Blood Lions: A Call to Stop Canned Lion Hunting

The death of a beloved lion named Cecil, at the hands of an American hunter in Zimbabwe, struck a nerve around the globe. The debate about the ethics of that hunt still provokes strong emotions. On Wednesday, October 7th, MSNBC will focus on another side of the industry, the legal side. Blood Lions, a one hour documentary, takes viewers inside the seldom seen world of the “canned hunting” industry in South Africa.

With the help of Ian Michler, safari operator and environmental journalist and Rick Swazey, an American hunter, viewers will see inside the breeding farms where lions are bred for a variety of exploitative revenue streams.

“Our film is an exposé,” says Blood Lions director Bruce Young, “most of the lions exist in appalling conditions, exploited at every stage of their lives. Even the people in South Africa do not know that lions are being bred for the bullet – and that it is totally legal. We want to show the world what is going on, who is involved, the impact on the animals and how much money is being generated by this industry.”


Also known as captive bred lion hunting, canned hunts allow hunters to select their lion ahead of time and complete a hunt in a matter of just three days. Canned hunts provide a cheaper, faster, and a surefire way of hunting predatory animals, compared to wild lion hunts which may last weeks with a much lower probability of success. Americans are largely fueling the industry, with 62% of the trophies being imported into the United States, according to Humane Society International.

The documentary includes the perspective of both proponents of this practice who say that hunting helps preserve Africa’s lion population and conservationists who are quick to dispute that claim.

Catch the premiere of Blood Lions, Wednesday October 7th at 10pm ET on MSNBC.

"Blood Lions" premieres Wednesday October 7th on MSNBC

Blood Lions™ - A Call to Stop Canned Lion Hunting

Canned hunting is very dishonorable to the hunter and to the prey. Actually, canned hunting is not hunting - it's just killing, much like in a slaughterhouse.
This topic is so 6 months ago. Can we move forward? Liberals don't give a shit about this lion. We know why it's their topic. You're not taking our guns away.

Lions are threatened or endangered in every single population.
Lions are a keystone species.

Educate yourself.
I am not a leftward or a bleeding heart progressive

That doesn't mean that I don't love and care for all animal life!

Shame on all of you!

The animals have to be culled in order to maintain a healthy population,and the money goes to further that cause.
Another con who thinks this has anything to do with conservation.

Another moron liberal who doesnt understand that animals need to be culled from time to time to prevent starvation and over predation of local wildlife.

not lions. Plenty of gazelles, wildebeasts, buffalo to kill year long.

Lions and other big cats are not the only animals kept in cages for target practice by these asshole cowards. Certain ungulates are, as are other threatened and endangered animals.
I am not a leftward or a bleeding heart progressive

That doesn't mean that I don't love and care for all animal life!

Shame on all of you!

The animals have to be culled in order to maintain a healthy population,and the money goes to further that cause.
Another con who thinks this has anything to do with conservation.

Another moron liberal who doesnt understand that animals need to be culled from time to time to prevent starvation and over predation of local wildlife.

not lions. Plenty of gazelles, wildebeasts, buffalo to kill year long.

Lions and other big cats are not the only animals kept in cages for target practice by these asshole cowards. Certain ungulates are, as are other threatened and endangered animals.

and you have the dolphins kept in sea worlds small "pond"... you have the bull runs, cat and dog festivals in Asia, you have the rhino being hunted for its horn, elephants for its tusk/ivory, the list goes on and on........not to mention cats, mice, monkeys etc for testing.
The death of a beloved lion named Cecil, at the hands of an American hunter in Zimbabwe, struck a nerve around the globe. The debate about the ethics of that hunt still provokes strong emotions. On Wednesday, October 7th, MSNBC will focus on another side of the industry, the legal side. Blood Lions, a one hour documentary, takes viewers inside the seldom seen world of the “canned hunting” industry in South Africa.

With the help of Ian Michler, safari operator and environmental journalist and Rick Swazey, an American hunter, viewers will see inside the breeding farms where lions are bred for a variety of exploitative revenue streams.

“Our film is an exposé,” says Blood Lions director Bruce Young, “most of the lions exist in appalling conditions, exploited at every stage of their lives. Even the people in South Africa do not know that lions are being bred for the bullet – and that it is totally legal. We want to show the world what is going on, who is involved, the impact on the animals and how much money is being generated by this industry.”


Also known as captive bred lion hunting, canned hunts allow hunters to select their lion ahead of time and complete a hunt in a matter of just three days. Canned hunts provide a cheaper, faster, and a surefire way of hunting predatory animals, compared to wild lion hunts which may last weeks with a much lower probability of success. Americans are largely fueling the industry, with 62% of the trophies being imported into the United States, according to Humane Society International.

The documentary includes the perspective of both proponents of this practice who say that hunting helps preserve Africa’s lion population and conservationists who are quick to dispute that claim.

Catch the premiere of Blood Lions, Wednesday October 7th at 10pm ET on MSNBC.

"Blood Lions" premieres Wednesday October 7th on MSNBC

Blood Lions™ - A Call to Stop Canned Lion Hunting

Canned hunting is very dishonorable to the hunter and to the prey. Actually, canned hunting is not hunting - it's just killing, much like in a slaughterhouse.
I think they shoulders allow hunting but only when the pack or herd or gaggle or pod population are healthy. For example we are overfishing our oceans. There should be so many deer elephants lions wolves tigers mountain lions pigs or bear that we need to kill a few. And you always eat the meat.

I'm going deer hunting this weekend. A buck has to have 8 points. Any less we let it pass. Too young. And opening day is in November 15 to let them mate through mating season. That way you assure another generation. Don't worry bucks don't help raise their babies.

Well at least you're not spouting the usual lie about killing only the weak and old animals. At least you admit you want the trophy. Shameful.

About our oceans - just since the 70s, we have wiped out, caused the extinction of half of the species in our oceans. That means there are people reading this who are young enough that they will see our oceans dead.

The same is being done to land animals and it won't stop until every species is wiped out.
I'm bow hunting this weekend. Opening day next month is gun season. A lot harder to shoot a deer with a bow so they allow it now. Very strict rules. And it raises a lot of money. For example I just bought a $6500 quad and my bro just bought $100,000 piece of hunting property and that's just the start of it. All the gear the gas to get up north go out to eat get a hotel room. $1000 crossbows, guns, ammo. The economy would collapse without hunting.

Oh good grief.

Less than 6% of the population hunts. The effect on the economy is negligible.

If you're going to tell the lie that hunters fund actual conservation, forget it. Plinkers contribute more than hunters do.

And, just for the heck of it, why don't you treat your victim to a clean kill instead using a bow/arrow and then pretending to follow the blood trail until you're bored and stop at McDonald's on the way home.

I grew up with hunters ... Sound shots, gut shots, buck fever ... a bunch of impotent idiots who should stay home with their beer instead of trashing our wild areas.
The Myth of Trophy Hunting as Conservation

these dispel myths that hunting is conservation.
. If there was no hunting, there would be no conservation of our wildlife. Trust me, the animals don't mind; they don't have the intelligence to mind.

Just for you, I'll repeat the old saw from Vietnam days -

Killing for peace [or conservation] is like fucking for chastity.

Why don't you look up the actual numbers? If you do, you'll find that hunters don't contribute near as much as their PR says they do.
The animals have to be culled in order to maintain a healthy population,and the money goes to further that cause.
Another con who thinks this has anything to do with conservation.

Another moron liberal who doesnt understand that animals need to be culled from time to time to prevent starvation and over predation of local wildlife.

not lions. Plenty of gazelles, wildebeasts, buffalo to kill year long.

Lions and other big cats are not the only animals kept in cages for target practice by these asshole cowards. Certain ungulates are, as are other threatened and endangered animals.

and you have the dolphins kept in sea worlds small "pond"... you have the bull runs, cat and dog festivals in Asia, you have the rhino being hunted for its horn, elephants for its tusk/ivory, the list goes on and on........not to mention cats, mice, monkeys etc for testing.

The only animals that over-populate are human beings and the non-human animals they control.

Think about it.

We want animals to kill, pet, watch, wear, torture, experiment on, entertain us -

The worst thing that can happen to an animal is for human beings to take a liking to them. Look what happens to dog breeds when a Disney movie makes them popular.

Humans have no moral compass built in. Those who do live their lives ethically are called "bleeding hearts".
About the link to the canned hunts in Texasss - there are now more tigers in cages in Texasss as pets and/or waiting to be shot, than there are in the wild.

Anybody who tells you hunters do it for conservation is lying or stupid.
No really don't... Store bought meat is too full of steroids and hormones for my liking. The feed lots use these put weight on the stock.

why don't you become a semi-vegetarian like me?

I only eat fish and seafood and chicken :biggrin:
Those still have to be killed... Like I said I would rather do that myself, than pay someone else to do by buying it in a store.

why do you like killing so much Rustic? :cry:
It's not the killing it's the chase and being self sustaining and using what I harvest.
Like said it is one of the great joys in my life.
My culture has been doing it for centuries and it's still the same, plus you can't beat fresh venison.

its not a chase in canned hunting- the lions are drugged and confined inside fences while fat rich pigs shoot the helpless lion, often missing thus making it suffer minutes or hours or days in the case of Cecil.
Let me get this straight, you think you have a say in this industry??
First of all THE LIONS IN THESE CANNED HUNTS ARE OWNED PRIVATELY OWNED, like it not it is legal. They can do what they want. I don't like canned hunts, but at the same time I have no desire to tell someone else how and why hunt. It's none of your or my business what they do with their properties a half a world away... You dolt

This is meaningless topic for a crusade, blood lions, who came up with that? A child?
The control freeks need to tend to their own affairs...
No really don't... Store bought meat is too full of steroids and hormones for my liking. The feed lots use these put weight on the stock.

why don't you become a semi-vegetarian like me?

I only eat fish and seafood and chicken :biggrin:
Those still have to be killed... Like I said I would rather do that myself, than pay someone else to do by buying it in a store.

why do you like killing so much Rustic? :cry:
It's not the killing it's the chase and being self sustaining and using what I harvest.
Like said it is one of the great joys in my life.
My culture has been doing it for centuries and it's still the same, plus you can't beat fresh venison.

its not a chase in canned hunting- the lions are drugged and confined inside fences while fat rich pigs shoot the helpless lion, often missing thus making it suffer minutes or hours or days in the case of Cecil.
I never said there is chase in canned hunts.... Dolt
Time to outlaw killing all big cats and rare animals.

Agreed, but privately owned animals are a different story. The owners can do as they please, I have no desire to be involved in that decision.

Not my place...
It's animal cruelty - which is a predictor of human cruelty.

If You Want To Stop Violence Against People, Stop Violence Against Animals
Said the baby butchers... You can do better than that.
Washington redskin

You really are a heartless little person, aren't you!

Your fake ancestors drove whole herds of buffalo off of cliffs,took what they wanted and left the rest to rot.
I think you should be paying reparations.

They had primitive weapons and were just trying to survive. They used meat and hides. White hide hunters just slaughtered them with buffalo rifles and let the meat rot in the sun. Stone age people used torches to drive animals over cliffs.

totally different situation than today, we agree.
Says who? Why does it matter?
Mind your own affairs.
Liberals bitch and moan about our country interfering with other countries business but still want to interfere with other counties business.
yep and once an animal is gone, its gone forever. Look at how the big cat pop. numbers are dwindling just in the last 50 years.
Yes, conserve the wild populations... Leave the privately owned population to their owners discretion.
Quite meddling in others private affairs...

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