BlueAnon: 34% of registered Democrats believe Trump faked his assassination attempt

We live in a dangerous world, but according to Progs its saving grace is one major party, and its adherents located in the United States of America. The flowers of humanity. Yet very few of their elites/richer citizens give up their wealth for the great socialist cause to their fellow comrades. They flaunt the green energy edicts, own weapons and have oceanfront properties and walls and armed security around their homes. And the suckers believe them. Inner city citizens bear the brunt of the viciousness in violence while groups including them have suffered from the Prog induced tax grabbing inflation. It's not complicated. They are frauds. Many of their politicians are stupid and self-important.
You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.
So Trump had an insider shoot at him 10 times to graze his ear and that was the the Trump assassination attempt false flag.

Anyone who believes Trump is the mastermind behind the shooting is a moron.

You DO know who we're talking about here, right? :dunno:
Scary that those fucks are just free to roam among normal people.
The DNC is a terrorist organization. Always has been, starting with Nathan Bedford Forrest establish the KKK in order to fight Republicans. Oh, yes, it was. Just like in Asscrackistan, Iran, Iraq, etc. They get the public fired up about something/someone, call them names, compare them to absolute evil, call them evil (sounding familiar yet?) and sooner or later some retard is going to snap.

Many of those suicide vest-toting idiots you read about in the ME and elsewhere are, literally, mentally retarded, unbalanced or mentally damaged. If they were 'bullied' in school, it was because of that.

socialists and dimocrap scum take advantage of them at every turn. Look at Greta Thunberg, ask any doctor or pediatric Nurse..... She's suffering from FAS (fetal alcohol syndrome). Look it up.

dimocrap scum, including the leader of the Party, and the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Marxist Media bad-mouth Trump every minute of every day. You can even see it in here. All these scumbags in here are doing is parroting the DNC and the DISGUSTING FILTH, but I repeat myself.

So why is it a surprise that some impressionable youngster, being weak-minded and gullible (typical dimocrap) might take action? I mean, how many times has it been asked in here about if you could travel back in time and kill Hitler. dimocrap scum call Trump 'Hitler' every day, several times a day. They say he's going to destroy 'democracy' start Wars, etc, etc, etc.

Trust me, believe me when I tell you -- dimocrap scum KNOW what they're doing when they talk that kind of shit. They KNOW that somebody, somewhere, is going to be moved to take action.

dimocraps are scum.

So Trump had an insider shoot at him 10 times to graze his ear and that was the the Trump assassination attempt false flag.

Anyone who believes Trump is the mastermind behind the shooting is a moron.
They think he masterminded an insurrection where the most heavily armed people on the planet brought flagpoles and zip ties.
The mental illness that is leftism is metastasizing rapidly and dangerously. There are many of these people right here on this very forum.

Our country is not safe with these people in it.

A conspiracy theory has run unabated in Democratic circles following the assassination attempt against former president Donald Trump on Saturday. It posits that Trump staged the shooting for a photo op, that the wound on his ear was caused by something other than an assassin's bullet, and that he was never in mortal danger.

It's a baseless conspiracy theory disproven by reams of documentary evidence and eyewitness accounts. And it's a belief held by one-third of the Democratic electorate.

One in three registered Democrats believe it is "credible" that the shooting Saturday in Butler, Pa., was staged and not intended to kill Trump, according to a Morning Consult poll released Monday. The findings show that large swaths of the Democratic base have fallen prey to the phenomenon known as "BlueAnon," a play on the far-right QAnon conspiracy theory that once gripped portions of the Republican base and served as an obsession of the mainstream media throughout the first Trump administration.

About 1 in 3 Democrats will vote for the most radical or demented person over Trump, and these people are so ignorant and gullible that they are hopeless. These would be the same 1 in 3 who think Trump faked his own assassination attempt.
The mental illness that is leftism is metastasizing rapidly and dangerously. There are many of these people right here on this very forum.

Our country is not safe with these people in it.

A conspiracy theory has run unabated in Democratic circles following the assassination attempt against former president Donald Trump on Saturday. It posits that Trump staged the shooting for a photo op, that the wound on his ear was caused by something other than an assassin's bullet, and that he was never in mortal danger.

It's a baseless conspiracy theory disproven by reams of documentary evidence and eyewitness accounts. And it's a belief held by one-third of the Democratic electorate.

One in three registered Democrats believe it is "credible" that the shooting Saturday in Butler, Pa., was staged and not intended to kill Trump, according to a Morning Consult poll released Monday. The findings show that large swaths of the Democratic base have fallen prey to the phenomenon known as "BlueAnon," a play on the far-right QAnon conspiracy theory that once gripped portions of the Republican base and served as an obsession of the mainstream media throughout the first Trump administration.

I doubt 34% of Dems actually believe anything that transparently absurd.

Ergo, the “polling” is likely the problem. Its methodology is undoubtedly invalid.
I doubt 34% of Dems actually believe anything that transparently absurd.

Ergo, the “polling” is likely the problem. Its methodology is undoubtedly invalid.
I believe it. There is a third of Democrats who are past all attempts at reason. They shut down any discussion that does not echo their false beliefs.
Quite the Trumper circle jerk you folks have going here

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