Boehner and Ryan step out of the crazy house.

Ah, the antiquated "investing" canard.

Problem is that politicians don't invest for monetary returns, but political ones.

As far as those goofballs Boehner and Ryan are concerned, they cut this deal so they could get their coveted military spending out from under the thumb of the sequester.

It's really no more complicated than that.

true, pork pork and more pork

but military spending does put american blue collar workers to work. Tanks, ships, planes, guns, ammo, boots, uniforms, rations, etc. All built by american workers in America.

Now, you may think that that money should be used for roads and bridges that also create american jobs, thats fine. and thats the debate that congress should be having-------------after they balance the budget.

Lots of union jobs in supporting the military, so when the far left claims they want to cut or do away with the military just goes to show that the far left is truly anti-union.

WTF :eek:

Talk about convoluted logic
You seem to think we shouldn't invest in our own country at all. Kind of sad and only leads to our country falling backwards.

Do we or do we not spend "invest" money for infrastructure,education,etc. now?...
It's a simple question!

I lost count of how many bills have passed that are labeled "education" or other worthy cause, yet the money never seems to get where it's supposed to be. Most education spending just shores up union pensions and benefits.

This latest move is just another tax hike because the money has to come from somewhere to keep things going. We don't have extra money in Washington. They find a way to spend every penny, whether it's needed or not. Look at the way budgets are calculated. They get creative spending at the end of the year because if they don't spend what they are allotted, they won't get as much next year. It would make sense to simply allow each department to get what it actually needs, but they'd rather waste a few billion here and there instead. Even though it makes sense that they wouldn't need the same amount each year, they play the game and end up blowing money on stupid shit.

Taxes are already going up because of Obamacare and now they'll go up again.

Boehner and Ryan just stepped into the crazy house. Love how politicians play fast and loose with OUR money.
true, pork pork and more pork

but military spending does put american blue collar workers to work. Tanks, ships, planes, guns, ammo, boots, uniforms, rations, etc. All built by american workers in America.

Now, you may think that that money should be used for roads and bridges that also create american jobs, thats fine. and thats the debate that congress should be having-------------after they balance the budget.

Lots of union jobs in supporting the military, so when the far left claims they want to cut or do away with the military just goes to show that the far left is truly anti-union.

WTF :eek:

Talk about convoluted logic

Just applied far left logic to it. Kinda like the whole if you are against Obamacare you are against Health care reform.


If you disagree with Obama you are racist


It is concept you far left Obama drones should grasp very easily.
If you wish to remain a first world country you spend on the right things. It is called investing.

Investing into a third world shit hole for over a decade is what republicans do. Idiots. Want to talk about wasteful spending...
Ah, the antiquated "investing" canard.

Problem is that politicians don't invest for monetary returns, but political ones.

As far as those goofballs Boehner and Ryan are concerned, they cut this deal so they could get their coveted military spending out from under the thumb of the sequester.

It's really no more complicated than that.

true, pork pork and more pork

but military spending does put american blue collar workers to work. Tanks, ships, planes, guns, ammo, boots, uniforms, rations, etc. All built by american workers in America.

Now, you may think that that money should be used for roads and bridges that also create american jobs, thats fine. and thats the debate that congress should be having-------------after they balance the budget.
The money should be left in my hands, as they close bases in Great Britain, Japan, Germany, Italy and everywhere else.
I suggest it's more about Reagan's tying both parties to pushing neoliberal econ agendas that's created growth (though oddly Carter first upped rates and cut cap gains taxes and gets no credit) but neither party really having any policy to see workers wages rise at the same rate as capital's profits.

nevertheless, it is interesting to see conservatives who will compromise to get 51% of their aganda kicking the govt shutdown crowd to the curb.

Just like the far left who kicked the last of the moderates out over Obamacare, out their party?

The law that most people did not want and still do not want?

Carter was also responsible this:

On October 1, 1979, Carter announced before a television audience the existence of the Rapid Deployment Forces (RDF), a mobile fighting force capable of responding to worldwide trouble spots, without drawing on forces committed to NATO.

Rapid deployment force - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Also during the Carter presidency we openly saw the hijacking of the Democratic party by the far left.

That's loony tunes.

When it comes to the Jimmeh, :eusa_angel: One cannot call me a fan at the time. History
though shows you what you missed on the A days and B days and all I ask is don't make me turn him into an angel.

I'm with you. Jimmy brought the D party back to centrist Democrats as I have known them all my life.

He dealt with shit that would make Obama pale and I really do mean it that way. The crap on Carter's plate. AYE CARUMBA!

I really think he's been dealt a hard hand in polls because those of us who remember those days view him harshly.

But I look at the man and the times and wonder how did he do it? He had the worst handed him on a plate.

He did the best he could. I believe that with all my heart.
Just like the far left who kicked the last of the moderates out over Obamacare, out their party?

The law that most people did not want and still do not want?

Carter was also responsible this:

On October 1, 1979, Carter announced before a television audience the existence of the Rapid Deployment Forces (RDF), a mobile fighting force capable of responding to worldwide trouble spots, without drawing on forces committed to NATO.

Rapid deployment force - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Also during the Carter presidency we openly saw the hijacking of the Democratic party by the far left.

That's loony tunes.

When it comes to the Jimmeh, :eusa_angel: One cannot call me a fan at the time. History
though shows you what you missed on the A days and B days and all I ask is don't make me turn him into an angel.

I'm with you. Jimmy brought the D party back to centrist Democrats as I have known them all my life.

He dealt with shit that would make Obama pale and I really do mean it that way. The crap on Carter's plate. AYE CARUMBA!

I really think he's been dealt a hard hand in polls because those of us who remember those days view him harshly.

But I look at the man and the times and wonder how did he do it? He had the worst handed him on a plate.

He did the best he could. I believe that with all my heart.
Carter was incompetent and benign, whereas Obie is truly viscous and malignant.
Ah, the antiquated "investing" canard.

Problem is that politicians don't invest for monetary returns, but political ones.

As far as those goofballs Boehner and Ryan are concerned, they cut this deal so they could get their coveted military spending out from under the thumb of the sequester.

It's really no more complicated than that.

true, pork pork and more pork

but military spending does put american blue collar workers to work. Tanks, ships, planes, guns, ammo, boots, uniforms, rations, etc. All built by american workers in America.

Now, you may think that that money should be used for roads and bridges that also create american jobs, thats fine. and thats the debate that congress should be having-------------after they balance the budget.
The money should be left in my hands, as they close bases in Great Britain, Japan, Germany, Italy and everywhere else.

I agree, close those bases unless the host country agrees to pay the entire bill.
That's loony tunes.

When it comes to the Jimmeh, :eusa_angel: One cannot call me a fan at the time. History
though shows you what you missed on the A days and B days and all I ask is don't make me turn him into an angel.

I'm with you. Jimmy brought the D party back to centrist Democrats as I have known them all my life.

He dealt with shit that would make Obama pale and I really do mean it that way. The crap on Carter's plate. AYE CARUMBA!

I really think he's been dealt a hard hand in polls because those of us who remember those days view him harshly.

But I look at the man and the times and wonder how did he do it? He had the worst handed him on a plate.

He did the best he could. I believe that with all my heart.
Carter was incompetent and benign, whereas Obie is truly viscous and malignant.

For true.

But he meant no malice. Therein lies the difference. One has been a fool, One is malevolent.
:lmao: The wealthiest nation on earth, broke..

Ladies and Gentlemen, try the chicken liver. He's here all week! And how about the beautiful Catskill Mountains!

Malez Tov!

17 trillion in debt, will probably be over 20 trillion when barry leaves office.

you never answered my question: how much debt is too much? When should the govt stop spending more than it takes in?

give us a number: is it 20T, 50T, 100T ? how much, sallow?

Hey..I'm with ya.

The government should not be spending more than it takes in.

And it generally spends more than it takes in when Republicans are in office.

They cut taxes for their patrons and give fat contracts to their patrons and themselves.

Personally I'm for a progressive Tax where if you are grabbing the most profit and you are a greedy get a nice big tax bill from Uncle Sam.

I'd like to see sensible defense spending. I mean..we are not going to be warding off an Alien attack anytime soon.

And I'd like to feed, provide health care and shelter for all Americans. There's no reason in the world not too. There's also no reason in the world we have 7% of Americans hoarding half of America's wealth.

We have a progressive tax system genus, and there's not enough money in the world to cover our unfunded liabilities, which are about 100 trillion dollars
Remember two years ago when Boehner said he got 99% of what he wanted? Well, if Boehner and Ryan are so excited about this deal, I'm very suspicious of it. No taxes for the rich, no unemployment for the jobless, and $23 billion in cuts from entitlements. Sounds to me like that dumb dem **** is caving into another con fuck. My bet is the Senate will add so many amendments it won't go through the house.

It is just more of the same. All we have to do is just look 10 years down the road and see those deficits drop? See it? No? Me neither. But it sounds so good when presented against the idea of shutting down the government. At least they won't do that to us again for a while.

Kabuki theater at its finest.

It's what a plutocrat does best. Pretend.

Oh, they're gonna shut it down again in February over the debt ceiling, wasting another $30 billion or more. They'd rather waste that money than give it to the unemployed.
Remember two years ago when Boehner said he got 99% of what he wanted? Well, if Boehner and Ryan are so excited about this deal, I'm very suspicious of it. No taxes for the rich, no unemployment for the jobless, and $23 billion in cuts from entitlements. Sounds to me like that dumb dem **** is caving into another con fuck. My bet is the Senate will add so many amendments it won't go through the house.

so, you only whine is they didn't give out more our monies for the unemployed under their RULE which has been over 7% for Six years, raise taxes even more..
lovely, typical left wing thinking

give give give give free money from us working Taxpayers and Raise more taxes on the people in this country
Spend spend spend, on subsidies to pharmaceutical companies, industrial military contractors, Wall Street bailouts, bank bailouts, real estate bailouts, wars, and then cut taxes on the rich so the middle class is enslaved with the debt you ran up. Oh, and destroy the economy while you're at it. Nice con job.
Remember two years ago when Boehner said he got 99% of what he wanted? Well, if Boehner and Ryan are so excited about this deal, I'm very suspicious of it. No taxes for the rich, no unemployment for the jobless, and $23 billion in cuts from entitlements. Sounds to me like that dumb dem **** is caving into another con fuck. My bet is the Senate will add so many amendments it won't go through the house.

It is just more of the same. All we have to do is just look 10 years down the road and see those deficits drop? See it? No? Me neither. But it sounds so good when presented against the idea of shutting down the government. At least they won't do that to us again for a while.

Kabuki theater at its finest.

It's what a plutocrat does best. Pretend.

Oh, they're gonna shut it down again in February over the debt ceiling, wasting another $30 billion or more. They'd rather waste that money than give it to the unemployed.
I think it's time for you to get out and start looking for a job....your gravy train is about to expire....UE should never have been a career for you. :eusa_whistle:
Yes sir that Paul Ryan fellow is sure serious about that debt. Why, he is so serious that he proposed spending increases and gave his assurances that the debt will go down.......10 years from now.


When you rethugs on here start with that bullshit about how much the Repubs in Congress want to cut the spending and the deficit, stfu. No one wants to her your bullshit and fantasies about cutting spending.

It is just like the Dems on here say. You rethugs are all mouth about how you want these cuts and reductions. Right up till you can start spending again. Then it becomes the ole story; the deficit will go down 10 years from now.

Yea right. Sure it will.

Democrats have been consistent.

Tax and spend.
Remember two years ago when Boehner said he got 99% of what he wanted? Well, if Boehner and Ryan are so excited about this deal, I'm very suspicious of it. No taxes for the rich, no unemployment for the jobless, and $23 billion in cuts from entitlements. Sounds to me like that dumb dem **** is caving into another con fuck. My bet is the Senate will add so many amendments it won't go through the house.

so, you only whine is they didn't give out more our monies for the unemployed under their RULE which has been over 7% for Six years, raise taxes even more..
lovely, typical left wing thinking

give give give give free money from us working Taxpayers and Raise more taxes on the people in this country
Spend spend spend, on subsidies to pharmaceutical companies, industrial military contractors, Wall Street bailouts, bank bailouts, real estate bailouts, wars, and then cut taxes on the rich so the middle class is enslaved with the debt you ran up. Oh, and destroy the economy while you're at it. Nice con job.

Ok, tell us how it costs money to not spend money. Is it the pay of the guys putting the barricades around monuments and national parks?
Remember two years ago when Boehner said he got 99% of what he wanted? Well, if Boehner and Ryan are so excited about this deal, I'm very suspicious of it. No taxes for the rich, no unemployment for the jobless, and $23 billion in cuts from entitlements. Sounds to me like that dumb dem **** is caving into another con fuck. My bet is the Senate will add so many amendments it won't go through the house.

so, you only whine is they didn't give out more our monies for the unemployed under their RULE which has been over 7% for Six years, raise taxes even more..
lovely, typical left wing thinking

give give give give free money from us working Taxpayers and Raise more taxes on the people in this country
Spend spend spend, on subsidies to pharmaceutical companies, industrial military contractors, Wall Street bailouts, bank bailouts, real estate bailouts, wars, and then cut taxes on the rich so the middle class is enslaved with the debt you ran up. Oh, and destroy the economy while you're at it. Nice con job.

you just described the obama administration for the last 5 years.
Just like the far left who kicked the last of the moderates out over Obamacare, out their party?

The law that most people did not want and still do not want?

Carter was also responsible this:

On October 1, 1979, Carter announced before a television audience the existence of the Rapid Deployment Forces (RDF), a mobile fighting force capable of responding to worldwide trouble spots, without drawing on forces committed to NATO.

Rapid deployment force - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Also during the Carter presidency we openly saw the hijacking of the Democratic party by the far left.

That's loony tunes.

When it comes to the Jimmeh, :eusa_angel: One cannot call me a fan at the time. History
though shows you what you missed on the A days and B days and all I ask is don't make me turn him into an angel.

I'm with you. Jimmy brought the D party back to centrist Democrats as I have known them all my life.

He dealt with shit that would make Obama pale and I really do mean it that way. The crap on Carter's plate. AYE CARUMBA!

I really think he's been dealt a hard hand in polls because those of us who remember those days view him harshly.

But I look at the man and the times and wonder how did he do it? He had the worst handed him on a plate.

He did the best he could. I believe that with all my heart.

Yet all of that changed once Reagan took control.

Why is that?
Quite simply put Carter was never in control of the party. And they truly believed they controlled him. You have to understand Carter.

Bipartisan here. He was a micro manager. Bi partisan criticsm.

BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD FOR A President. He organized book times for tennis court times.
Quite simply put Carter was never in control of the party. And they truly believed they controlled him. You have to understand Carter.

Bipartisan here. He was a micro manager. Bi partisan criticsm.

BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD FOR A President. He organized book times for tennis court times.

Problem is, unless the guy is extremely flexible it's impossible for him to be a great president. An ideologue with no leadership experience is the last person you would want. Carter was a governor, so he had leadership in politics, but he felt that being Mr Niceguy to the enemy would win them over. He didn't realize that they tend to look down their noses at us automatically, due to their innate bigotry, and don't appreciate good intentions.

We needed strong leadership and instead we got self-reflection from Carter.
President Jimmy Carter: Added $299 billion, a 43% increase to the $699 billion debt level at the end of Ford's last budget, FY 1977.

FY 1981 - $90 billion.
FY 1980 - $81 billion.
FY 1979 - $55 billion.
FY 1978 - $73 billion.

President Ronald Reagan: Added $1.86 trillion, 186% increase to the $998 billion debt level at the end of Carter's last budget, FY 1981.

FY 1989 - $255 billion.
FY 1988 - $252 billion.
FY 1987 - $225 billion.
FY 1986 - $297 billion.
FY 1985 - $256 billion.
FY 1984 - $195 billion.
FY 1983 - $235 billion.
FY 1982 - $144 billion

Cons are the asshole spenders. Fucking sheep.
President Jimmy Carter: Added $299 billion, a 43% increase to the $699 billion debt level at the end of Ford's last budget, FY 1977.

FY 1981 - $90 billion.
FY 1980 - $81 billion.
FY 1979 - $55 billion.
FY 1978 - $73 billion.

President Ronald Reagan: Added $1.86 trillion, 186% increase to the $998 billion debt level at the end of Carter's last budget, FY 1981.

FY 1989 - $255 billion.
FY 1988 - $252 billion.
FY 1987 - $225 billion.
FY 1986 - $297 billion.
FY 1985 - $256 billion.
FY 1984 - $195 billion.
FY 1983 - $235 billion.
FY 1982 - $144 billion

Cons are the asshole spenders. Fucking sheep.

US Debt by President

in 5 years obama has added 7 trillion to the debt. by the time he leaves office, he will have added more to the debt than all previous presidents COMBINED.

you, as usual, are full of shit.

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