BLM messing with the flag


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2013

what now tht blm and gay pride flags next to the american flag. what the hell?
It's Oregon.

what now tht blm and gay pride flags next to the american flag. what the hell?
It's Oregon.
WA did it last year too. :(

what now tht blm and gay pride flags next to the american flag. what the hell?
It's Oreg

what now tht blm and gay pride flags next to the american flag. what the hell?
It's Oregon.
WA did it last year too. :(
lord its creeping around

what now tht blm and gay pride flags next to the american flag. what the hell?
It's Oregon.
and you dont think it will get to your state?
Blm and it's supporters can suck shit. They don"t deserve to live in this great country. They have absolutely nothing positive to contribute.

Let them go whine in Africa. And good riddance. Enjoy your face full of flies-it's all you deserve.

what now tht blm and gay pride flags next to the american flag. what the hell?
It's Oregon.
Thank god I left that “ genetically damaged “ city of subhuman filth way back in 2016 ..before Antifa
Blm and it's supporters can suck shit. They don"t deserve to live in this great country. They have absolutely nothing positive to contribute.

Let them go whine in Africa. And good riddance. Enjoy your face full of flies-it's all you deserve.
Antifa is just as evil

what now tht blm and gay pride flags next to the american flag. what the hell?
Because they want to split America into different nations. They hate America, so they fly different colors, like Marxist BLM or “Pride” flag, none of which have historical significance in America’s history.
Blm and it's supporters can suck shit. They don"t deserve to live in this great country. They have absolutely nothing positive to contribute.

Let them go whine in Africa. And good riddance. Enjoy your face full of flies-it's all you deserve.

I'm pleased to see you are free of racism. How does that fit with your God?
You don't mind thrm paying taxes and going to war for you but because you assume they are democrats you get special dispensation to criticise.

what now tht blm and gay pride flags next to the american flag. what the hell?
It's Oregon.
and you dont think it will get to your state?
Not every state. As the nation rips apart some will still be American.
I wonder if the stars and stripes will be obsolete once the democrat devils add more states. After all, the stripes represent White (often male heterosexuals) explorers setting up civilization in the 13 original colonies in an often hostile environment.

what now tht blm and gay pride flags next to the american flag. what the hell?
It's Oregon.
and you dont think it will get to your state?
Not every state. As the nation rips apart some will still be American.

Where do you get the notion the country will tear apart? Because bidrn was elected? Communist hordes will takeover the capitol? God will act his revenge on democrats?

No president ever divided the country except trump and teachers who adhered to his ratbag theories carried it through through lack of knowledge. Then set about blaming blacks and Mexicans etc.

Sadly, you are completely oblivious to the problems. You hate democrats and would rather they be eliminated. Then you bellow about patriotism as if your wishes were legislated.
Get to the point. You cannot accept defeat and invent theories to blame democrats. Suck eggs.
Blm and it's supporters can suck shit. They don"t deserve to live in this great country. They have absolutely nothing positive to contribute.

Let them go whine in Africa. And good riddance. Enjoy your face full of flies-it's all you deserve.

I'm pleased to see you are free of racism. How does that fit with your God?
You don't mind thrm paying taxes and going to war for you but because you assume they are democrats you get special dispensation to criticise.
The truth is not racist (you know, that incredibly overused and now worthless word?).

These people (most) don't have time to work and pay taxes. They're too busy rioting, stealing, destroying other peoples' property and, of course, whining.

PS: my god is fine. HE hates lazy, worthless crybabies, too.

Have another glass of whine and enjoy the forum.
Blm and it's supporters can suck shit. They don"t deserve to live in this great country. They have absolutely nothing positive to contribute.

Let them go whine in Africa. And good riddance. Enjoy your face full of flies-it's all you deserve.

I'm pleased to see you are free of racism. How does that fit with your God?
You don't mind thrm paying taxes and going to war for you but because you assume they are democrats you get special dispensation to criticise.
The truth is not racist (you know, that incredibly overused and now worthless word?).

These people (most) don't have time to work and pay taxes. They're too busy rioting, stealing, destroying other peoples' property and, of course, whining.

PS: my god is fine. HE hates lazy, worthless crybabies, too.

Have another glass of whine and enjoy the forum.

I'll take you reply as a confession.
Blm and it's supporters can suck shit. They don"t deserve to live in this great country. They have absolutely nothing positive to contribute.

Let them go whine in Africa. And good riddance. Enjoy your face full of flies-it's all you deserve.

I'm pleased to see you are free of racism. How does that fit with your God?
You don't mind thrm paying taxes and going to war for you but because you assume they are democrats you get special dispensation to criticise.
The truth is not racist (you know, that incredibly overused and now worthless word?).

These people (most) don't have time to work and pay taxes. They're too busy rioting, stealing, destroying other peoples' property and, of course, whining.

PS: my god is fine. HE hates lazy, worthless crybabies, too.

Have another glass of whine and enjoy the forum.

The truth might be racist but racism is the truth.
I knew your frustration would burst into deliberately blaming them for everything but you've forgotten the republicans who stormed the capital. Yes republicans.
It's an episode you would rather not be mentioned. Of course you wouldn't blame trump for inciting violence. Perish the thought. Good godbotherers wouldn't venture down that path.
You resent anyone who you assume get welfare because you hate the thought of them getting anything but it's not racism is it? What a pig you are.
As a Republican it is nearly always hereditary to be racist and you know it.

Your God is another example of your hypocrisy. There is no God and even less evidence he has sent you messages as to what he feels about lazy crybabies. How arrogant and vain of you to think you have unique access to any God. That's a blatant lie.
It's you who does the hating. Don't put the blame in someone who can't defend themself. What a cop out.

How does your God feel about your racism and hatred? Do byou get special dispensation from heaven because they are black and democrats? Of course not but you take the liberty to do it because you know there is no God. You're just another redneck delusional Republican.

See if you can enjoy your altar wine now.

what now tht blm and gay pride flags next to the american flag. what the hell?
It's Oregon.
and you dont think it will get to your state?
Not every state. As the nation rips apart some will still be American.

Where do you get the notion the country will tear apart? Because bidrn was elected? Communist hordes will takeover the capitol? God will act his revenge on democrats?

No president ever divided the country except trump and teachers who adhered to his ratbag theories carried it through through lack of knowledge. Then set about blaming blacks and Mexicans etc.

Sadly, you are completely oblivious to the problems. You hate democrats and would rather they be eliminated. Then you bellow about patriotism as if your wishes were legislated.
Get to the point. You cannot accept defeat and invent theories to blame democrats. Suck eggs.
I don’t hate Democrats. I want them to stop burning and looting American cities and beating the shit out of people that don’t share their views.

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