BLM Savages burn police station


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2013

south carolina blm savages strike again.
looks like just pissed off citizens, because of excessive force


south carolina blm savages strike again.

That's OK. Those are just good patriots using their mostly peaceful right to protest, attack, loot and burn everytime police try to arrest a leftwing thug. And call everyone a racist.

All part of the Democrats Bill of Rights. :smoke:

south carolina blm savages strike again.
O Puh-Leez...that's the Prowd Boyz for shur!

south carolina blm savages strike again.
O Puh-Leez...that's the Prowd Boyz for shur!
blm all holding their signs.

south carolina blm savages strike again.
looks like just pissed off citizens, because of excessive force

they just mad because anothe black from the hood got arrestedwith his brother from drug charges. read the article .

south carolina blm savages strike again.
O Puh-Leez...that's the Prowd Boyz for shur!
blm all holding their signs.
The Liberals will simply respond that this is a local, and not a national, problem.

south carolina blm savages strike again.
And right wing savages trashed the halls of congress..

south carolina blm savages strike again.
looks like just pissed off citizens, because of excessive force

They look like terrorists that should be shot or hanged for treason.

south carolina blm savages strike again.
O Puh-Leez...that's the Prowd Boyz for shur!
blm all holding their signs.
The Liberals will simply respond that this is a local, and not a national, problem.

Or they'll claim it's not a problem at all and you are just a mad trumper snowflake racist for even discussing this firey, but mostly peaceful protest.

south carolina blm savages strike again.
And right wing savages trashed the halls of congress..


Poor baby.

Examples of nasty savagery done by left wing assholes litter the internet. The examples go on and on and on of disgusting, destructive and shameful illegal behavior done by you little shits and you're stuck using this one bit of news over and over. And you have to lie about that.

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