Bombshell !! Russell Brand rape allegations

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

Channel 4 have cleared the schedules tonight and are airing the allegations of 4 women.

I dont know exactly what he does for a living theese days but he was a big name a few years back. I believe he is an internet person now.

It would not surprise me. He used to be coked out of his head at one time so might not have been aware.

The BBC sacked him because of his behaviour and I do hope that this takes him down. He is brighter than most but is a thoroughly unpleasant character.

Channel 4 have cleared the schedules tonight and are airing the allegations of 4 women.

I dont know exactly what he does for a living theese days but he was a big name a few years back. I believe he is an internet person now.

It would not surprise me. He used to be coked out of his head at one time so might not have been aware.

The BBC sacked him because of his behaviour and I do hope that this takes him down. He is brighter than most but is a thoroughly unpleasant character.
the left hoping its true because the very very liberal Brand supports freedom of speech ! however if said allegations are true and proven beyond a reasonable doubt he should pay heavily for his crimes ... if he actually committed crimes .
The allegations were made in a joint investigation by the Sunday Times, the Times and Channel 4's Dispatches.
The Sunday Times said all the women felt ready to speak only after being approached by reporters. The newspaper said several felt compelled to do so given Brand's newfound prominence as an online wellness influencer.

Several women have made allegations against Brand as part of the investigation. Channel 4's head of news and current affairs Louisa Compton said four of the women had alleged sexual assault.
  • One woman alleges that Brand raped her against a wall in his Los Angeles home. She was treated at a rape crisis centre on the same day. The Times says it has seen medical records to support this
  • A second woman alleges that Brand assaulted her when he was in his early 30s and she was 16 and still at school. She alleges he referred to her as "the child" during an emotionally abusive and controlling relationship
  • A third woman claims that Brand sexually assaulted her while she worked with him in Los Angeles, and that he threatened to take legal action if she told anyone else about her allegation
  • The fourth woman alleged being sexually assaulted by Brand and him being physically and emotionally abusive towards her

So where's the cops in all this??? 3 different news organizations doing their own investigations? Yet the women didn't come forward until the stations contacted them???? One went to a rape crisis center, but not the cops??? A 16yo and 30yo in a 'relationship' and nobody batted an eye????

Whole thing sounds sketchy

Channel 4 have cleared the schedules tonight and are airing the allegations of 4 women.

I dont know exactly what he does for a living theese days but he was a big name a few years back. I believe he is an internet person now.

It would not surprise me. He used to be coked out of his head at one time so might not have been aware.

The BBC sacked him because of his behaviour and I do hope that this takes him down. He is brighter than most but is a thoroughly unpleasant character.

He is suppose some sort of comedian, but I've never found hin funny. He is professional asshole. I hope this brings him down.

Channel 4 have cleared the schedules tonight and are airing the allegations of 4 women.

I dont know exactly what he does for a living theese days but he was a big name a few years back. I believe he is an internet person now.

It would not surprise me. He used to be coked out of his head at one time so might not have been aware.

The BBC sacked him because of his behaviour and I do hope that this takes him down. He is brighter than most but is a thoroughly unpleasant character.
Another scum bag left winger like you , Turdy . The chickens coming home to roost as the truth about so
many of these commie types comes to light .

Channel 4 have cleared the schedules tonight and are airing the allegations of 4 women.

I dont know exactly what he does for a living theese days but he was a big name a few years back. I believe he is an internet person now.

It would not surprise me. He used to be coked out of his head at one time so might not have been aware.

The BBC sacked him because of his behaviour and I do hope that this takes him down. He is brighter than most but is a thoroughly unpleasant character.
He is a youtube nut job in the vein of Joe "Just asking dumb questions" Rogan.
I disagree with your statement. He is very political, and when I do see him
on the television, he's talking politics. Stated he jumped from being a liberal to a conservative.
That's political, Tommie.
He found it easier to get a million followers slinging conspiracy theories to conservatives you are correct.

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