Boehner just asked Obama to move his speech by one day

Just ran across this..the man is a shameless LIAR. but his cult followers will eat it up..

Figures. Obama Blames Congress For Not Focusing on Jobs
Posted by Jim Hoft on Thursday, September 1, 2011, 5:29 AM
When Barack Obama moved into the White House in 2009 the unemployment rate immediately jumped to 10.1% and held above 9% for the next year. Despite this Barack Obama focused on health care not jobs.

Obama gave 54 speeches on health care his first 14 months in office.
Obama Has Given 54 Speeches on Health Care - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Despite this - Barack Obama sent this letter out to supporters yesterday blaming Congress for not focusing on jobs.

Jim –

Today I asked for a joint session of Congress where I will lay out a clear plan to get Americans back to work. Next week, I will deliver the details of the plan and call on lawmakers to pass it.

Whether they will do the job they were elected to do is ultimately up to them.

But both you and I can pressure them to do the right thing. We can send the message that the American people are playing by the rules and meeting their responsibilities — and it’s time for our leaders in Congress to meet theirs.

And we must hold them accountable if they don’t.

So I’m asking you to stand with me in calling on Congress to step up and take action on jobs:

the rest at and comments..
Obama Has Given 54 Speeches on Health Care - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

If "President" Obama REALLY wanted Congress to "focus on jobs", he wouldn't be wasting their time pontificating at them and grandstanding. He'd just send them a proposal and let them get busy debating it.

I can't remember the last time we had a President who demanded that both houses of Congress drop everything to stare at him as many times as this one has. I don't think Bush addressed both Houses in person as many times in eight years as "President" Obama has in almost-three.

I think I resent how much time he's taking away from their work to stroke his ego.
No, actually, he wasn't "bitch slapped". If anything, if this plays out right, which I think it will, it will be used to illustrate exactly what President Obama should have done in the first place, spot lighted the fact that the Republicans aren't interested in governing. They actually hate the government we have. And they are doing their very best to make it dysfunctional to prove that government doesn't work.

Along with so many other historic things this congress is pulling, like record low legislation, refusing to do anything to increase revenues to pay debt, a record on brinksmenship with the debt ceiling, calling the President a "liar" in the halls of congress, etc, they are showing that they are petulant, vulgar, arrogant, and obstructionist. This has never happened before, that a speaker denied a president a chance to speak before congress.

And it fits in nicely to that story..:lol:

Good going boys! :clap2:

Congress never had to deal with an arrogant child before.

Is that code talk for uppity black folk? :lol:

Yes, because it's impossible for any black man to have any character traits that are NOT all about his color . . . if you're an ignorant, three-toothed bigot, that is. :eusa_hand:
It's not just the dual congress. How much face time does this guy require week after week month after month???????????

I know he's got to have made more speeches than any 2 presidents.
It's not just the dual congress. How much face time does this guy require week after week month after month???????????

I know he's got to have made more speeches than any 2 presidents.
Maybe he's perfecting the talents needed for his next career in 2013.

He will get stupid money on the ex president speaking tour.

If he did the math he would conclude he couldnt afford 4 more years.

So it turns out he does have something in common with the average taxpayer.

who are you? Sallow's sock puppet?

Obama was not denied a chance to speak to congress. He was bitch slapped into taking an alternate date because the one he 'just happened to pick out of thin air' was a problem.

And what Boehner did was unprecedented only because all previous Presidents have had the maturity, class, and good manners not to pull such an infantile stunt to make it necessary.

It's sorta sad that this "President" can actually be described as more immature and crass than Bill Clinton.
Is it any wonder Obama is called the Boy King?

He's too damned immature for the Job of POTUS. Never has been he never will be.

Watch out calling the boy king, boy king. There is a member here that will neg you for racism. boy king, boy king boy king, boy king boy king, boy king
who are you? Sallow's sock puppet?

Obama was not denied a chance to speak to congress. He was bitch slapped into taking an alternate date because the one he 'just happened to pick out of thin air' was a problem.

And what Boehner did was unprecedented only because all previous Presidents have had the maturity, class, and good manners not to pull such an infantile stunt to make it necessary.

It's sorta sad that this "President" can actually be described as more immature and crass than Bill Clinton.
Is it any wonder Obama is called the Boy King?

He's too damned immature for the Job of POTUS. Never has been he never will be.

do you plan on making sense at any point this evening?
if I recall tip o'neill told Reagan to pound sand when he wanted to address the house, no date collision, no opposing agendas, nada, just no....oh, nevermind...:eusa_whistle:
You're so sure Obama wins re-election in 2012, want to add yourself to my little wager with Salt Jones?

I guess Sallow is a little scared. All I hear from him is

cricket.... cricket... cricket...


Scared of what?

What wager?

I generally will do sigs..

So let me know what it is.
It's much more than a sig...

If Obama is re-elected in 2012, I will have a moderator delete my account, and ban my IP address.

If Obama is NOT re-elected in 2012, you will have a moderator delete your account and ban your IP address.

Respond to this post that my proposal is acceptable, and we're on.

Fail to accept, and be branded whiny cry baby bitch.

Salt Jones had the nads to accept. Do you? If so, reply to this post that you accept, and it will be so noted.

Boy, dick-drip really describes you.

From yuor link...
If an emergency occurs when Congress is not in session, the Constitution empowers the President to call Congress back into special, or extraordinary, session.
Only a moron like you would seriously consider giving a 'jobs speech' to be an 'emergency'.

Your FAIL, as usual... is complete.

Well..everyone seems to be calling the UE, a crisis..


Is it or isn't it?

I think the operative point is that a guy who says, "I'll address the jobs issue when I get back from my vacation" does NOT consider it a crisis, or even particularly urgent.

Lost what?

He's the fucking president.

It's time Congressional republicans acknowledged that.

Is the president more important than the congress, or the judiciary? Sorry, but no... he is not. Three separate but equal branches.. check and balances... ect. You flunked basic government in school, didn't you. All that glitter sniffing, huh.

Basic government? There's a class called basic government?

And I'm the one sniffing glue? :lol:

You needed someone to explicitly TELL you that Government classes in high school are basic?
You on the the LEFT can call it whatever the hell you like. but WE THE PEOPLE are sick of it.
Obama was playing a GAME with this, HE LOST. He didn't HELP his cause either because THE PEOPLE saw through his thuggery.


Lost what?

He's the fucking president.

It's time Congressional republicans acknowledged that.
It is time that he realize that he is the President, not First Secretary of the Communist Party. He controls only 1/3 of government and is a guest of Congress when he speaks to a joint session.

This is actually quite an important point. Consider, if you will, the other (more usual) times that the President addresses a joint session of Congress: the regular State of the Union address, or crises such as Pearl Harbor or 9/11 which require some sort of urgent action. In the case of the State of the Union, it is not the President calling Congress together to lecture them on what he expects of them, but essentially Congress calling the President before them to answer for how he's doing his job. In the case of a crisis, however he chooses to phrase it and whatever tone he puts it in, he's basically appearing before them as a supplicant, not commanding them.

I really don't care for this impression that the President can sweep into town, snap his fingers, and demand that Congress assemble before him to hear his pronouncements when he deigns to give them. Thomas Jefferson didn't even address Congress personally, preferring to handle his Constitutionally-required job progress reports (what are now the State of the Union addresses) in writing, because he considered personal addresses to be too monarchical. How did we get from that to this?
Is the president more important than the congress, or the judiciary? Sorry, but no... he is not. Three separate but equal branches.. check and balances... ect. You flunked basic government in school, didn't you. All that glitter sniffing, huh.

Basic government? There's a class called basic government?

And I'm the one sniffing glue? :lol:

You needed someone to explicitly TELL you that Government classes in high school are basic?

He's just throwing a sissy fit because I did not call it 'Civics' :rofl:
Is that code talk for uppity black folk? :lol:

You on the the LEFT can call it whatever the hell you like. but WE THE PEOPLE are sick of it.
Obama was playing a GAME with this, HE LOST. He didn't HELP his cause either because THE PEOPLE saw through his thuggery.

You appear to suggest that people on the left are not among “the people” even though they clearly constitute 50% of the population.

Actually, only 20% of the population self-identifies as liberal, as opposed to 42% as conservative.

In 2010, Conservatives Still Outnumber Moderates, Liberals

Just because the spectrum has two ends doesn't mean the population is evenly divided between those ends.

Frankly I saw no one but the republicans playing games; clearly the vast majority of “the people” would agree that the economy is a vital issue at this time. The president wanted to address the people about the economy and republicans turned it into a political power play, therefore they are the ones playing games. I don’t see how any reasonable, non-biased individual could see it any other way.

Riiiiight, Sparky. You saw no game-playing involved in "just happening" to demand to address Congress on the night of the Republican debate? What was that, just an unfortunate coincidence? The "President" of the United States and his staff were the only adults in the country who didn't know when the debate was? And exactly what happened between his last round of golf on his vacation and his issuing the demand for a joint session of Congress to make the issue suddenly so much more urgent?

Furthermore I don’t think the white house “lost” anything, what they did was avoid a huge fiasco over a minor issue that would have distracted from the real problems at hand and make everyone in Washington look foolish.

I'm sure Obama covered himself with glory in your eyes, but in the eyes of thinking, rational people, he made himself look like an arrogant twit.
You appear to suggest that people on the left are not among “the people” even though they clearly constitute 50% of the population.
Frankly I saw no one but the republicans playing games; clearly the vast majority of “the people” would agree that the economy is a vital issue at this time. The president wanted to address the people about the economy and republicans turned it into a political power play, therefore they are the ones playing games. I don’t see how any reasonable, non-biased individual could see it any other way.
Furthermore I don’t think the white house “lost” anything, what they did was avoid a huge fiasco over a minor issue that would have distracted from the real problems at hand and make everyone in Washington look foolish.

The economy was the reason he was elected, it's been 2.5 years and now he wants to talk about it? I think one more day won't hurt....

And how is it that we keep hearing about all the jobs that are being "saved and created" yet unemployment is still in the shitter? Sorry but I hope the American people aren't going to buy it again.....

Well, I think it would be likely that he wants to talk about more recent events, like the standard and poor’s credit downgrade, or the historically unprecedented behavior of the stock market two to three weeks ago when it had, what I would almost term, a market quake. Or perhaps he wants to talk about recent events on the east coast and what effect they might have on the market. Whatever it is the president wants to talk about (I doubt he wants to share muffin recipes or chat about the price of tea in china), I should think the congress can reasonably rearrange its business to accommodate.
As for the jobs market being “in the shitter”, indeed it is, perhaps that’s what he wants to talk about.

They DID "reasonably rearrange their business". They said, "We can't do it that fast, how about this date instead?" What, you thought they didn't have stuff to do THAT day that got pushed out of the way?

You really do have no idea what's involved in any of this, do you? You act like you think the "President" can just demand a joint session of Congress on a whim, and all they have to do is shrug and tell their secretaries to move their dinner plans to another night, and "President" Obama just hops in his car and motors over to the Capitol like some everyday shlub attending a dinner party at his friends' house.
The economy was the reason he was elected, it's been 2.5 years and now he wants to talk about it? I think one more day won't hurt....

And how is it that we keep hearing about all the jobs that are being "saved and created" yet unemployment is still in the shitter? Sorry but I hope the American people aren't going to buy it again.....

Well, I think it would be likely that he wants to talk about more recent events, like the standard and poor’s credit downgrade, or the historically unprecedented behavior of the stock market two to three weeks ago when it had, what I would almost term, a market quake. Or perhaps he wants to talk about recent events on the east coast and what effect they might have on the market. Whatever it is the president wants to talk about (I doubt he wants to share muffin recipes or chat about the price of tea in china), I should think the congress can reasonably rearrange its business to accommodate.
As for the jobs market being “in the shitter”, indeed it is, perhaps that’s what he wants to talk about.

They DID "reasonably rearrange their business". They said, "We can't do it that fast, how about this date instead?" What, you thought they didn't have stuff to do THAT day that got pushed out of the way?

You really do have no idea what's involved in any of this, do you? You act like you think the "President" can just demand a joint session of Congress on a whim, and all they have to do is shrug and tell their secretaries to move their dinner plans to another night, and "President" Obama just hops in his car and motors over to the Capitol like some everyday shlub attending a dinner party at his friends' house.

Some people just cannot understand the concept of three separate but equal branches of government.
Convenient that you forget Pres. Nixon who RESIGNED to avoid the CERTAINTY of getting impeached.

A very good point. No Republican has ever been impeached, NOT because Democrats were too "respectful" to try, but because Republicans either 1) are not in a position to BE impeached, or 2) have enough respect for the United States not to put them through that sort of spectacle. Not only did Nixon resign instead, but he was also told to resign by his own party's leaders, or else.

Only a Democrat would be more interested in his own power and legacy than in not embarrassing his country.

So Nixon resigned because he loved America so much?

I don't personally know the guy, so I can't say whether "love" came into it. I do think he had a better sense of the decorum required of the President than Obama does, and I also know that the Republicans in Congress had no intention of letting him drag the country through an embarrassing spectacle.

And if you want to get on your high moral horse about former President Nixon, I have two words for you: Bill Clinton. After having that clown in office, you lost any moral authority to object to ANYTHING Nixon did.

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