BLM activist arrested for rioting at Capitol

You are a fool if you think only Trump supporters were involved in the “INSURRECTION” at the Capitol.

He was one of the main instigators inside smashing everything. He was screaming burn it all down...burn it down.

He is one of the best violent organizers around. Seen at many lefty kookoo rallies.He is a one man riot team.

All you need is around 20 to cause this. They were waiting for hrs nearby. They started to break in 20 min before Trump's speech ended. The CP were warned by the FBI, and also not told. My God.

This was a leftist coordinated scam attack to finally rid of us of TDS. They tried very other trick in the book.

This dope was interviewed by CNN and MSNBC as a film maker...LOLOL
But, but, but, I thought that AntiFa was in no way involved? That's what our oh so trustworthy leftist friends in here tell us whenever we bring it up....
Uh... you guys see any protestors fighting other protesters? Uh no. This was a counter protester who wanted to stop/fight the mob of 150,000 or millions if you believe Trump. You guys are able to follow these stories clearly, right?
And another

He wanted to attack the insurrectionists, not attack the Capitol of Florida. You guys are really confused.
This particular BLM activist was witnessed egging people on and INCITING them to violence. Hold on, this just in from the liberal news media...NEWS BLACKOUT ALERT!!
And another

He wanted to attack the insurrectionists, not attack the Capitol of Florida. You guys are really confused.

There's no confusion. This is leftist violence. It's occurring everywhere.
You are a fool if you think only Trump supporters were involved in the “INSURRECTION” at the Capitol.

Yes, we know you guys found one. This is like the 30th thread on it.

You're still ahead by well over 100×.
And another

That statist left religion of marxyism is a potent brew, even more intoxicating than booze & bath salts combined!
That bitch Pelosi had to get the impeachment done before any facts came the FBI warned the Capitol Police that a riot was being planned and that ANTIFABLM was involved.

This was NOT instigated and encouraged by Trump at the rally.

Fucking Dem lies.

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