BOMBSHELL: Blasey-Ford's HS Yearbooks Brag of Drunken Promiscuity, '54 Sex Partners Before College'

In other words, Balsy's was and is a drunken whore...except this time she getting DNC and Soris money to make the story up!!! She sounds like quite the little slut, perfect match for the socialist harpies of USMB!!!

Read much more at
The Shad Olson Show: Standing for our Sovereignty ^

They didn't quite get it all scrubbed from cyberspace quickly enough. High School yearbooks from Holton Arms preparatory school (Bethesda, Maryland, 1982-1985) purportedly show Brett Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey-Ford as a wild party girl in a wild party era, with yearbook passages by classmates bragging of spending the night with adult men during "Beach Week" and enjoying male strippers in G-strings for "Sweet 16" birthday parties.


Let the slut shaming allegations begin. As Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh's rape accuser today pulls back from an invited offer for Senate testimony, (saying through her attorney that a Friday deadline set by Republicans is quote, "arbitrary,") the inevitable levy break of background information allegedly reveals Christine Blasey-Ford as a prolific high school party girl who is alleged to have bragged to a friend of having 54 sexual partners prior to college. If true, the emergence of five high school yearbooks from exclusive college preparatory school, Holton Arms (Bethesda, Maryland) destroys Blasey-Ford's self portrayal as an innocent coed "church mouse" taken advantage of by an aggressive sexual predator.

Even summarizing the totality of what the yearbooks contain is difficult, given that it paints a picture of hedonistic, debauched teenage behavior in which Christine Blasey-Ford is alleged to have not only indulged but promoted and led as an acknowledged focal point of American Pie, or Animal House-style fraternizing with eager young men, often in (by Holton Arms classmates’ descriptions) alcohol-saturated social settings that left participants unable to recall exactly what had taken place. One excerpt from a yearbook entry detailed the philosophy of binge drinking to memory loss as a necessity of the Holton Arms party scene:

"Although these parties are unforgettable, they are only a memory lapse for most, since loss of consciousness is often an integral part of the party scene. Nothing emerges but a vague feeling of intense enjoyment when one tries to recall them. We were probably, you know, really tired and all.”


One friend, (identified briefly on social media) alleges Blasey-Ford (Holton Arms, Class of 1984) suffered no memory loss whatsoever in describing and bragging about her sexual conquests and paramours, identifying 54 sexual partners between her junior year of high school and enrollment in college. The social media post (below) claims Blasey-Ford previously allegedly admitted to being an alcoholic in high school and regretted, "being so easy," in high school. She is alleged to have told the best friend that she had 54 sexual partners between 11th grade and enrollment in college. The post also identified Blasey-Ford as a liberal activist with an obvious sensitivity to Supreme Court ideology, once writing on social media, "Scalia-types must be banned from law!"


s quickly as the images began to emerge on social media Monday, Blasey-Ford’s supporters worked this week to scrub them or have them taken down from various outlets. The entries describe wild drunken romps with boys, binge drinking blackouts, birthday parties with male strippers and the benefits of passing out drunk to avoid guilt and shame of alleged sexual activity. On one yearbook page, a passage is dedicated to artful description of a “Sweet 16” birthday party for one Blasey-Ford, Holton Arms classmate, complete with a male stripper wearing a gold G-string and dancing to the delight of the obviously underage attendees:

"The tenth grade taught us how to party also and Martha (redacted) usually provided the circumstances in which to do so. Celebrating her sweet sixteen or just the weekend. Martha managed to entertain her guests with her hospitality, her pool (after descummification), and her erotic male dancer, the latter in his gold G-string, being by far the most effective."

"Martha managed to entertain her guests with her hospitality…and her erotic male dancer, the latter, in his gold G-string being by far the most effective."


"While dancing in the middle of coastal Highway, Ann [redacted last name] and friends picked up some men who passed out in their apartment…"

Multiple Holton Arms yearbook entries show racy images purported to be Blasey-Ford in evocative clothing and sensuous repose, including photos of three minors dressed provocatively in Playboy Bunny and French maid costumes. (Redacted photos are allegedly much racier.) The caption describes underage high school girls dancing seductively in the middle of a highway during "Beach Week," and then enticing some (adult?) men to come back to their apartment for binge drinking and a night of whatever libidinous fun might have transpired:

"Beach week culminated the year for those of us lucky enough to go. With school and our minds in temporary recess, we were able to release all those troubling inhibitions of the past year. While dancing in the middle of coastal Highway, Ann [redacted last name] and friends picked up some men who passed out in their apartment…"

Other passages hint at the dating habits and adventurous process of selecting boys for romantic interest and activity, indicating that some female members of the Holton Arms senior class preferred freshman and sophomore boys as their companions: “Other seniors preferred to expand their horizons and date younger men, usually sophomores, who could bring the vitality and freshness of innocence to a relationship.”

It's not clear who began redacting the photos and entries and who spearheaded the scrubbing operation that became a race against independent outlets who snapped up the photos as soon as they became public knowledge.

What is known is that Blasey-Ford avoided public revelation of her accusations until the conclusion of Kavanaugh's Senate Judiciary Committee hearings and now, shows no interest in meeting a Friday deadline to testify under oath to her allegation of sexual assault against him, which in context, even if it were true, seems one of the tamer things that might ever happened in her high school career in what public yearbook accounts reveal as a WASP-ish, elitist East Coast, upper crust bacchanal scene in the 1980's.

Multiple reports Thursday (9/20/18) indicated that Blasey-Ford was demanding the meeting of undisclosed conditions to testifying before the U.S. Senate concerning her claims against Kavanaugh, and that her attorney had termed a Friday deadline for such testimony to be, "arbitrary."
Taking bets on if she will show up Monday as promised..... Any Takers? Vegas odds makers are at 27 to 1 she is a no show....

She’ll never show, but the dims have managed to postpone things. Last I heard, tomorrow’s hearing is postponed?

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The hearing is set for Thursday. If she fails to show a vote will be taken that day according to Grassley's Office. No more games...

10:00 am ET, that's the time and date being reported. She goes 1st, then Kavanaugh. I think it's 50-50 whether she shows or not, and I think it's 50-50 whether at some point before then another lib/dem woman will claim to have been assaulted or groped by Kavanaugh 30 some years ago. I do not see how fair-minded person can say this accusation has any credibility to it when it was 36 years ago and she doesn't know or remember when or where it happened and none of the witnesses support her story.
Well, Snopes has looked into a few of the fake photos, at least. Nothing on the yearbook yet.
In a similar vein, another photograph of a topless, drunk and passed-out woman (which could have been staged for comedic effect) has been represented as one of a young Christine Blasey at a “pool party”:


However, this photograph exhibits the opposite problem from the first one: it’s much too modern in appearance and detail to be a snapshot from the late 1980s (when Christine Blasey was a young woman). Moreover, rather than “being supplied by a female classmate,” this photograph was also already online with a caption identifying it as something found on a Spanish-language humor and entertainment website, until someone plucked it and recaptioned it with Christine Blasey’s name:


Yes .. This ^ TOTALLY looks like the Tramp/Bitch/Whore Amiright?
Well, Deno believes it! :lol:
Perhaps this is her too? YES, I AM CERTAIN!!

Well, Snopes has looked into a few of the fake photos, at least. Nothing on the yearbook yet.
In a similar vein, another photograph of a topless, drunk and passed-out woman (which could have been staged for comedic effect) has been represented as one of a young Christine Blasey at a “pool party”:


However, this photograph exhibits the opposite problem from the first one: it’s much too modern in appearance and detail to be a snapshot from the late 1980s (when Christine Blasey was a young woman). Moreover, rather than “being supplied by a female classmate,” this photograph was also already online with a caption identifying it as something found on a Spanish-language humor and entertainment website, until someone plucked it and recaptioned it with Christine Blasey’s name:


Yes .. This ^ TOTALLY looks like the Tramp/Bitch/Whore Amiright?
Well, Deno believes it! :lol:
Perhaps this is her too? YES, I AM CERTAIN!!

Your allegation must be investigated by the FBI.
Awesome. I hope this comes out immediately on Fox. Should make for some interesting discussion. Thanks
I hope FOX thoroughly verifies the info first and can back it up if they go public with it.

Yo Trumptard: The "info" has already ben thoroughly DE-verified.
But carry on ... :)

Yeah. And Hillary should have won...twice. Hope your butt stops hurting soon, Twink.

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If you would lie about consensual sex, under oath. Then you would lie about sexual assualt. Kavanaugh has had a reputable reputation, then you have Ford with no proof, trying to stop him from being a judge at the last minute is bullshit. She keeps stalling and the part where she wants him to testify first. What is she hiding?

You would also take a beta blocker before a lie detector test.

This medication blocks involuntary muscle movements and slows them which invalidates all results of a polygraph.
It doesn't work THAT well. I had terrible, I mean terrible, fear of speaking in public, and when I was in college, even getting in front of the classroom and presenting my piece made me terriified for days prior. The doctor gave me a beta blocker to take a few hours prior to the speech, and so instead of shaking like a leaf and having my heart hammering out of my chest, I just blossomed out in hives. I think if you had hooked me up to the lie detector, I'd still have been a mess.
Awesome. I hope this comes out immediately on Fox. Should make for some interesting discussion. Thanks
I hope FOX thoroughly verifies the info first and can back it up if they go public with it.

Yo Trumptard: The "info" has already ben thoroughly DE-verified.
But carry on ... :)

Yeah. And Hillary should have won...twice. Hope your butt stops hurting soon, Twink.

Don't like and didn't vote for Hillary .. NOT ONCE
Try again Butchy Boy..
But for the record, Donald would fit in perfecto under the Bozo Big Top! :D

“And there were always parties to celebrate any occasion. Although these parties are no doubt unforgettable, they are only a memory lapse for most, since loss of consciousness is often an integral part of the party scene.”

“Other seniors preferred to expand their horizons and date younger men, usually sophomores, who could bring the vitality and freshness of innocence to a relationship.”

The Holton girls clearly portray themselves as the sexual predators here.


You really should be ashamed - Cult of the First Amendment: The only contents of which are manufactured bullshit by an anonymous blogger about Dr Ford.
Do you seriously believe that a journalism teacher or ANY faculty member would have allowed such content?
If so, I'm certain you'll enjoy Part 2! :rolleyes:

Ummm, Ya SURE! .. I am absolutely certain that there were this many black kids in a private girls school for rich kids in the early 80s. Oh wait - some of these are BOYS! Dude, these are not photos from Holton Arms OR of Dr Ford (the one on the picnic table? LoL). And she fucked what was it - 57 boys before graduation - That would have been Kavanaugh's entire class. ANYONE WHO BELIEVES THIS SHIT IS AN IDIOT!


ABSOLUTELY NO WAY ON EARTH, would any of that bull crap be allowed in the school yearbook. PERIOD.

so where did it come from... who put it together?
Awesome. I hope this comes out immediately on Fox. Should make for some interesting discussion. Thanks
I hope FOX thoroughly verifies the info first and can back it up if they go public with it.

Yo Trumptard: The "info" has already ben thoroughly DE-verified.
But carry on ... :)

Yeah. And Hillary should have won...twice. Hope your butt stops hurting soon, Twink.

Don't like and didn't vote for Hillary .. NOT ONCE
Try again Butchy Boy..
But for the record, Donald would fit in perfecto under the Bozo Big Top! :D

So you didn’t vote, or threw your vote away, Twinky? Or maybe you are illegal and can’t vote. I just spoke with Don. He’s resting. Said he’s very tired.....from winning. He’s not offended by your comments though. He supports lesbians also.

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“And there were always parties to celebrate any occasion. Although these parties are no doubt unforgettable, they are only a memory lapse for most, since loss of consciousness is often an integral part of the party scene.”

“Other seniors preferred to expand their horizons and date younger men, usually sophomores, who could bring the vitality and freshness of innocence to a relationship.”

The Holton girls clearly portray themselves as the sexual predators here.


You really should be ashamed - Cult of the First Amendment: The only contents of which are manufactured bullshit by an anonymous blogger about Dr Ford.
Do you seriously believe that a journalism teacher or ANY faculty member would have allowed such content?
If so, I'm certain you'll enjoy Part 2! :rolleyes:

Ummm, Ya SURE! .. I am absolutely certain that there were this many black kids in a private girls school for rich kids in the early 80s. Oh wait - some of these are BOYS! Dude, these are not photos from Holton Arms OR of Dr Ford (the one on the picnic table? LoL). And she fucked what was it - 57 boys before graduation - That would have been Kavanaugh's entire class. ANYONE WHO BELIEVES THIS SHIT IS AN IDIOT!


ABSOLUTELY NO WAY ON EARTH, would any of that bull crap be allowed in the school yearbook. PERIOD.

so where did it come from... who put it together?
I don't know where these came from, but the Cult of the 1st Amendment, a blogsite with only one blog (the one on Christine Ford's yearbook) is the one who created the majority of the fake yearbook articles and snapshots.
“And there were always parties to celebrate any occasion. Although these parties are no doubt unforgettable, they are only a memory lapse for most, since loss of consciousness is often an integral part of the party scene.”

“Other seniors preferred to expand their horizons and date younger men, usually sophomores, who could bring the vitality and freshness of innocence to a relationship.”

The Holton girls clearly portray themselves as the sexual predators here.


You really should be ashamed - Cult of the First Amendment: The only contents of which are manufactured bullshit by an anonymous blogger about Dr Ford.
Do you seriously believe that a journalism teacher or ANY faculty member would have allowed such content?
If so, I'm certain you'll enjoy Part 2! :rolleyes:
In the eighties, yes. It was a totally different time then. Heck we could smoke ciggarettes then, and do it as a minor.

Ummm, Ya SURE! .. I am absolutely certain that there were this many black kids in a private school for rich girls in the early 80s. Oh wait - some of these are BOYS!
Dude, these are not photos from Holton Arms OR of Dr Ford (the one on the picnic table? LoL). And she fucked what was it - 54 boys before graduation?
That would have been like Kavanaugh's entire class. ANYONE WHO BELIEVES THIS SHIT IS A FUCKING IDIOT!


If the girl was fucking a democrat judge nominee. I bet you would swear by it.
Lying under oath is a little bit different, don't you think?

Lying is lying. Trump has retold his lies, especially about sleeping with Daniels and not knowing about the payout and NDA. So are you not going to hold him to the same standard as you are Clinton?
I think Trump is a piece of shit for cheating on his wife, but he isn't lying under oath about it.

That's why he and Cohen are dropping their lawsuit against Daniels, so that he doesn't get put under oath and have to answer for it.

By your logic Trump is a liar... which means he is lying about Russian collusion.
There was no collusion, if there was Muller would've showed evidence.

Mueller doesn't "show evidence". Special Prosecutors FINISH their investigation and do such.
So is the collusion story, nada.
I guess biological evidence (semen on a dress) is not evidence?

I wonder why Monica didn't have the dress dry-cleaned, oh to have it for evidence, which is why she was a plant and he took the bait.
So they knew they could send in a 22 year old, and she could manipulate a grown man? Wow, i guess that's how China got our missle technology secrets. Thanks for admitting Clinton was a weak man.

Yep. And no he did not sell missile tech to China.
Yes he did, or just call it campaign contributions.

No he did not. That is a lie.
Then how did they get our technology? They couldn't keep a missle in the air till Clinton gave them the technology for a contribution.
Your right, but when he knowingly lied about the blow job. After the rape allegations, i mean you are accused of rape, and you decide your gonna lie about a consensual blow job. Shows you would definetly lie about raping a woman.

I guarantee every single person on this forum has lied at some point in their life. There is still a HUGE jump from lying about cheating on your wife to lying about rape.

Trump has been caught lying about having sex with Stormy Daniels, not to mention the thousands of other lies he's told. So following your standard that means he's also lying about Russian collusion right?
Lying under oath is a little bit different, don't you think?

Lying is lying. Trump has retold his lies, especially about sleeping with Daniels and not knowing about the payout and NDA. So are you not going to hold him to the same standard as you are Clinton?
I think Trump is a piece of shit for cheating on his wife, but he isn't lying under oath about it.

Well he sure has on Twitter and on the TV. Wait till he is under oath, lol.
Then he should pay the consequences.
It's really interesting that you believe Bill Clinton raped women, based on a woman's say-so and no evidence, but it is somehow different with this instance. Let me guess how you vote.
I guess biological evidence (semen on a dress) is not evidence?

I wonder why Monica didn't have the dress dry-cleaned, oh to have it for evidence, which is why she was a plant and he took the bait.
Are you still making excuses for Clinton taking advantage of a young woman? lol

Little Monica had a long affair with a married teacher, she willingly sucked his penis.
Liberal girls are well known for their promiscuity.

Were you also known as a slump buster in your younger years?
We know what was the girls name that said she couldn't afford her birth control because she was always having sex and wanted us to pay for it and it was none of our business.
It's really interesting that you believe Bill Clinton raped women, based on a woman's say-so and no evidence, but it is somehow different with this instance. Let me guess how you vote.
I guess biological evidence (semen on a dress) is not evidence?

I wonder why Monica didn't have the dress dry-cleaned, oh to have it for evidence, which is why she was a plant and he took the bait.
Are you still making excuses for Clinton taking advantage of a young woman? lol

Little Monica had a long affair with a married teacher, she willingly sucked his penis.

And this makes it all alright for you?

You libtards are all so very full of SHIT...………...
I know I'm sure Ford had plenty of sexual escipades before she supposedley told Kavanaugh to stop. I mean they were only binge drinking.

Has your God weighed in such as he did with the Sandy Hook False Flag and every other conspiracy theory you're dumb enough to believe?
WHY YES .. OF COURSE!! :eusa_dance:
Bombshell: Kavanaugh Accuser’s Salacious High School Yearbooks Scrubbed

Why does anyone take this guy seriously?

Right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones is a 'performance artist' who is just 'playing a character' on his Infowars radio show, according to his lawyer.

The remarks were made in a family court in which Jones's ex-wife, Kelly Jones, is trying to get custody of their three children, aged 9-14, citing her husband's 'unstable' character and possibly illegal remarks.

'He's playing a character,' his attorney, Randall Wilhite, said at a recent pretrial hearing, according to myStatesman. 'He is a performance artist.'

She also said that there is no difference between the Alex Jones that appears on the show and the one raising their children.

But Jones's lawyer said that the claims aimed at his client were absurd - as ridiculous as judging Jack Nicholson's character based on his performance as the Joker in Tim Burton's 1989 Batman movie.

He said the outlandish remarks were 'clearly tongue-in-cheek and basically art performance, as I do in my rants, which I admit I do, as a form of art.'

'When I say, "I'm going to kick your ass," it's the Infowar,' he added. 'I say every day we're going to destroy you with the truth.'
Alex Jones's lawyer says he's just 'playing a character' | Daily Mail Online
“And there were always parties to celebrate any occasion. Although these parties are no doubt unforgettable, they are only a memory lapse for most, since loss of consciousness is often an integral part of the party scene.”

“Other seniors preferred to expand their horizons and date younger men, usually sophomores, who could bring the vitality and freshness of innocence to a relationship.”

The Holton girls clearly portray themselves as the sexual predators here.


You really should be ashamed - Cult of the First Amendment: The only contents of which are manufactured bullshit by an anonymous blogger about Dr Ford.
Do you seriously believe that a journalism teacher or ANY faculty member would have allowed such content?
If so, I'm certain you'll enjoy Part 2! :rolleyes:
In the eighties, yes. It was a totally different time then. Heck we could smoke ciggarettes then, and do it as a minor.

Ummm, Ya SURE! .. I am absolutely certain that there were this many black kids in a private school for rich girls in the early 80s. Oh wait - some of these are BOYS!
Dude, these are not photos from Holton Arms OR of Dr Ford (the one on the picnic table? LoL). And she fucked what was it - 54 boys before graduation?
That would have been like Kavanaugh's entire class. ANYONE WHO BELIEVES THIS SHIT IS A FUCKING IDIOT!


If the girl was fucking a democrat judge nominee. I bet you would swear by it.
We do not have batshit crazy propaganda in the democratic Party, super duper Dupe. You believe Hillary is totally corrupt and probably a murderer and and a pedophile LOL. Who needs evidence and courtrooms when you are a brainwashed chump?

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