Boebert Leads GOP Effort To Defund Disinformation Council


Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas mentioned the creation of the board in multiple congressional hearings this week. In one, he linked it to efforts to combat misinformation from human smugglers. In another, he said it would be used to counter Russian cyber and election misinformation: “We have just established a mis- and disinformation governance board in the Department of Homeland Security to more effectively combat this threat, not only to election security but to our homeland security.”

So Boebert rather than actually fight human smugglers and Russians she wants to gut the US to protect themselves. Another Pro Russian fucking traitor...
What on earth would possess Dems from pursuing something this ridiculous and distracting this close to the Nov midterms? It's like Dems want to lose.

Blues, it is because they can NOT run on policy, so they need to control messaging.

No matter what Leftists on this board or across the country think, most Americans think that Leftist policy sucks. This is exactly why 70% of campaigning by Leftists is always about identity politics. Now that minorities are waking up to the scam in droves, the Left is forced to throw a hail mary pass to re-exert control over what is viewed.

Pretend you are a Leftist for about 5 minutes, and try to make a case for their policies, that is palatable to 60% of the American public. You can't do it!

I know this. You know this. And in fact; they know it too!
Blues, it is because they can NOT run on policy, so they need to control messaging.

No matter what Leftists on this board or across the country think, most Americans think that Leftist policy sucks. This is exactly why 70% of campaigning by Leftists is always about identity politics. Now that minorities are waking up to the scam in droves, the Left is forced to throw a hail mary pass to re-exert control over what is viewed.

Pretend you are a Leftist for about 5 minutes, and try to make a case for their policies, that is palatable to 60% of the American public. You can't do it!

I know this. You know this. And in fact; they know it too!
For Dem policies this bad they need the ability to implement news blackouts. declare the truth false and the ability to blame someone else for the damage their own policies produce.
Wrong, rational people know this is the fox guarding the henhouse. Given Dems track record of LYING it's even more concerning.
Since the republican disinformation bubble has become a threat to national security the government must do something even if it's just a toothless committee to keep track of the latest Russian conspiracy theories targeting the reactionary right.
Honest, rational people would see this and think: That's good, I don't like lies and deceit. Republicans see this and think: Oh crap! what if I get found out?
Prog politicians had near the whole media, TV and entertainment industries on their side working double overtime for years and decades. In Nov. of 2016 they went in overdrive. Clean as they virgin snow was the promotion. We know all the answers was the shrill responses. And it was nothing but lies as the people are suffering while Progs push gestapo ways on the people using the laws and departments enacted by both sides. All across the Western World the same patterns have emerged. Only the last vestiges of the Constitutional Republic kept us from moving as far as them. Nevertheless our blue areas have crossed the line in abusing citizen's rights as much as the so called redneck areas several decades ago were charged with. Just like we go back centuries by prog agendas on mistreatment of people there are many living today who are experiencing it and have. Payback is owed.
Go back in history and take a look at the governments who thought just like you do.
There has never been a government that thought just like me. I'm talking about the obviously false crap that has taken root in the right's collective stupidity. The QAnon crap is a good example. It's all deliberately cooked up to make the worst kind of paranoid lunatics contemplate violent insurrection. Should the government just ignore all that? If the right can't see a difference between the most ludicrous and dangerous conspiracy theories and normal everyday political discourse you have a serious problem on your hands.
There has never been a government that thought just like me. I'm talking about the obviously false crap that has taken root in the right's collective stupidity. The QAnon crap is a good example. It's all deliberately cooked up to make the worst kind of paranoid lunatics contemplate violent insurrection. Should the government just ignore all that? If the right can't see a difference between the most ludicrous and dangerous conspiracy theories and normal everyday political discourse you have a serious problem on your hands.
Obviously false......such as Trump Russia.....ummmm ummm.....

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