW! No more casual mail in ballots. Show up or don't vote.

Red herrings. You have a whole basement full of them.



You're about as stupid as Simpson, too.
That document is fake.

This is the real thing:

mostly snark.

but you tell me - how does a box of provisional ballots wind up in a rental? i'm open to ideas.

also - your image of me is your own, not necessarily mine.

It is called "fake news", perhaps you have heard of it.

Uncounted Ballots, Overvoted Ballots: Why Is the Governor Claiming Fraud in Florida’s Election?
so was there or was there not a ballot box found in a car rental? i never said what was in it as that was never reported.

also - given her past history, i just don't give her the benefit of doubt.

Correct. There was a box that was used to transport blank provisional ballots from the central location to the polling places. Once this box was emptied it was then used to clean up the supplies at the end of the night and then left in the rental car by someone that had likely been at work for the last 14 hours.
then it would be a non-issue. i've read through a few articles and neither of them said what was in the box, just that one was found.

That is what happens when you get your news from Alt-right sources, they leave out the details that do not support their point of view.
lord knows the alt-left would never do such a thing.
so was there or was there not a ballot box found in a car rental? i never said what was in it as that was never reported.

also - given her past history, i just don't give her the benefit of doubt.

Correct. There was a box that was used to transport blank provisional ballots from the central location to the polling places. Once this box was emptied it was then used to clean up the supplies at the end of the night and then left in the rental car by someone that had likely been at work for the last 14 hours.
then it would be a non-issue. i've read through a few articles and neither of them said what was in the box, just that one was found.

That is what happens when you get your news from Alt-right sources, they leave out the details that do not support their point of view.
lord knows the alt-left would never do such a thing.

Of course they would, which is why I avoid both.

Perhaps you might give it a try!

Just a thought
great idea-----just bring a little camera to the voting area------reproduce the ballot-------and shove it in the machine OVER AND OVER AGAIN

Execpt that such a ballot would be reject by the machine.

You have a distinct lack of be one them Dead From The Neck Seig Heil Shouting, Goose Stepping Pussy Grabbing Cons.
Honey, notice the date on the document? Votes have changed since then, but not as it was on the 8th. Now checked them against one another carefully-

One of the largest is Fulton County, which on Friday reported rejecting 1,556 of the total 3,722 provisional ballots cast. Nearly 1,000 of the ballots were disqualified because they were out of county, and another 581 were not registered to vote. Three were rejected because they weren’t U.S. citizens.
GEORGIA ELECTION: Kemp's lead shrinks, Abrams to file new lawsuit

From the Atlanta Journal Constitution paper, their main paper, a left wing outlet.

Which again is far more than what the OP claimed..
great idea-----just bring a little camera to the voting area------reproduce the ballot-------and shove it in the machine OVER AND OVER AGAIN

Execpt that such a ballot would be reject by the machine.

You have a distinct lack of be one them Dead From The Neck Seig Heil Shouting, Goose Stepping Pussy Grabbing Cons.

oh ----good
so was there or was there not a ballot box found in a car rental? i never said what was in it as that was never reported.

also - given her past history, i just don't give her the benefit of doubt.

Correct. There was a box that was used to transport blank provisional ballots from the central location to the polling places. Once this box was emptied it was then used to clean up the supplies at the end of the night and then left in the rental car by someone that had likely been at work for the last 14 hours.
then it would be a non-issue. i've read through a few articles and neither of them said what was in the box, just that one was found.

That is what happens when you get your news from Alt-right sources, they leave out the details that do not support their point of view.
lord knows the alt-left would never do such a thing.

Of course they would, which is why I avoid both.

Perhaps you might give it a try!

Just a thought
you just ain't happy unless you're whizzin on someones cheerios.
Correct. There was a box that was used to transport blank provisional ballots from the central location to the polling places. Once this box was emptied it was then used to clean up the supplies at the end of the night and then left in the rental car by someone that had likely been at work for the last 14 hours.
then it would be a non-issue. i've read through a few articles and neither of them said what was in the box, just that one was found.

That is what happens when you get your news from Alt-right sources, they leave out the details that do not support their point of view.
lord knows the alt-left would never do such a thing.

Of course they would, which is why I avoid both.

Perhaps you might give it a try!

Just a thought
you just ain't happy unless you're whizzin on someones cheerios.

Am I wrong?
then it would be a non-issue. i've read through a few articles and neither of them said what was in the box, just that one was found.

That is what happens when you get your news from Alt-right sources, they leave out the details that do not support their point of view.
lord knows the alt-left would never do such a thing.

Of course they would, which is why I avoid both.

Perhaps you might give it a try!

Just a thought
you just ain't happy unless you're whizzin on someones cheerios.

Am I wrong?
yea, but pretty pointless to talk to you about it. you're fine as long as someone agrees with you. when they don't you tend to extremify their views regardless of how that person has conducted themselves in the past.
That is what happens when you get your news from Alt-right sources, they leave out the details that do not support their point of view.
lord knows the alt-left would never do such a thing.

Of course they would, which is why I avoid both.

Perhaps you might give it a try!

Just a thought
you just ain't happy unless you're whizzin on someones cheerios.

Am I wrong?
yea, but pretty pointless to talk to you about it. you're fine as long as someone agrees with you. when they don't you tend to extremify their views regardless of how that person has conducted themselves in the past.

I have no issue with people disagreeing with me, happens all the time.

So, where did you read the stories about the ballot box in the rental car? was it from a far-right website?
Oh, for the uninformed.

Over Vote - An over vote occurs when a Voter (Republican or Democrat), when filling out the ballot marks more than person, office or ballot proposition than required on the Ballot. I.E. - "Please Vote For Three" and four are voted for. "Please Vote For Three" and Four Are Voted For. This IS NOT VOTER FRAUD. This is a misinformed Voter not paying attention to what He/She is Voting For. More often as not the Voter, when turning the ballot is informed of the mistake(s) and can be given another ballot and the used ballot is torn and then turned in.

An Undervote is opposite. In some states the voter must fill out the complete ballot, meaning all offices/propositions must be voted on. The voter is given a chance to cast a new ballot. THIS IS NOT VOTER FRAUD. In California and certain other states a person does not have to vote for every office or proposition.

Voter Fraud is the act of intentionally giving false or misleading information for the purposes of casting an illegal vote. An Over Vote or an Under Vote is NOT VOTER FRAUD.

A Provisional Ballot is issued when the name of Voter does not appear on Voter Register. That does not mean in and of itself that there is an attempt at Voter Fraud.

That means that:

A. The Voter has not voted in more than one or two Presidential Election Cycles and their name is removed from the rolls. Some people just plain to forget to vote or only choose to vote in certain elections. These people must re-register.

B. The Voter moved and did not re-register and came to their Polling Station. This is NOT Voter Fraud, it is a lazy Voter.

C. The Voter changed their name (happens when people marry/divorce/or just plain change their name). This Voter may have name on the rolls, but under their former name and they need to re-register. Not so much Voter Fraud as being a lazy voter.

D. The Voter has changed their Party Affiliation. If a Voter so chooses they can change affiliation, but must re=regiser. If they have not done so this could effect their voter status.

E. The Voter is NOT REGISTERED and is Caught Trying To Vote. Voter Fraud is a statistical anomly in and of itself. .0000004 percent of all votes cast.

Voter Fraud is now a bug-a-boo used by Cons who have want to suppress the vote.

No mention was made of the over 2,000 Voting Machines that were released for use. Nor was there mention of the machines that had no power cords and no batteries and therefore of no use to voters but were sent African-American Precincts. That is called Voter Suppression.
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If done fairly no problem. Like Hillary cheating against Sanders, you didn't care about that one.
How did Hillary cheat poor Bernie again????

Did she purge voter roles? Did she manage the counting process? Did she under supply voting machines in Bernie strongholds? Did she demand all Democrats have a speacial photo ID? Did Obama rant & call V=Berinie people cheats?
Look it up, I'm tired of educating you dumbasses.
I am asking you a fucking question. But run away as usual.
If done fairly no problem. Like Hillary cheating against Sanders, you didn't care about that one.
How did Hillary cheat poor Bernie again????

Did she purge voter roles? Did she manage the counting process? Did she under supply voting machines in Bernie strongholds? Did she demand all Democrats have a speacial photo ID? Did Obama rant & call V=Berinie people cheats?
Look it up, I'm tired of educating you dumbasses.
I am asking you a fucking question. But run away as usual.

I did not mention HRC, what is it with you Mother Fucking Dead From The Neck Shit Faced Cons. You are obsessed with HRC. Shut The Fuck Up About HRC. Get A Fucking Life.
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If done fairly no problem. Like Hillary cheating against Sanders, you didn't care about that one.
How did Hillary cheat poor Bernie again????

Did she purge voter roles? Did she manage the counting process? Did she under supply voting machines in Bernie strongholds? Did she demand all Democrats have a speacial photo ID? Did Obama rant & call V=Berinie people cheats?
Look it up, I'm tired of educating you dumbasses.
I am asking you a fucking question. But run away as usual.

No thanks I am a Married Man and do not fuck around on my wife. Nor do I fuck Cons, they are very good at doing that to themselves.

I did not support Bernie and do not give two shits about him. Kemp purged over 400,000 Voters and you say nothing about that.
Math is NOT your friend. LOL

Add duplicate ballots to total rejected ballots. Subtract that total from total provisional ballots overall and .... voila, you have essentially the number of accepted ballots .

Your fake news site is just funnin with ya.

the real news would be with that Atlanta journal constitution.
The "out of county" ballots were mostly college students who registered to vote elsewhere but insisted on filling out provisional ballots where they go to school.

They have just received an education. They should have absentee voted in their home towns, or else registered to vote where they go to school.

However, their votes for statewide offices will still be counted.

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