Boebert Brilliantly Points Out Why Desegregation Hurt The Military


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) vowed to defund “woke” federal agencies, and insisted right-wing Republicans have the "weapons to win this battle against actual evil" on the other side of the aisle, she said in a chilling speech Saturday at CPAC. Boebert vowed to hearty applause. "Every diversity, equity, inclusion program ... every woke initiative in our military ... must be uprooted and completely defunded,” she added. “We have truth on our side ... This fight has come to us. We didn’t ask for it, but we have the weapons to win this battle against actual evil."

Yes!! This is why Boebert is such a star in the GOP; she is not afraid to say what needs to be said. What the other cowardly so-called moderate RINOS are too afraid to say, but fully agree with...because they know she is right....All of this diversity and inclusion crap in the military has been killing and weakening our military for the past 75 years to be honest.

"A confidential memo to the president written by his special counsel, Clark Clifford said the Republicans would seek to regain the black voter loyalty that the party of Lincoln had lost to the party of Franklin D. Roosevelt. And he said black voters could be the margin of difference in several large states. So in February 1948, Truman called on Congress for "modern, comprehensive civil rights laws." - by executive order. A commission and other official groups began in January 1949, to work out goals and timetables. After a full year of pressure from the secretary of defense and black and liberal leaders, Army brass would only agree to "gradual integration," which a three-star general said publicly could take two or 50 years. Then came the Korean War. Before long, even many white commanders who opposed integration and equal opportunity were forced to give up their prejudices. The need for manpower became too great."

Conservatives were right to oppose this liberal woke crap back when it first reared its ugly head with desegregation of the military -- and they are right to oppose this inclusion and equality crap in the military needs to be uprooted and we need to return as far back in the past as possible....As soon as military were forced to allow these darkies in and treat them like they are real Americans -- all in the pursuit of "inclusion" and "equality" - the military has went downhill ever since.

We have been dealing with this woke-left evil inclusion and diversity crap for too long. And that is what these people are...they are evil, Satan himself...anyone who is on the side of diversity and inclusion is literally the whatever you need to do to stop these demons is justified. Good on Boebert for being brave enough to draw a line in the sand....and before you say "well, we don't mean we are against diversity in that way, blah blah" -- don't be afraid to stand up for your beliefs. So what if the left labels you a racist, or sexist, or whatever....Remember that they are evil and God is on your side, so that automatically makes your beliefs righteous and aligned with Jesus.

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) vowed to defund “woke” federal agencies, and insisted right-wing Republicans have the "weapons to win this battle against actual evil" on the other side of the aisle, she said in a chilling speech Saturday at CPAC. Boebert vowed to hearty applause. "Every diversity, equity, inclusion program ... every woke initiative in our military ... must be uprooted and completely defunded,” she added. “We have truth on our side ... This fight has come to us. We didn’t ask for it, but we have the weapons to win this battle against actual evil."

Yes!! This is why Boebert is such a star in the GOP; she is not afraid to say what needs to be said. What the other cowardly so-called moderate RINOS are too afraid to say, but fully agree with...because they know she is right....All of this diversity and inclusion crap in the military has been killing and weakening our military for the past 75 years to be honest.

"A confidential memo to the president written by his special counsel, Clark Clifford said the Republicans would seek to regain the black voter loyalty that the party of Lincoln had lost to the party of Franklin D. Roosevelt. And he said black voters could be the margin of difference in several large states. So in February 1948, Truman called on Congress for "modern, comprehensive civil rights laws." - by executive order. A commission and other official groups began in January 1949, to work out goals and timetables. After a full year of pressure from the secretary of defense and black and liberal leaders, Army brass would only agree to "gradual integration," which a three-star general said publicly could take two or 50 years. Then came the Korean War. Before long, even many white commanders who opposed integration and equal opportunity were forced to give up their prejudices. The need for manpower became too great."

Conservatives were right to oppose this liberal woke crap back when it first reared its ugly head with desegregation of the military -- and they are right to oppose this inclusion and equality crap in the military needs to be uprooted and we need to return as far back in the past as possible....As soon as military were forced to allow these darkies in and treat them like they are real Americans -- all in the pursuit of "inclusion" and "equality" - the military has went downhill ever since.

We have been dealing with this woke-left evil inclusion and diversity crap for too long. And that is what these people are...they are evil, Satan himself...anyone who is on the side of diversity and inclusion is literally the whatever you need to do to stop these demons is justified. Good on Boebert for being brave enough to draw a line in the sand....and before you say "well, we don't mean we are against diversity in that way, blah blah" -- don't be afraid to stand up for your beliefs. So what if the left labels you a racist, or sexist, or whatever....Remember that they are evil and God is on your side, so that automatically makes your beliefs righteous and aligned with Jesus.

Not seeing anywhere where Boebert said anything opposing desegregation.

OP and title is a total lie.
Not seeing anywhere where Boebert said anything opposing desegregation.

OP and title is a total lie.
Didnt say anything about being against diversity, in itself, either. Its forcing the shit on the military. AKA programs. Which is discrimination by itself.
But what else do you expect from that fruit cake?
Not seeing anywhere where Boebert said anything opposing desegregation.

OP and title is a total lie.
She is using the same "anti-diversity" "anti-equality" arguments today that Conservatives used in the past to fight against it -- when it involved integration....

But since you conservatives have been so thoroughly defeated on that -- yall pretend that conservatives never opposed fact, you cope with it by stupidly saying "but but but that was Democrats" -- as if we give a fuck....

You can't call "diversity" evil and then clutch your pearls when I remind you dumb asses that you folks have always been against it...
Any decision, literally, based on the pigment content of one's skin is fucking neanderthal.

With the proper application of the Transitive Property (a = b, b = c, then a = c) one could infer that the neo-marxist party that likes to fuck kids is.... wait for it..... neanderthal.

Math is math. Follow the mathematical science.
Desegregation ruined the public schools and the military. And just about everything else.
Didnt say anything about being against diversity, in itself, either. Its forcing the shit on the military. AKA programs. Which is discrimination by itself.
But what else do you expect from that fruit cake?
Do you understand that "desegregation" was "forced" on the least that is according to all of the conservatives back then......they literally used the same rhetoric Boebert is using now -- and for the same opposition to inclusion, in opposition to "diversity" --..that is why Civil Rights had to be "enforced" in the first place...I know you don't think it happened out of the kindness of hearts do you?

But I get folks think everyone outside of white men should have to wait until their rights are recognized....Conservatives, the same folks who wanted to overthrow government just because they lost an election -- they have the audacity to tell other people to wait on their rights until the most fragile mediocre white guy is able to deal with thanks....
Desegregation ruined the public schools and the military. And just about everything else.
I bet if I called you a Democrat -- you would be offended....

But why? Isn't that what you Conservatives claim Democrats are against? Desegregation?
She said nothing of the kind. This is the worst kind of sick twist the left can come up with. It beats talking about the state of the Nation under the blubbering idiot in the W.H.
I bet if I called you a Democrat -- you would be offended....

But why? Isn't that what you Conservatives claim Democrats are against? Desegregation?
Desegregation ruined the public schools with bussing and court ordered racial quotas. It turned a sustem that was great for Whites and bad for Blacks into bad for everybody.

There are a few good Blacks in the military but most are worthless shitheads.

Just like the rest of society.
Do you understand that "desegregation" was "forced" on the least that is according to all of the conservatives back then......they literally used the same rhetoric Boebert is using now -- and for the same opposition to inclusion, in opposition to "diversity" --..that is why Civil Rights had to be "enforced" in the first place...I know you don't think it happened out of the kindness of hearts do you?

But I get folks think everyone outside of white men should have to wait until their rights are recognized....Conservatives, the same folks who wanted to overthrow government just because they lost an election -- they have the audacity to tell other people to wait on their rights until the most fragile mediocre white guy is able to deal with thanks....
All I read was, " blah blah I just made shit up because im a whiny little bitch"
Can you point to anywhere in the article or in her speech she made any comment about race?
The OP chose to post a link referring to segration and that's all I needed.

The OP chose to post a link referring to segration and that's all I needed.

yes, the OP lied...there was nothing in the link about race
She is using the same "anti-diversity" "anti-equality" arguments today that Conservatives used in the past to fight against it -- when it involved integration....

But since you conservatives have been so thoroughly defeated on that -- yall pretend that conservatives never opposed fact, you cope with it by stupidly saying "but but but that was Democrats" -- as if we give a fuck....

You can't call "diversity" evil and then clutch your pearls when I remind you dumb asses that you folks have always been against it...
Woke equity crap has nothing to do with ”diversity”, it is anti-white racism.

The military has always been good at ignoring people’s skin colors which made it the least racist institution. New “equity” policies are destroying that progress that was made already.
A link to an article from 1998?
The OP needs to stop objecting to what I've referred to if he/she wants to avoid being accused of including racism.

And too, the very title contained a reference to 'segregation'.

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