Boehner Huge failure

You mean Harry Reid, right?

I guess Harry would be one of many from both parties. You do realize both parties and their leaders want to keep on enjoying the spiffs by doing nothing, don't you?

I just enjoy calling you closet Obamites out.


No, that's not true. You're a narrow-minded political hack who really believes it's just the other party that's that sits in Washington and does nothing for their constituents, while sucking in donor contributions.
Quit lying.
It seems to me Democrats can barely win elections, can't run an economy and are piss poor at taking responsibility for their lack of success governing..
First off "recognized" doesn't mean it's at an end.

The US is like a super tanker..change is slow, long and hard.

Secondly..that "domination" comes at the behest of huge corporate interests, namely oil.

You may live in this fantasy world of "de centralization"..but that's not what would happen if you removed "government" from the mix. It would be the same players with a different name.

So I would rather keep the "government" of elected officials in place..and make changes to opposed to the faux balkanization of the US you folks are dreaming of..

Because in that'd probably have something that would resemble "communist" China. With a "chamber of commerce" pulling the strings.

More idiocy. Who created the corporate structure? Was it not those in government? Corporations are like minni governments who collude with those in government to do each others bidding.

And no, I am not in any way on a "de centralization" fantasy. I realize that the nature of mankind is to seek power, secure power, and then seek more power, and this envolves never ending centralization. Who says I come here to change any of that?

Of course government "creates" corporations. This why when you guys had that little snit about the "you didn't build that" it was laughable and childish. It's a symbiotic relationship as well. Government needs an economy. And economies needs government. One without the other doesn't function very well. So the other fantasy you folks have about "Free Markets" is just that. A fantasy.

So what is your fantasy? Do you wish to end "big oil"?

Tell that to companies like BP who throw a ton of cash at your man Obama.
...veto what? The House GOP couldn't muster the votes to pass their own plan.

Harry Reid already said it was DOA if it got to the Senate and Obama said he would veto it if it got to him. So as far as I'm concerned they can all fuck off and go home for Christmas stay there well after the New Year and we can just go off the fiscal cliff and when that happens I want to see out of control inflation, double digit unemployment, and debt that so bad it makes Greece look tame by comparison because until that happens neither party is going to pull their head out of their ass and really deal with this problem.

You know what?

Boehner is fucked. He can not even count on his own party to form an alliance

His best bet is to form an alliance between moderate Republicans and Democrats. It's his only hope to save the country

Both parties are at fault, those that are in denial of that are the wingnuts.
Neither party is willing to give an inch and neither party has any firm solutions to this nation's problems. Democrat and republican and independent politicians are all to blame.
The likely truth is that John Boehner never had the votes to cut a deal with President Obama. Any deal. Not a grand bargain of deficit reduction. Not a piecemeal deal that might have lessened the blow of all the Bush tax cuts expiring on Jan. 1. Nothing.

If that’s true, as I strongly suspect it is, then, yes, the last six weeks since the election have been a tour de force of kabuki theater. His Plan B was probably, in that scenario, his last ditch effort to escape this fiasco without having to admit that he never had the votes. Now that has failed, too, after a desperate 11th hour attempt to cajole, whip and bludgeon his Republican Members into voting for it.

It is easy to overreact to these things in the moment, to overread them. But Speaker Boehner just put it all on the line. The entire nation was watching, and he was exposed. He knows it. His conference knows it. Anyone left in Washington who had doubts about this speaker’s clout now knows it, too. In a parliamentary system, he would resign and his party would elect a new leader. We don’t do it that way here … usually. But it’s hard to see how Speaker Boehner continues from here — or why he would want to.

Does A Speaker Survive This? | TPM Editors Blog
Harry Reid already said it was DOA if it got to the Senate and Obama said he would veto it if it got to him. So as far as I'm concerned they can all fuck off and go home for Christmas stay there well after the New Year and we can just go off the fiscal cliff and when that happens I want to see out of control inflation, double digit unemployment, and debt that so bad it makes Greece look tame by comparison because until that happens neither party is going to pull their head out of their ass and really deal with this problem.

You know what?

Boehner is fucked. He can not even count on his own party to form an alliance

His best bet is to form an alliance between moderate Republicans and Democrats. It's his only hope to save the country

Both parties are at fault, those that are in denial of that are the wingnuts.
Neither party is willing to give an inch and neither party has any firm solutions to this nation's problems. Democrat and republican and independent politicians are all to blame.

I really believe that this is why both parties depend upon social issues like abortion and gay marriage to try and gain support. Without these issues, no one would vote for either.
Balls in the Dems court.

Well the "balls" definately are not here.

You know what?

Boehner is fucked. He can not even count on his own party to form an alliance

His best bet is to form an alliance between moderate Republicans and Democrats. It's his only hope to save the country

Both parties are at fault, those that are in denial of that are the wingnuts.
Neither party is willing to give an inch and neither party has any firm solutions to this nation's problems. Democrat and republican and independent politicians are all to blame.

I really believe that this is why both parties depend upon social issues like abortion and gay marriage to try and gain support. Without these issues, no one would vote for either.

Republicans didn't run on social issues, the ran on the fiscal issues.
Both parties are at fault, those that are in denial of that are the wingnuts.
Neither party is willing to give an inch and neither party has any firm solutions to this nation's problems. Democrat and republican and independent politicians are all to blame.

I really believe that this is why both parties depend upon social issues like abortion and gay marriage to try and gain support. Without these issues, no one would vote for either.

Republicans didn't run on social issues, the ran on the fiscal issues.

Really? And what plan came close to balancing the budget?
Both parties are at fault, those that are in denial of that are the wingnuts.
Neither party is willing to give an inch and neither party has any firm solutions to this nation's problems. Democrat and republican and independent politicians are all to blame.

I really believe that this is why both parties depend upon social issues like abortion and gay marriage to try and gain support. Without these issues, no one would vote for either.

Republicans didn't run on social issues, the ran on the fiscal issues.

Its implied. All a Dem has to do is bring something up, like abortion, and the Repubs like Akin & Mourdock go into auto-pilot :eusa_drool:
More idiocy. Who created the corporate structure? Was it not those in government? Corporations are like minni governments who collude with those in government to do each others bidding.

And no, I am not in any way on a "de centralization" fantasy. I realize that the nature of mankind is to seek power, secure power, and then seek more power, and this envolves never ending centralization. Who says I come here to change any of that?

Of course government "creates" corporations. This why when you guys had that little snit about the "you didn't build that" it was laughable and childish. It's a symbiotic relationship as well. Government needs an economy. And economies needs government. One without the other doesn't function very well. So the other fantasy you folks have about "Free Markets" is just that. A fantasy.

So what is your fantasy? Do you wish to end "big oil"?

Tell that to companies like BP who throw a ton of cash at your man Obama.

Big oil isn't going to end in my lifetime or yours. It's like's to ingrained in this economy. That's sort of dangerous too.

But we should start making moves to improve our energy tech. That hasn't fundamentally changed in several hundred years. We burn things to make other things spin and create an electro magnetic pulse.

How clumsy is that?

It's like we are still using that abacus instead of computers.
Both parties are at fault, those that are in denial of that are the wingnuts.
Neither party is willing to give an inch and neither party has any firm solutions to this nation's problems. Democrat and republican and independent politicians are all to blame.

I really believe that this is why both parties depend upon social issues like abortion and gay marriage to try and gain support. Without these issues, no one would vote for either.

Republicans didn't run on social issues, the ran on the fiscal issues.

They sure as heck did run on social issues.
Harry Reid already said it was DOA if it got to the Senate and Obama said he would veto it if it got to him. So as far as I'm concerned they can all fuck off and go home for Christmas stay there well after the New Year and we can just go off the fiscal cliff and when that happens I want to see out of control inflation, double digit unemployment, and debt that so bad it makes Greece look tame by comparison because until that happens neither party is going to pull their head out of their ass and really deal with this problem.

You know what?

Boehner is fucked. He can not even count on his own party to form an alliance

His best bet is to form an alliance between moderate Republicans and Democrats. It's his only hope to save the country

Both parties are at fault, those that are in denial of that are the wingnuts.
Neither party is willing to give an inch and neither party has any firm solutions to this nation's problems. Democrat and republican and independent politicians are all to blame.

We used to govern from the middle. Moderates would forge an alliance regardless of party to get things done

Now, the extremes make sure nothing gets done
You know what?

Boehner is fucked. He can not even count on his own party to form an alliance

His best bet is to form an alliance between moderate Republicans and Democrats. It's his only hope to save the country

Both parties are at fault, those that are in denial of that are the wingnuts.
Neither party is willing to give an inch and neither party has any firm solutions to this nation's problems. Democrat and republican and independent politicians are all to blame.

We used to govern from the middle. Moderates would forge an alliance regardless of party to get things done

Now, the extremes make sure nothing gets done

Of course government "creates" corporations. This why when you guys had that little snit about the "you didn't build that" it was laughable and childish. It's a symbiotic relationship as well. Government needs an economy. And economies needs government. One without the other doesn't function very well. So the other fantasy you folks have about "Free Markets" is just that. A fantasy.

So what is your fantasy? Do you wish to end "big oil"?

Tell that to companies like BP who throw a ton of cash at your man Obama.

Big oil isn't going to end in my lifetime or yours. It's like's to ingrained in this economy. That's sort of dangerous too.

But we should start making moves to improve our energy tech. That hasn't fundamentally changed in several hundred years. We burn things to make other things spin and create an electro magnetic pulse.

How clumsy is that?

It's like we are still using that abacus instead of computers.

You mean to tell me that if we only elect democrats here on out Big Oil will not go away?


I suppose the next bit of blasphamy will be trying to convince me that rich people will still be around as well as ever increasing poor people and wars abroad if the democrats run government from here on out.
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The republicans should of accepted Boeners plan without cuts in SSI or Medicare.

-Cap on food stamps=YES
-Cap on unemployment=YES
-Some cuts for programs we don't need=YES

The conservative wing of the republican party is going to take this country off the cliff. We don't control the government so we have to make a deal.

A deal that someone like Obama will accept.
Boehner is a failure

With time running out ...he wastes our time pushing legislation that has no chance of passing

Still, Boehner pushes failed legislation and claims...I did my part

He needs to hammer out a deal...NOW

God.....makes you long for Pelosi doesnt it?
He is a failure for pushing Pelosi's bill. Sounds about right to me.

Lets get a new speaker. I here Ryan or Bachmann would be available. Since both would tick off the left and have a clear idea what is needed, why not?

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